Best friend
I wish I had someone by my side,
someone who will be there till the end,
someone who will lead me to the light,
I wish I had a best friend.
Best friend, strange word, isn’t it?
Hard to find, and lucky to have, they say,
this is someone, you can always laugh with,
someone who never really goes away.
Always the second choice, I will be,
I’m used to be the ‘backup’ one.
No one really cares about me
and I am so done.
Why can’t I have a good friend?
The one who would love me,
the one, who wouldn’t just pretend
and would actually care about me.
Will I always be so lonely?
Don’t I deserve to be loved?
Seems not, cause I’m falling apart,
but nobody knows.
I’m starting to feel that
I’m gonna be alone forever.
My best friend will be a cat
And a human? Never.
someone who will be there till the end,
someone who will lead me to the light,
I wish I had a best friend.
Best friend, strange word, isn’t it?
Hard to find, and lucky to have, they say,
this is someone, you can always laugh with,
someone who never really goes away.
Always the second choice, I will be,
I’m used to be the ‘backup’ one.
No one really cares about me
and I am so done.
Why can’t I have a good friend?
The one who would love me,
the one, who wouldn’t just pretend
and would actually care about me.
Will I always be so lonely?
Don’t I deserve to be loved?
Seems not, cause I’m falling apart,
but nobody knows.
I’m starting to feel that
I’m gonna be alone forever.
My best friend will be a cat
And a human? Never.
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Odlično napisano:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:. Izraza vse moje občutke...
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nimam besed. (v dobrem smislu seveda:grinning:)
nimam besed. (v dobrem smislu seveda:grinning:)
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Lepa pesem, moram reči.
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Potrebujem nasvet
Hejjj.Men je ful ušeč en fant ki sem ga spoznala na eni zabavi.Problem je da si ga ne upam urašat če bi se družu z mano in mojo BFF ker je obema zlooooooo ušeč.Ty če boste odgovoril.
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