hej! odločila sem se, da oprostite, kdo sem ne pišem več. to pa je nova zgodba, a je v angleščini. se opravičujem glede slovničnih napak že v naprej, a sem šesti razred tako, da ne znam tako dobro angleško. verjetno se boste spraševali zakaj potem ne grem pisati v slovenščini. odgovor: zdi se mi, da bo angleško bolje zvenelo.
Hi! We are Trinnity and Cortney. We're from quite a weird family. For us is only a little bit weird, but you will probably think it's the weirdest family on the world. The funny fact is, that we are not even from earth. In our family is every person from other planet, but we live on earth. Well it's not like EVERY SINGEL person is from other planet but we're not all from the same one. We are both from Elementary planet and our three brothers (John, Chris and Phil) are from Magic planet. They are: a wizard, an elf and a mag. Then there is our sister too. She is from Sea planet. She is a mermaid. Her name is Casie. Our mom is from the same planet as John, Chris and Phil. She is a fairy. Our dad on the other side is from Super heroes planet. He is Batman. 'Cause we are from Elementary planet we're Elementary twins. I (Trinnity) have power of water and I (Cortney) have power of fire.
Deli bodo bolj kratki saj so v angleščini. Iz istega razloga in tudi, ker pišem še na papir zraven bodo prihajali bolj redko.
Hi! We are Trinnity and Cortney. We're from quite a weird family. For us is only a little bit weird, but you will probably think it's the weirdest family on the world. The funny fact is, that we are not even from earth. In our family is every person from other planet, but we live on earth. Well it's not like EVERY SINGEL person is from other planet but we're not all from the same one. We are both from Elementary planet and our three brothers (John, Chris and Phil) are from Magic planet. They are: a wizard, an elf and a mag. Then there is our sister too. She is from Sea planet. She is a mermaid. Her name is Casie. Our mom is from the same planet as John, Chris and Phil. She is a fairy. Our dad on the other side is from Super heroes planet. He is Batman. 'Cause we are from Elementary planet we're Elementary twins. I (Trinnity) have power of water and I (Cortney) have power of fire.
Deli bodo bolj kratki saj so v angleščini. Iz istega razloga in tudi, ker pišem še na papir zraven bodo prihajali bolj redko.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
I love it! It's realy good, I reading and I am having fun and in the same time I am learning! This is soooooooo cool! The story is interesting and I realy like it! When Come out next part?
Upam, da je vse pravilno napisano :wink:
Upam, da je vse pravilno napisano :wink:
I love book
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
You write in english pretty good for sixth grade! I'm sure english teachers will find mistakes, but I don't see any! Very good! Write on!
Ly, No Name
Ly, No Name
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
veri kul
sam hecam se
very cool!
sam hecam se
very cool!
Galaxy Harmony
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
vse je slabo
Torej mam problem s staršema. Torej zame bi vsi rekl da sm ful srecna v zviljenu da mam ful fajne starse in da smo taka vesela družina. Ampak temu ni čist tko. Sj ne rečem kdaj se mamo res res fajn in takrt sm zlo srečna kdaj pa je vse slabo da mi gre cel dan na jok in zvečer se zjokam v pojstli. Torej mami včasih pije. Ima obdobje ko ne in takrat je super. Zdaj pa je spet obdobje ko skriva pijačo po sstanovanju in jaz sm že dost stara da vem kdaj je kaj pila ker se ji vidi po obnašanju. Sj ni grozno pijana mi pa to čisto nič ni všeč. Tud za očijem se vse večkrat kregata. Zdj je oči že 3 dni čist hladen in žalosten. Oba hočta to pred mano mal skrit ampak jima gre očitno bl slabo. Zdj je pa še oči najdu nek vin nekje skrit in je katastrofa. Prov otročja sta že. Recimo mami zameri in gre v sobo in ati skuha kosil in ona pol tega ne je in mi gre nasleden dan govort dda kaj zj on misl da je k je skuhal ta kosil. Pol mi zvecer ati rece bom naredu neki drudzga da ne bo presimpl da nav problemov in ja. In pač najbl slabo je to da je v hiši tok slb vibe da mi gre cel čs na jok. Vedno k se pogovarjata mi srce nabija da bo en znoru. Vem da se tud od drugih starši kregajo ampak vsi k jih js pozanm majo vsaj enga brata al pa sestro in to je pol mal lažje. Js sm pa edinka. PA še mami ma neke zdravstven težave in me je strah da ni kj narobe. Kaj nj ?? A nej se vmešam all nj rajš vse pustim prmir? A se še komu kj takega dgaja?
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