Nova pesem. Ne vem ali se razloči o čem govori zato bom kar povedala: pravzaprav ta pesem govori o tem kako ne smemo pasti tudi, če doživljamo nekaj zelo hudega. Govori tudi o Covidu19 in takrat ko se je vse "ustavilo". Predstavljeno je tudi kako smo razmišljali kot otroci, ko še ni bilo nič problemov itd. . Mešanica vsega. :purple_heart:
We were so young,
without knowing what will be.
We were free to breath with full lung.
We felt so free.
There was nothing to be afraid of,
the world was so kind.
There were no problems with love,
the happiness was the only in ours mind.
But then came a time,
when everything stopped.
We were waiting in line,
but our future was blocked.
We changed so much.
Some of us decided to move away.
For all this time we couldn't feel each other's touch.
Now it seems inpossible to endure like this for a day.
We were strong to endure this.
It wasn't easy at all.
Now we see how much did we miss.
But the most inportant is that we didn't fall.
Nova pesem. Ne vem ali se razloči o čem govori zato bom kar povedala: pravzaprav ta pesem govori o tem kako ne smemo pasti tudi, če doživljamo nekaj zelo hudega. Govori tudi o Covidu19 in takrat ko se je vse "ustavilo". Predstavljeno je tudi kako smo razmišljali kot otroci, ko še ni bilo nič problemov itd. . Mešanica vsega. :purple_heart:
We were so young,
without knowing what will be.
We were free to breath with full lung.
We felt so free.
There was nothing to be afraid of,
the world was so kind.
There were no problems with love,
the happiness was the only in ours mind.
But then came a time,
when everything stopped.
We were waiting in line,
but our future was blocked.
We changed so much.
Some of us decided to move away.
For all this time we couldn't feel each other's touch.
Now it seems inpossible to endure like this for a day.
We were strong to endure this.
It wasn't easy at all.
Now we see how much did we miss.
But the most inportant is that we didn't fall.
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Nekaj na zobu
Okej, torej zanima me kaj to pomeni imeti vgreznjen mlecni zob? Ga je ze kdo mel? Je za to potrebna kaka inekcija?
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
OoOOoooo amari, kok je ta outfit lep:heart_eyes::sparkles::sparkling_heart:
Pa ...
superr zgodba ze komi cakam naslednji del:heart::hugging::kissing_heart:
sem ti že odpisala v komentar na hodniku.
uuuuuuu, super je!!!!! lovam:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: