Please help me!
Bestie without a bestie.
I had a friend, best friend. We were bestfriends sense 3rd grade. He is the most poular boy in our class. Eventually other guys in our class bullied me because they tought i had a crush on him. They seid very inappropriate things about me and sexualy harassed me(they say i slept with him and those kind of things), he didnt do anything. We had a tallk with a teacher multiple times but nothing helped. But 2 years ago (6th grade) it became too hard for me. So over the summer I decided i will pretend to hate him. And it worked. He asked me why i hate him multiple times. I couldn't think of an ansewer. This year i miss him the most but now he hates me. It breakes my heard when i see how he laugh when other guys bullie me. I can't tell him, cus its been over a year now. I feel like a terrible person. I even blocked and deleted his number. Now he is my biggest bullie, and i am scared of him and i know its my foult and i totallydesrve it but i got insecure becouse of this. I sometimes catch him starring at me. I dont know what to do:cry:
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Explain it to him. Immidiately. Then both of you decide how will this continue: same, old or different relatshionship.
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