Some inspiring Harry Potter quotes
*i*"Do not pity the death, Harry. Pity the living and above all, all those who live without love."*i*
- Dumbeldore
*i*"Happines can be found even in the darknes times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."*i*
- Dumbeldore
"*i*It does not to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live."*i*
*i*"Of course it's happening inside your had, but why does that means it can't be real?*i*
*i*"But know this; ones that love us never realy leave us."*i*
- Sirius
*i*"Do not pity the death, Harry. Pity the living and above all, all those who live without love."*i*
- Dumbeldore
*i*"Happines can be found even in the darknes times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."*i*
- Dumbeldore
"*i*It does not to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live."*i*
*i*"Of course it's happening inside your had, but why does that means it can't be real?*i*
*i*"But know this; ones that love us never realy leave us."*i*
- Sirius
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''I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist.''
- Harry Potter
''Eat. You'll feel better.''
- R. J. Lupin
- Harry Potter
''Eat. You'll feel better.''
- R. J. Lupin
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dumbledore was one wise man :) zadnji pa hits different
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precudiviti...res..brez besed :')
p.s.: ones that loves us never *truly* leave us. oprosti ker sem te popravila le te quote znam napamet in me je mal zmotl ko sm jih prebrala. pa se...happines can be faund even in the darkness *of the* time, if *only one* rememerss ** turn on the light. drugace pa precudovito, res :')
p.s.: ones that loves us never *truly* leave us. oprosti ker sem te popravila le te quote znam napamet in me je mal zmotl ko sm jih prebrala. pa se...happines can be faund even in the darkness *of the* time, if *only one* rememerss ** turn on the light. drugace pa precudovito, res :')
Sirius black
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