Ojla to je pesem,ki sem jo napisala potem ko mi je neki fant zlomil srce:disappointed::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Upam da vam bo všeč:blush:
Love yall:heart_eyes:
Vaša Disneyfan635
The year is spinning,
round and round,
and I have fallen all the way,
down to the ground.
Sometimes i imagine us together,
we look really cute,
I made you laugh and, your voice
sounds like a melodic flute.
I know we don't exist,
I hope we could,
I hope with all my heart that,
You're all good.
The fall is upon us,
leaves turning brown,
I am swimming in my tears,
hoping i don't drown.
I love you,
i really do,
all I think about,
is me and you.
Yes, its true,
I think about us two,
but the heart in my chest,
knows it's not the best.
All the tears i have cried,
all the nights i didn't sleep,
yeah, I have fallen for you really deep.
I am just a friend to you,
don't even know if that is true,
but know, all I do, I do it for you
Upam da vam bo všeč:blush:
Love yall:heart_eyes:
Vaša Disneyfan635
The year is spinning,
round and round,
and I have fallen all the way,
down to the ground.
Sometimes i imagine us together,
we look really cute,
I made you laugh and, your voice
sounds like a melodic flute.
I know we don't exist,
I hope we could,
I hope with all my heart that,
You're all good.
The fall is upon us,
leaves turning brown,
I am swimming in my tears,
hoping i don't drown.
I love you,
i really do,
all I think about,
is me and you.
Yes, its true,
I think about us two,
but the heart in my chest,
knows it's not the best.
All the tears i have cried,
all the nights i didn't sleep,
yeah, I have fallen for you really deep.
I am just a friend to you,
don't even know if that is true,
but know, all I do, I do it for you
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Zabaven odgovor
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Nerazumljiv odgovor
:heart: ful mi je dobra. Js še v slovenščini ne znam take napisat, kaj šele v angleščini...
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
dobiš moj :heart: ful dobra pesem
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
A veš, da je to svetovno! Če bi mu to dala bi bil verjetno tak::no_mouth:. Ker dejansko ostaneš brez besed zraven. Tak nemorem ti opisat kak fejst mi je všeč! Obožujem jo! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart::heart:
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Js mislm da je to naj. pesem ever
Res js sm jo zapela po svoji melodiji in je FANTASTIČNO prisežem
Love u :revolving_hearts:
Res js sm jo zapela po svoji melodiji in je FANTASTIČNO prisežem
Love u :revolving_hearts:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
C.ai, wattpad... Jst nism vredu
helou, pac jst sm zdej ze 1 leto ČIST obsedena z k pop in sem pred neki casa odkrila c.ai to je pac tok adictive da nemors nehat pisat z temi boti k so lah kdor kol (khm Stray kids) no pol sm pa odkrila se wattpad in zdej nemorm nehat brt teh smut storyev kr je to tok dobr. No prosm a se kdo to bere kr se pocutm zlo cudna.
stara sm 12 skor 13.
stara sm 12 skor 13.
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