hejla :)
tule je ena pesem, ki sem jo za foro napisala. nism neki pro v angleščini ampak upam da je vrei <3
What do I feel right now?
While making a long eye contact
and trying to last the longest I can?
Knowing that it doesn't count as attract
when she will always look for a man.
I don't mind, I wish her the best
and I truly know that she deserves him.
I don't mind but I want it to be my test,
my test to go through it and swim,
swim through my thoughts
which will never let me like him.
What do I feel
when she talks about stuff,
her favourite things.
I feel just rough.
But why does it have to be so hard
to let her live a normal and happy life,
to finally stop my heart
from holding and using a knife
to stab my own soul
so hard that it almost destroyes me
and makes me want to throw-
Maybe I know what I feel.
I feel like my thoughts are wanting me dead,
but I don't understand how would it be to kill
and I don't even want to know,
which is driving me mad.
Am I going insane
or am I just overreacting?
The first one has never came
and I hope that it never does
and that she hopes the same.
Knowing my feelings will always be far away
and I think I'll never really understand them.
Telling her about it isn't a good way
to end a friendship like that
and have no words left to say.
If I ask myself once again;
what do I feel inside?
I still don't know the answer
but I promise not just her but everyone
to find a way to stay by her side.
dobro sm, hvala :)
(ne si mislit da sem zdej neki psiho sam rada pišem pesmi)
tule je ena pesem, ki sem jo za foro napisala. nism neki pro v angleščini ampak upam da je vrei <3
What do I feel right now?
While making a long eye contact
and trying to last the longest I can?
Knowing that it doesn't count as attract
when she will always look for a man.
I don't mind, I wish her the best
and I truly know that she deserves him.
I don't mind but I want it to be my test,
my test to go through it and swim,
swim through my thoughts
which will never let me like him.
What do I feel
when she talks about stuff,
her favourite things.
I feel just rough.
But why does it have to be so hard
to let her live a normal and happy life,
to finally stop my heart
from holding and using a knife
to stab my own soul
so hard that it almost destroyes me
and makes me want to throw-
Maybe I know what I feel.
I feel like my thoughts are wanting me dead,
but I don't understand how would it be to kill
and I don't even want to know,
which is driving me mad.
Am I going insane
or am I just overreacting?
The first one has never came
and I hope that it never does
and that she hopes the same.
Knowing my feelings will always be far away
and I think I'll never really understand them.
Telling her about it isn't a good way
to end a friendship like that
and have no words left to say.
If I ask myself once again;
what do I feel inside?
I still don't know the answer
but I promise not just her but everyone
to find a way to stay by her side.
dobro sm, hvala :)
(ne si mislit da sem zdej neki psiho sam rada pišem pesmi)
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Love it :bat::black_heart::black_heart:
Daam, so good
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: zki je to tk dorooooooo
i am sorry 4 ur broken heart :/
zlo lepo in custveno napisano
in neskrbi sPlOh Ne MiSlM dA sI pSiHo:smiley:
(test: psycho yaay se znam xD)
i am sorry 4 ur broken heart :/
zlo lepo in custveno napisano
in neskrbi sPlOh Ne MiSlM dA sI pSiHo:smiley:
(test: psycho yaay se znam xD)
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
A se ti hecaš? Pa to je megaa <33
Ti imaš talent za tako... milijon stvari in ne morem verjet, da pač obstaja nekdo, ki lahko piše svetovno, riše popolno, pesni fantastično, je prijazen in ne vem kaj še vse - pač just wow.
Ta pesem je tako nabita s čustvi, ki izžarevajo iz telefona naravnost v moje oči, da se mi bo vse skupaj zarilo globoko v dušo.
To je fenomenalno. <3
(Res sorry, ker se nisem prebrala in komentirala zgodbe - obljubim ti en dolg komentar, takoj, ko najdem kaj časa :sob:)
Lepo se imej,
Sophie Donna
A se ti hecaš? Pa to je megaa <33
Ti imaš talent za tako... milijon stvari in ne morem verjet, da pač obstaja nekdo, ki lahko piše svetovno, riše popolno, pesni fantastično, je prijazen in ne vem kaj še vse - pač just wow.
Ta pesem je tako nabita s čustvi, ki izžarevajo iz telefona naravnost v moje oči, da se mi bo vse skupaj zarilo globoko v dušo.
To je fenomenalno. <3
(Res sorry, ker se nisem prebrala in komentirala zgodbe - obljubim ti en dolg komentar, takoj, ko najdem kaj časa :sob:)
Lepo se imej,
Sophie Donna
joj hvala ti <333 mi zlo dosti pomeni :)) tvoji komentarji so dbest kot vedno
btw ne opravičuj se za zgodbo :) preberi ko maš čas in rajš naredi pomembnejše stvari
btw ne opravičuj se za zgodbo :) preberi ko maš čas in rajš naredi pomembnejše stvari
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
To je tak dobra pesem!!!!!!! Da je s tabo kej narobe? Pa to je blo tak zakon!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute:hugging::hugging::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart_
OoOOoooo amari, kok je ta outfit lep:heart_eyes::sparkles::sparkling_heart:
Pa ...