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značka Smetišnica: The Forest Mysteries Chronicle book 1 The Guardians of the Forest

The Forest Mysteries Chronicle book 1 The Guardians of the Forest

So this is for Zoey because she doesn't understand slovene. This is my story that i write in slovene in PISALNICA.

*i*The Forest Mysteries Chronicle*i*
*i*book 1*i*
*b*The Guardians of the Forest*b*

". . . so our brave expedition of explorers decided to explore the forest, which some call the Forest of Mysteries. The expedition took place on 5 August 1920. The return of our explorers is scheduled for 14 August 1920. But even a few days later, none of the researchers had returned. Some speculate that the disappearance of the expedition members is due to various creatures that some locals have seen. From then on, locals, tourists and anyone else was forbidden to go inside the forest. Various human security companies have decided. . . "
Kim put the old newspapers back in the dusty cardboard box in the attic. She pushed it back under the old table. The dust glistened in the reflection of the sun's rays.
Various images of mysterious creatures in the forest, which few people had noticed and described in many different ways, of mysterious shadows crawling on the cold forest floor like a black snake, were running through her mind.
Everything before her eyes blurred and a thick white fog began to surround her. Dark, mighty trees appeared around it. Their tops swayed in the cold evening wind. She sank deep into her imagination - her thoughts.
She saw herself standing alone among the silent trees. Standing in a soft clearing hidden deep inside the forest. In the forest, where people disappear for unknown reasons.
Everything in front of Kim's eyes was instantly erased. The thick, white fog dissipated into nothingness, and soon afterwards she saw the dusty attic she had been tidying up a few minutes earlier once again in front of her.
"Kim!!! Come downstairs again!" was heard under Kim's feet once more.
"I'm comming!" Kim slowly descended the steep, creaking stairs. The heat in the attic made wet sweat slip down her forehead. She went straight to the kitchen, where her mother was waiting for her.

For translate i used this if is something wrong in it please tell me:grin:.
When i read it i saw thatinstead of "I'm comming" it was "I'm showering" lol:joy:.
So yeah. It doesn't make everithing right:joy:.
If u want next part please tell me:blush:!
Oh and here is how Kim looks like



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omg thank you so much. I will read it..thanks
No problem 😁👌♥️

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hval vam res če boste pomagale .
No karkoli to ni dekliška težava ampak bi vas vprašala, pač no zelo bi rada pomagala zavetiśču ker se mi tam živali smilijo, zavetišču sem sporočilo že poslala ampak mi ne odgovorijo.In ne vem kaj narediti.Je pa tud drug poroblem, da si želim imeti še eno kužiko (eno že imamo 0 iz zavetišča in nevem kako jo prepričati. No kakorkoli bom vsakega odgovora vesela.:horse:

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