Res bi mi pomagali
Od vas bi rabila pomoč. V ponedeljek imam govorni nastop v angleščini in sem ravnokar sestavila besedilo. Zdaj pa bi rabila vse vas, ki znate dobro angkeščino, namreč moja nagleščina je obup, kakšno je tudi besedilo. Res bi bila presrečna če si si kdo vzel 10 minut in bi mi popravil beselilo(verjetno bi bilo potrebno popraviti čase, slovnične napake in res bi bila vesela, če bi besedilo malo poenostavili, daa nebi bilo toliko teških besed noter). Jaz res res upam da ne zahtevam preveč, ampak rešili me boste če mi popravite.
No tukaj je besedilo:
Hello, I am Xxxx and today I will tell you something about my future.When I grow up I wanna be a atress. I chose this job because I enyoy when I am playing. I can forgets everything else and contrecate just in my role. In this job you can become everybody and everyone and that is it, what do this job that special.
Actors express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television, and other performing arts media. They interpret a writer’s script to entertain or inform an audience. Depending on the type of role the player plays, a variety of masks, accessories and support are also used. Before the actors start playing, set designers, make-up artists and many others also have a lot of work to do.
Most actors struggle to find steady work, and few achieve recognition as stars. ACTORS PLAY IN THEATER AND IN MOVIES. Most actors have long periods of unemployment between roles and often do other work to be able to survive. Work assignments are usually short, ranging from 1 day to a few months. Some actors in touring companies may be employed for several years.
I wanted to become an actress from a young age, but when I started going to a theater club, my desire became even stronger.
The actor continues to do elementary school, of course. He then goes to high school. The choice of high school is not so important, gymnasiums are recommended, and in Slovenia we also have an Art Gymnasium, a drama and theater department. The actor then receives an appropriate education at the Academy of Theater, Radio, Film and Television. After completing hher studies,she acquires the title of university graduate actor. Actors who do not have a college degree may take acting or film classes to learn their craft. Community colleges, acting conservatories, and private film schools typically offer these classes. Many theater companies also have education programs.
Actor should have Creativity, Memorization skills,Persistence,Physical stamina,Reading skills and Speaking skills and they shouldn’t be shy.
I’m not sure if I’m good for this profession, but I think if you really want something, you’ll make an effort to do it. But I also enjoy being on stage and I think that’s an important point for success.
Od vas bi rabila pomoč. V ponedeljek imam govorni nastop v angleščini in sem ravnokar sestavila besedilo. Zdaj pa bi rabila vse vas, ki znate dobro angkeščino, namreč moja nagleščina je obup, kakšno je tudi besedilo. Res bi bila presrečna če si si kdo vzel 10 minut in bi mi popravil beselilo(verjetno bi bilo potrebno popraviti čase, slovnične napake in res bi bila vesela, če bi besedilo malo poenostavili, daa nebi bilo toliko teških besed noter). Jaz res res upam da ne zahtevam preveč, ampak rešili me boste če mi popravite.
No tukaj je besedilo:
Hello, I am Xxxx and today I will tell you something about my future.When I grow up I wanna be a atress. I chose this job because I enyoy when I am playing. I can forgets everything else and contrecate just in my role. In this job you can become everybody and everyone and that is it, what do this job that special.
Actors express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television, and other performing arts media. They interpret a writer’s script to entertain or inform an audience. Depending on the type of role the player plays, a variety of masks, accessories and support are also used. Before the actors start playing, set designers, make-up artists and many others also have a lot of work to do.
Most actors struggle to find steady work, and few achieve recognition as stars. ACTORS PLAY IN THEATER AND IN MOVIES. Most actors have long periods of unemployment between roles and often do other work to be able to survive. Work assignments are usually short, ranging from 1 day to a few months. Some actors in touring companies may be employed for several years.
I wanted to become an actress from a young age, but when I started going to a theater club, my desire became even stronger.
The actor continues to do elementary school, of course. He then goes to high school. The choice of high school is not so important, gymnasiums are recommended, and in Slovenia we also have an Art Gymnasium, a drama and theater department. The actor then receives an appropriate education at the Academy of Theater, Radio, Film and Television. After completing hher studies,she acquires the title of university graduate actor. Actors who do not have a college degree may take acting or film classes to learn their craft. Community colleges, acting conservatories, and private film schools typically offer these classes. Many theater companies also have education programs.
Actor should have Creativity, Memorization skills,Persistence,Physical stamina,Reading skills and Speaking skills and they shouldn’t be shy.
I’m not sure if I’m good for this profession, but I think if you really want something, you’ll make an effort to do it. But I also enjoy being on stage and I think that’s an important point for success.
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nisem šla celega popravljat ampak:I can forget everything and concentrate ONLY on my role, what MAKES that job special, enjoy ne enyoy. ostalega žal nimam časa preverjat:weary:. ampak vsaj to. upam, da kaj pomaga. tisto kar sem spremenila sem naredila z veliko.
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Nerazumljiv odgovor
Tudi jaz nisem mogla preveriti celega besedila ampak sem našla tole:
When I grow up, I want to be AN actress. upam da imam prav
lp LadyBugFAN
When I grow up, I want to be AN actress. upam da imam prav
lp LadyBugFAN
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
bom kratka in jedrnata.
mene ZELO skrbi in me briga kaj si drugi mislijo o meni. ampak kokr mene skrbi ni vec uredu.
vedno ko kam grem kjer so nepoznani ljudje se bojim da se mi smejejo in usak govor potiho mislim da je o meni (na slab nacin). ne morem zaupat sama sebi, jaz lahko znam za test vse, se veliko učim, snov razumem.. ampak ko dobim test pred sebe slisim samo še "nic vredna si ne bo ti uspelo" in potem je slabo. res slabo. Ampak to se samo še slabša. Včasih sem prenesla biti z nepoznanimi ljudmi v prostoru in sem se po nekaj časa sprostila, ampak zdaj nemorem biti niti več s prijatelji. zavračam povabila da bi se dobili, na rojstnih dneh sem večino tiho. Treniram nogomet in pred vsako tekmo in med vsako tekmo se zjokam, da ce kaj zafrknem me bojo judgali, se mi smejali.. nemorem več..
Kaj naj naredim?
hvala vsem:heart:
bom kratka in jedrnata.
mene ZELO skrbi in me briga kaj si drugi mislijo o meni. ampak kokr mene skrbi ni vec uredu.
vedno ko kam grem kjer so nepoznani ljudje se bojim da se mi smejejo in usak govor potiho mislim da je o meni (na slab nacin). ne morem zaupat sama sebi, jaz lahko znam za test vse, se veliko učim, snov razumem.. ampak ko dobim test pred sebe slisim samo še "nic vredna si ne bo ti uspelo" in potem je slabo. res slabo. Ampak to se samo še slabša. Včasih sem prenesla biti z nepoznanimi ljudmi v prostoru in sem se po nekaj časa sprostila, ampak zdaj nemorem biti niti več s prijatelji. zavračam povabila da bi se dobili, na rojstnih dneh sem večino tiho. Treniram nogomet in pred vsako tekmo in med vsako tekmo se zjokam, da ce kaj zafrknem me bojo judgali, se mi smejali.. nemorem več..
Kaj naj naredim?
hvala vsem:heart:
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Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.