Hinika and Akiko aleready knew what they Will do. Kaiya and Harumi werent besties But they were still good freinds. Hinika made Akiko fly, so she could attack them. When Akiko was in the air Harumi and Kaiya didn't notice that. Akiko made roots to get them tied up. But when she almost made it Harumi notice her and Kaiya used her powers to make her stop floating. Akiko fell But landed on her feet. Harumi started attacking. She made An fire circle around Hinika. Hinika is kinda scared off fire, But she had to do something. Meanwhile Akiko tied Kaiya up in roots. So she went to help Hinika. Hinika tried to use her powers to call the fire down. It kinda worked! It Got smaler, so she could step out off it. Harumi was now attacking on Akiko.
She just made a little fire shot and hitted Akiko. Akiko started bleeding, meaning shes out of the game. Now its Just Hinika and Harumi.
Hinika could'nt hold for longer Time, so she had to push till the limit. She made An tornado, it wasnt small. It hitted Harumi meaning Harumi lost.
"Hinika won?" gasped Harumi. "Whoa!" said tiredly Hinika. Since it was getting late they went back home.
'The next day'
When they all have brekfast they were talking about how Hinika won. Harumi was kinda sad But at the same Time happy for her. "Harumi how did you lost?" asked Akaomo. "Well I was pretty tired, and I letted her to win a litle" said Harumi. They believed her.
Gihu standed up and said...
Evo kratek 4 del!
Danes bolj zvečer pride slika Kaiye!
She just made a little fire shot and hitted Akiko. Akiko started bleeding, meaning shes out of the game. Now its Just Hinika and Harumi.
Hinika could'nt hold for longer Time, so she had to push till the limit. She made An tornado, it wasnt small. It hitted Harumi meaning Harumi lost.
"Hinika won?" gasped Harumi. "Whoa!" said tiredly Hinika. Since it was getting late they went back home.
'The next day'
When they all have brekfast they were talking about how Hinika won. Harumi was kinda sad But at the same Time happy for her. "Harumi how did you lost?" asked Akaomo. "Well I was pretty tired, and I letted her to win a litle" said Harumi. They believed her.
Gihu standed up and said...
Evo kratek 4 del!
Danes bolj zvečer pride slika Kaiye!
Zabaven odgovor
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Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Zelo lepo! Všeč mi je, ko podrobno opišeš njihove "dvoboje" in, da imajo te svoje neke moči... :)
Res super zgodba <3
Res super zgodba <3
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Super nov del 4 Elements, res je zelo zanimiv, kakor vsi deli do sedaj :D Všeč mi je tvoj stil pisanja in tvoje opisovanje dogodka. Se že veselim novega dela, prav tako pa tudi Kaiye :sparkles::wink:
Super je <3 Ly <3
Super je <3 Ly <3
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
ok brez besed...veste kaj bom rekla...
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
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