Would you rather:
Date Cedric or Harry
Date Loona or Hermione
Be friends with Draco or Blaise
Be friends with Ginny or Nymphadora
Be your mom Molly or Andromeda
Be your dad Lupin or Sirius
Have a sleepover with Dean or Seamus
Have a sleepover with Cho or Lavander
Go to the jule ball with Fred or George
Go to the jule ball with Fleur or Pansy
Go on a vacation with Ron or Oliver
Go on a vacation with Lilly or Petunia
Be your tutor Dumbledore or Hagrid
Be your tutor Minerva or Sybill
Delphi or Bellatrix
Voldemort or Lucius
Tom or Mattheo
Dolores or Narcissa
Date Cedric or Harry
Date Loona or Hermione
Be friends with Draco or Blaise
Be friends with Ginny or Nymphadora
Be your mom Molly or Andromeda
Be your dad Lupin or Sirius
Have a sleepover with Dean or Seamus
Have a sleepover with Cho or Lavander
Go to the jule ball with Fred or George
Go to the jule ball with Fleur or Pansy
Go on a vacation with Ron or Oliver
Go on a vacation with Lilly or Petunia
Be your tutor Dumbledore or Hagrid
Be your tutor Minerva or Sybill
Delphi or Bellatrix
Voldemort or Lucius
Tom or Mattheo
Dolores or Narcissa
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Date Harry
Date Hermione
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Nymphadora
Be my mom Andromeda
Be my dad Sirius
Have a sleepover with Dean
Have a sleepover with Lavender
Go to the yule ball with Fred
Go to the yule ball with Fleur
Go on a vacation with Ron
Go on a vacation with Lily
Be my tutor Dumbledore
Be by tutor Minerva
Tom (who da hell je matheo?)
P.S.: Zelo dobra igra, mimogrede!
Date Hermione
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Nymphadora
Be my mom Andromeda
Be my dad Sirius
Have a sleepover with Dean
Have a sleepover with Lavender
Go to the yule ball with Fred
Go to the yule ball with Fleur
Go on a vacation with Ron
Go on a vacation with Lily
Be my tutor Dumbledore
Be by tutor Minerva
Tom (who da hell je matheo?)
P.S.: Zelo dobra igra, mimogrede!
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Date Cedric
Date Hermione
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Nymphadora
Be your mom Andromeda
Be your dad Sirius
Have a sleepover with Seamus
Have a sleepover with Cho
Go to the jule ball with George
Go to the jule ball with Fleur
Go on a vacation with Ron
Go on a vacation with Lilly
Be your tutor Dumbledore
Be your tutor Minerva
Date Hermione
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Nymphadora
Be your mom Andromeda
Be your dad Sirius
Have a sleepover with Seamus
Have a sleepover with Cho
Go to the jule ball with George
Go to the jule ball with Fleur
Go on a vacation with Ron
Go on a vacation with Lilly
Be your tutor Dumbledore
Be your tutor Minerva
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Date Harry
Date Loona
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Ginny
Be my mom Molly
Be my dad Lupin
Have a sleepover with Dean
Have a sleepover with Lavender
Go to julle ball with George
Go to julle ball with Fleur
Go on vacation with Ron
Go on vacation with Lily
Be your tutor Minerva, Dumbeldore
P.S.: Men je ta igra ful dobra
Date Loona
Be friends with Draco
Be friends with Ginny
Be my mom Molly
Be my dad Lupin
Have a sleepover with Dean
Have a sleepover with Lavender
Go to julle ball with George
Go to julle ball with Fleur
Go on vacation with Ron
Go on vacation with Lily
Be your tutor Minerva, Dumbeldore
P.S.: Men je ta igra ful dobra
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Obarvan tekst= moja izbira
Date Cedric or *b*Harry*b*
Date Loona or *b*Hermione*b*
Be friends with *b*Draco*b* or Blaise
Be friends with *b*Ginny*b* or Nymphadora
Be your mom *b*Molly*b* or Andromeda
Be your dad Lupin or *b*Sirius*b*
Have a sleepover with Dean or *b*Seamus*b*
Have a sleepover with *b*Cho*b* or Lavander
Go to the jule ball with Fred or *b*George*b*
Go to the jule ball with *b*Fleur*b* or Pansy
Go on a vacation with *b*Ron*b* or Oliver
Go on a vacation with *b*Lilly*b* or Petunia
Be your tutor *b*Dumbledore*b* or Hagrid
Be your tutor *b*Minerva*b* or Sybill
Date Cedric or *b*Harry*b*
Date Loona or *b*Hermione*b*
Be friends with *b*Draco*b* or Blaise
Be friends with *b*Ginny*b* or Nymphadora
Be your mom *b*Molly*b* or Andromeda
Be your dad Lupin or *b*Sirius*b*
Have a sleepover with Dean or *b*Seamus*b*
Have a sleepover with *b*Cho*b* or Lavander
Go to the jule ball with Fred or *b*George*b*
Go to the jule ball with *b*Fleur*b* or Pansy
Go on a vacation with *b*Ron*b* or Oliver
Go on a vacation with *b*Lilly*b* or Petunia
Be your tutor *b*Dumbledore*b* or Hagrid
Be your tutor *b*Minerva*b* or Sybill
Moj odgovor:
Someone who want boy bff
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Bff moškega spola
jaz bi res rada tud bff fanta. mam že bestico in ona ima tudi fante kot bff in bi res rada tud jaz. Imam par prijateljev,ki so fantje samo ne vem kako jih vprašati. Like a je 6 let ok razlika za bff? oz. kaj manj tudi ampak nanstarejši je 6 let starejšiMi poveste kako vprašat.
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
jaz sem misla, da je stephan dober, upala ...
...medtem pa se jaz vozim v prtljazniku avta ...
Veš, o tem nisem ravno prepričana.:thinking::thinking::confused::rolling_eyes::person_frow
Veš, o tem nisem ravno prepričana.:thinking::thinking::confused::rolling_eyes::person_frow