Lepo, lepo pozdravljeni vsi, ki to berete. Po zelo zelo dolgem času sem nazaj z mojo zbirko pesmi in ne morem verejti a to je že kar 20.pesem, ki jo delim z vami. Na to sem izredno ponosna in hvaležna vsem, ki ste si uzeli minuto vašega časa in prebrali ali pa celo komentirali katerokoli izmed mojih del. To mi pomeni vse na svetu. To, da ljudem lahko spremenim oz. vplivam na njihova čusta ali pa dan z mojim delom. Res lepa in velika hvala vsakemu!
Zdaj pa bo najbolje, da kar zaplavamo...Kajne?
Vedno vaša
*b*The fear*b*
Everyone has that
deep fear, they cannot escape
maybe it'r the neighbours's cat
or maybe it's that city's landcsape
It's burried on the inside
of our soul
and sometimes we lose control
I guess in that moment we just need to open our eyes wide
Just thinking about it
is frightening
but isn't it quite enlightening?
To me the thought of
actually escaping the fear is somehow brave
cause at least you tried everything
before getting into your grave
Maybe you could say I'm weird
totally crazy too,
but i need to tell you
that is the truth someone need to threw.
I used to think about it
for hours and days
and that was not just a
single, stupid phase
That fear inside of us?
That is what makes us, us
and helps our souls to grow
So please don't stress out
and just go with the flow.
Lepo, lepo pozdravljeni vsi, ki to berete. Po zelo zelo dolgem času sem nazaj z mojo zbirko pesmi in ne morem verejti a to je že kar 20.pesem, ki jo delim z vami. Na to sem izredno ponosna in hvaležna vsem, ki ste si uzeli minuto vašega časa in prebrali ali pa celo komentirali katerokoli izmed mojih del. To mi pomeni vse na svetu. To, da ljudem lahko spremenim oz. vplivam na njihova čusta ali pa dan z mojim delom. Res lepa in velika hvala vsakemu!
Zdaj pa bo najbolje, da kar zaplavamo...Kajne?
Vedno vaša
*b*The fear*b*
Everyone has that
deep fear, they cannot escape
maybe it'r the neighbours's cat
or maybe it's that city's landcsape
It's burried on the inside
of our soul
and sometimes we lose control
I guess in that moment we just need to open our eyes wide
Just thinking about it
is frightening
but isn't it quite enlightening?
To me the thought of
actually escaping the fear is somehow brave
cause at least you tried everything
before getting into your grave
Maybe you could say I'm weird
totally crazy too,
but i need to tell you
that is the truth someone need to threw.
I used to think about it
for hours and days
and that was not just a
single, stupid phase
That fear inside of us?
That is what makes us, us
and helps our souls to grow
So please don't stress out
and just go with the flow.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
res mi je usec:heart:
Moj odgovor:
Someone who want boy bff
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Bff moškega spola
jaz bi res rada tud bff fanta. mam že bestico in ona ima tudi fante kot bff in bi res rada tud jaz. Imam par prijateljev,ki so fantje samo ne vem kako jih vprašati. Like a je 6 let ok razlika za bff? oz. kaj manj tudi ampak nanstarejši je 6 let starejšiMi poveste kako vprašat.
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
jaz sem misla, da je stephan dober, upala ...
...medtem pa se jaz vozim v prtljazniku avta ...
Veš, o tem nisem ravno prepričana.:thinking::thinking::confused::rolling_eyes::person_frow
Veš, o tem nisem ravno prepričana.:thinking::thinking::confused::rolling_eyes::person_frow