The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Hej, a je kdo tu prebral The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo? Ali slovensko Sedem mož Evelyn Hugo? Jaz sem si to eno leto nazaj kupila v Nemčiji in takrat prebrala prvič, včeraj pa sem jo vzela s police in jo šla še enkrat prebrati in sem celo v enem dnevu prebrala, enako amazing je bilo kot prvič kot sem jo prebrala, spet sem se jokala.... Zdaj bom malo bluzila o tej knjigi, vseeno mi je če bo to kdo prebral, samo morem spraviti te misli iz svoje glave. Pa v totem bluzenju bodo tudi spoilers, samo ne tak veliki, da bi vam pokvarili knjigo. Če pa mislite brati, pa nočete imeti spoilerjev, rajši ne berite tega.
Če koga zanima opis:
Monique Grant je journalist (nevem kak je v slo, samo to je tisto, ko pišeš članke v časopisih in revijah), dela za revijo (/časopis) Vivant. Evelyn Hugo je ena največjih Hollywoodskih zvezd v tem svetu. Znana je po svoji neverjetni lepoti, svojih filmih in po... Po tem, da se je sedemkrat poročila and she outlived all of her husbands. Refusa davati intervjuje, dokler se nenadoma je odloči, da bo dala intervju z zvezi s tem, da oddaja svoje obleke za namene raziskovanja raka na prsih, kar je ubilo njeno hčerko. Odloči se, da bo dala intervju za Vivant. Ponudijo ji najboljše writers, kar jih imajo, ampak Evelyn zahteva neznano Monique Grant. Monique se bori z ločitvijo, ko pristane na to. Evelyn in Monique se prvič srečata in Evelyn pove resnico: da ne misli dati intervjuja za Vivant. Želi povedati svojo življensko zgodbo in želi da Monique o njej napiše knjigo. Monique se seveda sprašuje zakaj je Evelyn tako želela njo. Obstaja razlog of course. In potem ji Evelyn začne pripovedovati svojo zgodbo...
To je torej opis, če vam zveni zanimivo, preberite, ne bo vam žal, I swear. Tota knjiga je tak deep glede VSEGA.
Evelyn Hugo je imela 7 mož, a kdo je bil ljubezen njenega življenja?
"Evelyn, who was your greatest love?"
"Celia St. James"
Evelyn in Celia... zdaj se bom začela jokati, ko to pišem in razmišljam o njiju.
I want someone to love me the way Evelyn Hugo and Celia St. James loved each other.
("If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you")
"Evelyn Hugo was bisexual and spent the majority of her life madly in love with fellow actress Celia St. James"
"So you want to come out as a gay woman with this book?" (Something like that)
"I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box"
I want to be as good friend to someone as Evelyn and Harry were.
Ne morem verjeti kako je ta knjiga dobro napisana:sob:. The fact that Evelyn and Celia were in love from 1959 to 2000 and Evelyn never stopped loving Celia even though she was gone:sob::sob::sob:.
V tej knjigi je toliko messages, I swear. Feminism, the fact that Evelyn *i* knew *i* her power, she used it, she always got what she wanted. She got divorced from Don, because he was abusing her and that's such an incredible message, because a lot of women stay in abusing relationships because they have no choice and maybe they feel better because Evelyn did, maybe it convinced them that they can do it, too. Pa all the LGBTQ+ messages:sob::sob:. "I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box" Da sta mogli Evelyn in Celia toliko žrtvovati. Da Evelyn ni mogla odkrito ljubiti ljubezni svojega življenja, ker bi ji to totalno uničilo kariero. All the choices she made to protect that secret. The way Celia was a little biphobic "when she loved me, I was a lesbian. When she was mad at me, I was a straight woman" and then she was okay with it and acknowleged that Evelyn was bi and not gay. When Evelyn realized that people would be okay with Harry and John sharing Evelyn and Celia, but they wouldn't be okay if they knew they were monogamous and queer. "We were like two heterosexual couples without a heterosexual in the bunch" (something along these lines) Stonewall Riots. Ko so gledali/poslušali o tem in je Celia želela se pridružiti, ampak so vsi vedeli, da ne morejo in so od takrat dalje fundirali LGBTQ+ organizacije:sob:. Pa the way Max would be okay if Evelyn cheated on him, but the thing that wasn't okay to him was that she was a "lesbian", čeprav ni bila, ampak ja, on je bil kreten, ki ni vedel, da je Evelyn lahko bi, pa keri kreten ko mu je rekla da ni lesbian pa je bil tak "don'r be a self hating lesbian, Evelyn". Pa the fact that he married her just for the image of her but always claimed that he was in love with her for years ("leave him, ma belle" "I love you" you didn't love her, you idiot, you loved the idea of her, you loved how much fame it would bring you if the world knew you married Evelyn Hugo and was sleeping with her).
Harry's fate... Why?:sob: He just fell in love again and then that:sob::sob: pa the fact s kom je bilo to, koga je Evelyn prestavila v voznikov sedež in ko je Monique izvedela:sob::sob:
Rest in peace, John Braverman
Rest in peace, Harry Cameron
Rest in peace, Celia St. James
Rest in peace, Robert Jamison
Rest in peace, Connor Cameron
And, rest in peace Evelyn Hugo - Evelyn Herrera.
"Because they are just husbands. I am Evelyn Hugo. And anyway, I think once people know the truth, they will be much more interested in my wife"
"And to anyone tempted to kiss the TV tonight, please don't chip your tooth"
"There is no she, but you"
"Never forget that the sun rises and sests with your smile. At least to me it does. You're the only thing on this planet worth worshipping"
"So I fell.
And Harry caught me"
"I think that loving you has been the truest thing about me"
"All I could think was that he didn't know about that line of freckles on her hip. I knew about them and he didn't"
I'm not okay.
Preberite The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
Če koga zanima opis:
Monique Grant je journalist (nevem kak je v slo, samo to je tisto, ko pišeš članke v časopisih in revijah), dela za revijo (/časopis) Vivant. Evelyn Hugo je ena največjih Hollywoodskih zvezd v tem svetu. Znana je po svoji neverjetni lepoti, svojih filmih in po... Po tem, da se je sedemkrat poročila and she outlived all of her husbands. Refusa davati intervjuje, dokler se nenadoma je odloči, da bo dala intervju z zvezi s tem, da oddaja svoje obleke za namene raziskovanja raka na prsih, kar je ubilo njeno hčerko. Odloči se, da bo dala intervju za Vivant. Ponudijo ji najboljše writers, kar jih imajo, ampak Evelyn zahteva neznano Monique Grant. Monique se bori z ločitvijo, ko pristane na to. Evelyn in Monique se prvič srečata in Evelyn pove resnico: da ne misli dati intervjuja za Vivant. Želi povedati svojo življensko zgodbo in želi da Monique o njej napiše knjigo. Monique se seveda sprašuje zakaj je Evelyn tako želela njo. Obstaja razlog of course. In potem ji Evelyn začne pripovedovati svojo zgodbo...
To je torej opis, če vam zveni zanimivo, preberite, ne bo vam žal, I swear. Tota knjiga je tak deep glede VSEGA.
Evelyn Hugo je imela 7 mož, a kdo je bil ljubezen njenega življenja?
"Evelyn, who was your greatest love?"
"Celia St. James"
Evelyn in Celia... zdaj se bom začela jokati, ko to pišem in razmišljam o njiju.
I want someone to love me the way Evelyn Hugo and Celia St. James loved each other.
("If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you")
"Evelyn Hugo was bisexual and spent the majority of her life madly in love with fellow actress Celia St. James"
"So you want to come out as a gay woman with this book?" (Something like that)
"I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box"
I want to be as good friend to someone as Evelyn and Harry were.
Ne morem verjeti kako je ta knjiga dobro napisana:sob:. The fact that Evelyn and Celia were in love from 1959 to 2000 and Evelyn never stopped loving Celia even though she was gone:sob::sob::sob:.
V tej knjigi je toliko messages, I swear. Feminism, the fact that Evelyn *i* knew *i* her power, she used it, she always got what she wanted. She got divorced from Don, because he was abusing her and that's such an incredible message, because a lot of women stay in abusing relationships because they have no choice and maybe they feel better because Evelyn did, maybe it convinced them that they can do it, too. Pa all the LGBTQ+ messages:sob::sob:. "I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box" Da sta mogli Evelyn in Celia toliko žrtvovati. Da Evelyn ni mogla odkrito ljubiti ljubezni svojega življenja, ker bi ji to totalno uničilo kariero. All the choices she made to protect that secret. The way Celia was a little biphobic "when she loved me, I was a lesbian. When she was mad at me, I was a straight woman" and then she was okay with it and acknowleged that Evelyn was bi and not gay. When Evelyn realized that people would be okay with Harry and John sharing Evelyn and Celia, but they wouldn't be okay if they knew they were monogamous and queer. "We were like two heterosexual couples without a heterosexual in the bunch" (something along these lines) Stonewall Riots. Ko so gledali/poslušali o tem in je Celia želela se pridružiti, ampak so vsi vedeli, da ne morejo in so od takrat dalje fundirali LGBTQ+ organizacije:sob:. Pa the way Max would be okay if Evelyn cheated on him, but the thing that wasn't okay to him was that she was a "lesbian", čeprav ni bila, ampak ja, on je bil kreten, ki ni vedel, da je Evelyn lahko bi, pa keri kreten ko mu je rekla da ni lesbian pa je bil tak "don'r be a self hating lesbian, Evelyn". Pa the fact that he married her just for the image of her but always claimed that he was in love with her for years ("leave him, ma belle" "I love you" you didn't love her, you idiot, you loved the idea of her, you loved how much fame it would bring you if the world knew you married Evelyn Hugo and was sleeping with her).
Harry's fate... Why?:sob: He just fell in love again and then that:sob::sob: pa the fact s kom je bilo to, koga je Evelyn prestavila v voznikov sedež in ko je Monique izvedela:sob::sob:
Rest in peace, John Braverman
Rest in peace, Harry Cameron
Rest in peace, Celia St. James
Rest in peace, Robert Jamison
Rest in peace, Connor Cameron
And, rest in peace Evelyn Hugo - Evelyn Herrera.
"Because they are just husbands. I am Evelyn Hugo. And anyway, I think once people know the truth, they will be much more interested in my wife"
"And to anyone tempted to kiss the TV tonight, please don't chip your tooth"
"There is no she, but you"
"Never forget that the sun rises and sests with your smile. At least to me it does. You're the only thing on this planet worth worshipping"
"So I fell.
And Harry caught me"
"I think that loving you has been the truest thing about me"
"All I could think was that he didn't know about that line of freckles on her hip. I knew about them and he didn't"
I'm not okay.
Preberite The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
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te popolnoma razumem jaz bi včas lahko cele gore besed sem napisala pa zarad hejtov raje ne...od zale kralj sem slišala da je ta knjiga super
te popolnoma razumem jaz bi včas lahko cele gore besed sem napisala pa zarad hejtov raje ne...od zale kralj sem slišala da je ta knjiga super
Zabaven odgovor
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Nerazumljiv odgovor
Super si tole napisala! Zanima me za katero starost je knjiga primerna?
Hvala💕 uhh, i suck at telling approriate ages, uhh, pomoje tak 11, 12 +?😅😅nevem, rajši pogooglaj, jaz res ne znam oceniti
Hvala vseeno!
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
hej! kot sem ze enkrat pisala sem dobila fiksen aparat. Imam ga samo zgoraj in cez nekaj casa ga bom imela tudi spodaj (verjetno). na obeh trojkah zgoraj, imam zvezdice ki imajo tak hakelcel, kavelj. a to pomen da mi bo dal tut gumice gor ko bom dobila spodnjega, ali so kr tak
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
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OoOOoooo amari, kok je ta outfit lep:heart_eyes::sparkles::sparkling_heart:
Pa ...
superr zgodba ze komi cakam naslednji del:heart::hugging::kissing_heart:
sem ti že odpisala v komentar na hodniku.
uuuuuuu, super je!!!!! lovam:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: