Jeffy Gets Bullied (pozor:če si občutljiv,pojdi stran!) 1. del
Cody: Um,the answer is 4.
Jackie Chu: Wrong,u dumb! The answer is not 4! The answer is 8,you have 8-4,take away the 4,and 8 is all thats left. Alright,understand crass?
Cody: That's not-
Jackie Chu: Alright crass,next problem. Alright we have a 2+2 equals...anybody? Baby 2! Because we have the mommy two and daddy 2 who love eachother very much,and they make baby 2. Okay,any questions? Alright next problem-
Jeffy: (Drawing with crayons)
Bully Bill: (Throws a paper ball at him) Hey r*tard!
(Jeffy ignores him)
Bully Bill: (Throws another paper ball at hi) I said,hey r*?tard!
Jeffy: I would greatly appreciate if you'd stop throwing paper balls at me,thanks. (goes back to drawing)
Bully Bill: (throws another paper ball at him)
Jeffy: Listen here motherf*cker,if you throw another goddamn paper ball at me,i will f*ck your sh*t up. I am not to be f*cked with! (goes back to drawing)
Bully Bill:Hey r*tard,nice helmet! (throws another paper ball at him)
Jeffy: You wanna die today,motherf*cker?
Bully Bill: Whoa,calm down,r*tard,i think you got your helmet on too tight!
Jeffy: Oh,you know what,i think it is,you wanna fix it for me? (bashes into Bully Bil,and procceds to beat him up)
Jackie Chu: Hey,you stop that! You stop that fight right now!
(Jeffy is beating Bully Bill up,while the class is watching)
Junior: Yeah Jeffy,you beat him up,you keep fighting him!
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gimnazija bežigrad +kgbl
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