I was on the beach and I was painting the end. Oh and I practised the guitar.
Man, I can't figure out what to write about. I'm sitting on the couch and thinking about what should I write about.
I have nothing on my mind.
why does my dog snore so loud?! Let me know in the comments if your dog is a loud snorer too.
I got a couple of sentences more. Yey.
What will you have for dinner?
I am probably having cereals or something. Oh and I just ate bread and Nutella(like you needed
to know this lmao)
shit, I have 3%.
Ok, I'm charging it.
How many books did you read this summer?
I read like 5/6 on the e-reader.
Are you guys happy that school is starting or like noooooo why!! because I miss my friends but I don't miss classes and waking up at flipping 6 am.
I miss the library and librarian lady too.
everyone is saying she's annoying but she's really nice to me! Maybe because I'm the only one that doesn't throw books in the class...
Ohh and I have got a few questions
so what was your favourite book you read this summer?:books:
what was your favourite film you watched this summer:clapper::movie_camera::film_frames::projector:
what was your favourite spot you were at this summer?:place_of_worship::beach:
What was your favourite food this summer?:watermelon::spaghetti::hotdog::avocado::salad:
What was your favourite drink this summer?🥤🧉
What was your favourite sport this summer?:swimmer::horse_racing::soccer::badminton::ping_pong::bow_and_arrow:🧗:surfer:♂️:rowboat:♂️:lifter::basketball_player:♀️:mountain_bicyclist:♀️
And the final-
what was your favourite plant this summer?🪴
That's all! Sorry for the short blog but as I told you in the beginning I am really not in a mood(sorry)...
To je bilo napisano vceraj(moram it, ker nimam vec mobilnih podatkov)
Man, I can't figure out what to write about. I'm sitting on the couch and thinking about what should I write about.
I have nothing on my mind.
why does my dog snore so loud?! Let me know in the comments if your dog is a loud snorer too.
I got a couple of sentences more. Yey.
What will you have for dinner?
I am probably having cereals or something. Oh and I just ate bread and Nutella(like you needed
to know this lmao)
shit, I have 3%.
Ok, I'm charging it.
How many books did you read this summer?
I read like 5/6 on the e-reader.
Are you guys happy that school is starting or like noooooo why!! because I miss my friends but I don't miss classes and waking up at flipping 6 am.
I miss the library and librarian lady too.
everyone is saying she's annoying but she's really nice to me! Maybe because I'm the only one that doesn't throw books in the class...
Ohh and I have got a few questions
so what was your favourite book you read this summer?:books:
what was your favourite film you watched this summer:clapper::movie_camera::film_frames::projector:
what was your favourite spot you were at this summer?:place_of_worship::beach:
What was your favourite food this summer?:watermelon::spaghetti::hotdog::avocado::salad:
What was your favourite drink this summer?🥤🧉
What was your favourite sport this summer?:swimmer::horse_racing::soccer::badminton::ping_pong::bow_and_arrow:🧗:surfer:♂️:rowboat:♂️:lifter::basketball_player:♀️:mountain_bicyclist:♀️
And the final-
what was your favourite plant this summer?🪴
That's all! Sorry for the short blog but as I told you in the beginning I am really not in a mood(sorry)...
To je bilo napisano vceraj(moram it, ker nimam vec mobilnih podatkov)
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
se opravicujem, prvi odstavek ne pase tja.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
1. Emm, verjetno zbirka treh knjig ki sem jo prebrala v poljščini, ali pa "Skrivno društvo KRVZ" ampak sem to knjigo brala na začetku počitnic.
2. Verjetno Shrek ali pa The secret live of pets, oba sem pogledala z mojim mlajšim bratcom.
3. Hotel na morju, tja gremo vsako leto in nas tam že vsi poznajo.
4. Icecreammm
5. Cocta/Cedevita
6. Kolesarjenje in plezanje.
7. Palma
In super del!
2. Verjetno Shrek ali pa The secret live of pets, oba sem pogledala z mojim mlajšim bratcom.
3. Hotel na morju, tja gremo vsako leto in nas tam že vsi poznajo.
4. Icecreammm
5. Cocta/Cedevita
6. Kolesarjenje in plezanje.
7. Palma
In super del!
Oprosti za krajsi del, ravno smo prispeli cez mejo(torej sem lahko vklopila podatke)
Sorry za slovnicne napake
Oprosti za krajsi del, ravno smo prispeli cez mejo(torej sem lahko vklopila podatke)
Sorry za slovnicne napake
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
čisto dobro je:)) <3
1. serija knjig izbira
2. krivec
3. morje ;)
4. grozdje
5. fanta
6. potapljanje
7. palma
1. serija knjig izbira
2. krivec
3. morje ;)
4. grozdje
5. fanta
6. potapljanje
7. palma
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Ne vem
kako naj shujšam?
prosim vas za nasvete kako shujšati. ne morem manj jesti, saj mi starši ne pustijo imam 4 obroke na dan in tega ne morem zmanjševati.
telovaditi tudi ne morem veliko, saj starši ne smejo ugotoviti, da hujšam, saj so proti.
starša svojega mnenja ne bodo spremenili ; ne smem hujšati, tako da pogovor z njimi odpade.
kaj so naravni načini, da izgubim težo, brez veliko telovadbe in brez zmanjsevanja obrokov?
vesela bom vsakega predloga
hvala vsakemu, ki mi bo pomagal.
prosim vas za nasvete kako shujšati. ne morem manj jesti, saj mi starši ne pustijo imam 4 obroke na dan in tega ne morem zmanjševati.
telovaditi tudi ne morem veliko, saj starši ne smejo ugotoviti, da hujšam, saj so proti.
starša svojega mnenja ne bodo spremenili ; ne smem hujšati, tako da pogovor z njimi odpade.
kaj so naravni načini, da izgubim težo, brez veliko telovadbe in brez zmanjsevanja obrokov?
vesela bom vsakega predloga
hvala vsakemu, ki mi bo pomagal.
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
ej ful je dobr men je vsec ker ni vec raka ...
ej ful je dobr men je vsec ker ni vec raka ...