Naslednji Pil izide 6. decembra
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značka Pilov blog: A little blog about everything:)

A little blog about everything:)

Majhna blogerca
Hey guys!
This is part 2 and I'm really happy that I kept writing a blog because it's really fun um yeah so today we are going to be talking about... Organization!

It's already 28 of August so that means that school starts soon and we will need to be organized!!

I (again) did a little research and I will tell you about some tips that could help you be organized
hope this helps you!

*b*Tip number 1*b*
Keep your workstation clean because this will help you! If you have it messy you will just be stressed and you won't be in a good mood so keep it clean. Please

*b*Tip number 2!*b*
Have a plan or a schedule.
It will help because you will remember everything you need to do. I know everyone has a different kind of plan or schedule whatever so try finding your way of doing it and it will help you,
I mean it helps me:)!

*b*Tip number three*b*
put everything in its place if you want to be organized you need to keep things in their place because you will do everything much faster because it won't be like oh shit where are my pencils, oh shit where is my notebook, ...
also if you have any box or something like that, put pencils, highlighters, pens, etc. in there well or in a pencil case.

*b*Tip number 4*b*

get rid of clutter! Not too not long ago I saw like a pin or something how it and which things to throw away so...

just a second lemme get it...

So throw it away if it has no value, it's not usable, or if it's damaged/worn out.

Donate it if you haven't used it in a long time or you just don't like it anymore, have other similar things you favor more, or if it doesn't add significant value to your life.

Keep it if
you like it and you use it, if it adds a significant value to your life, and if you don't already have too many items like this.

*b*OK so this number five*b*

I found this on a website called wikiHow
put important dates in a calendar! get a calendar and hang it in a spot where you can look at the daily such as a kitchen.
Make it a habit to check it every day, like in the morning.
Use colour codes like red for more important dates and yellow for less important dates if you're using a calendar app on your phone you can set a reminder for a few days or a few hours in advance so you don't forget an important date. You can also use other organizing apps on your phone.

*b*Tip number 6*b*
Prepare your clothing for the next day!
believe me, this will help
I'm a girl and maybe I'm the only one or something but I need like 15 minutes to pick what I want to wear and yes that's why I’m late for the bus.
am so I started doing this like half a year ago.
I prepare my clothing in the evening and in the morning I just put it on and it's much better and faster.

*b*Tip number 7*b*
Keep your keys, phone, wallet, etc. in the same place!
The best spot is near the entryway, so you don't have to search for them.

*b*Tip number 8*b*
Do things now!
Don't say I'll do it later!!
Even if it takes extra time to finish it!
Do it!

*b*Tip number 9*b*
(copied from How to be more organized.
Start each day with a routine even if it takes a few minutes to do.
this might look something like this:
B. A brisk walk
C. Breakfast
D. Reading something inspirational or journaling

That’s all for today!
Recommend what should I write about next:)!


Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
odlično :))

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Sporočilo pred pošiljanjem še enkrat preberi in premisli, kako bi se ti počutil, če bi ga prejel.

Pilov blog


Lyrics for ya 13. del

Ogledov: 34 Odgovorov: 1

Ta fajni blog ♡ 29. del

Ogledov: 45 Odgovorov: 2

Oh ta šola! 2. del

Ogledov: 42 Odgovorov: 2

🖤Dragi dnevnik!🖤 12. del

Ogledov: 45 Odgovorov: 3

Lyrics for ya 12. del

Ogledov: 31 Odgovorov: 1

Oh ta šola! 1. del

Ogledov: 60 Odgovorov: 2

Lyrics for ya 11. del

Ogledov: 44 Odgovorov: 1

Lyrics for ya 10. del

Ogledov: 50 Odgovorov: 1
idkkk potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v



gremo k bistvu. pr slovi se morm tko dosz hitr naucit to zfodovino slovenskega jezika. je tko ful dost. kok nj se to ucim? napiflam al kako. nemorem se sploh nevem kaj naj naredim. lepi bi prosila za pomic cimvec odgovorov saj bi mi res zelo pomagalo. veliko stvari imam in sem zelo v stresu. hvala za pomoc

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Zadnji odgovori

kok je cute!!!!!!!:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:
smol hands, love it
meni so take stvari tok všeč 🤩🤩🤩 like vsa ...
konec je bil tok vrhunskiii :sob::sob::sob::sob: ...
lovam ta outfit:smiley::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:
Black pinkkkk
black pink:black_heart:
Hej,rada bi se prijavila,superrrrrrrrrrr ...
wow:heart_eyes:izjemno je:sparkles: