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značka Pisalnica: Secrets Of Skylands 1. del

Secrets Of Skylands 1. del

Živijo, Mr.AnonymusMan24 tuki. Rad bi vam pokazal svojo knjigo. V njej je veliko dogodivščin in zanimivih prigod. Nažalost je knjiga v angleščini tako da upam da se javi nekdo ki jo bo prevedel v slovenščino. Je pa tudi nagradna igra tisti ki ugotovi katera serija me je navdohnila dobi
-like na zadnjih 50 objav
-mojo naročnino
-v vseh naslednjih epizodah bom rekel naj se naročijo na tvoj profil. Upam da vam bo zgodba všeč.

Ep.1: Mystery Summer Starts

Ava and Will were being chased by a bear that was half a robot. "Ruuun it's getting closer!" Ava screamed. The bear was shooting lasers from one eye. It hit a part of Will's chlothing. "Phew that was close". He said. "Wiiiiiill!" She screamed and jumped pn Will's back. They fell on the ground. "What is wrong with you Ava?" The bear aproached. "What now what now?" They both worried. It was above their heads. It was very angry. It was about to eat them. But before i tell you the rest of the story you should know what happend. Let's rewind a bit.

One summer Ava was staying at Will's house for one month. Will was a 12 year old who likes video games and stuff like that, he is also an athlete. Ava was 11 who loves dancing and drawing. One day they got a message from Will's grandpa.
He wants Will and his 6 year old brother Mikey to go to his house to a town called Skylands for the rest of the month. They couldn't just leave Ava behind so they decided to bring her with. They took a bus and they were gone. As they arrived their granpa was suprised. "I didn't know anything about your cousin coming, I guess it's okay we have a lot of beds." "I'm sorry about your wife, Will
told me she died in a car crash before he was even born. I wanted to cheer you up so I draw a picture of you Mr.Cipher" And she gave him a drawing of him smiling more detailed than Mona Lisa. "Please call me Ben Wha.. What how long were you making this, 20 years?" "I drew it on the way here." She smiled and went inside. They looked around their room. There were 3 beds, some sheleves and a closet. "This bed is mine" Will said. "Too bad I alredy licked it and the pillew." "Eeww, Ava gross!" He laughed. " Uhhh grandpa Ben, why is there a rabbit with 4 eyes, 4 mouth, 4 ears and 4 noses on my bed, did you glue the extra body parts to scare us?" "Oh no the quadrabbit!" He screamed and threw it out the window. "Aawww he was kind of cute" "Listen kids there are many strange things in Skylands but stay away from them they are dangerous."Lets play legos!" Mikey screamed. "Mikey, I'm gonna play some games I don't have time to play WHAT, where's my phone. The only thing he found was a note that said." No games for you" "Come on" He sighed and they started playing. One logo flew away as Mikey dropped his plane. "I'll go get it" He said and searched for it. He saw it on a booked shelve and picked it up. With doing that an old book fell on the ground it was a strange drawing, nothing maked sense. "Guys look at that he said. Under the drawing was a writting that said Kcab srettel eerht, egassem sdrawkcab." Above the picture there was a mark that said "Danger. "What does that say?" Ava wondered." I have no idea, maybe it's some kind of code" They were trying to figure out what it was until Mikey realised something. "Maybe that drawing is a puzzle" After a long hour they cut the picture to small pieces. And they finaly made it so it makes sense."It's a pine tree in front of a cave and a river. Is there a place like that?" Ava asked Will. "I don't know, this is the first time i'm in Skylands, granpa Ben is there a cave near a river in the woods? " He went ask Ben. He was busy working. "Yes there is, down the river to the right." He awnsered. "Thank you." Will said. They got ready and were about to go. "Is it realy smart to bring Mikey with I mean he's six year old and he is not realy smart. " Ava said. Meanwhile Mikey was trying to put on his lego armor. "I'll go talk to him." Said Will. "Hey Mikey, I have an important mission for you. I wan't you to protect that book and stay home." Mikey smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "And don't tell granpa Ben about it okay?" And they were gone. They went down the river and in about 20 minutes they were in front of a cave. "Let's enter together on three. One, two, after you." And she pushed Will into the cave. It sounded like he fell somwhere deep "Are you okay?" She asked. "Wow come down you need to look at this." Ava want down. On thr walls of the cave there were colorful crystals. "Woow so shiny." They were both shocked. Then they heard a growl. It was coming from the deeper parts of the cave. "Don't you think this is a bad idea, what if there is a dinosaur down there?" "Calm down Ava dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago." They went down the cave. The noises were getting louder and louder. "Okay Ava i changed my mind let's go back." But they were zoo late. The crystals lighted up showing a creature that was half bear, half robot. "What the heck is that thing?" Ava screamed. "Ruun!" They started running as fast as they could. The bear sounded like it was saying words but he was just talking gibberish. "What in the world is he saying?" Will wondered. "How am I supposed to know that all I hear is wierd stuff like plahu vkdoo ulvh." Next moment they saw a tunnel. "That wasn't there before, but let's go the bear can't fit trough." Will said. They want trough the tunnel soon they were out of the cave in an unknown place. They went a bit further away from the exit just in case. They saw the bear. It could not get trough." "Phew for a second i tought we were screwed." But he said that too fast because the bear made a bigger hole with his laset eye. And it was chasing them again. I think you know what happened next, they fell on the ground and the bear was ready to eat them. He opened his mouth wider than anyone could imagine. They tought they were gonna die. But then they saw something big, pink and sticky touch the bear. It pulled it back. The bear dissapeared. The only thing they saw was a small frog the size of a fist. "Did that frog just ate the entire bear?" "Wow so majestic!" Ava said. "Something is definetly wrong with you Ava." And they went home.

"Where were you kids, you were gone for at least 2 hours?" Ben asked. "You probably weren't running from a half bear half robot that shoots lasers and them a magic frog saved you." "Nope. " "Definetly not." Then they got ready for bed. They told Mikey everything and he was angry, jealous, and sad that he didn't go with them. But Will and Ava couldn't even imagine what adventures await.

Upam da vam je bila zgodba všeč. Bilo bo 20 epizod. Upam da brebereš še kakšno, in ne pozabi na nagradno igro.


Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Vem kaj te je navdihnilo, serija Gravity Falls. Mogoče bi lahko v osrednji del dodal kakšne odstavke da se lažje bere.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Fulll dobra zgodbaa, res mi je ušeč da je v angleščini:D

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Prepričaj se, da na spletu ne objavljaš svojih osebnih podatkov in ne žališ drugih uporabnikov.



1 let in pol mojga lajfa 10. del

Ogledov: 14 Odgovorov: 0

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Ogledov: 14 Odgovorov: 0

IGRA 40. del

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Nemaram se igrati

Horda živalic in drugi problemi

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Doba strtih src 1. del

Ogledov: 32 Odgovorov: 2

skrivnost vampirske rože 2. del

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Nisem svobodna 2

Ogledov: 30 Odgovorov: 1
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Hej! Jaz sem danes dobila 1. menstruacijo. Čez 4 dni bom stara 11 in sem brala objave da jo večina ljudi dobi okrog 11-12 leta lahko pa tudi prej ali pozneje. Pač zanima me če mate še kake nasvete kaj bi pomagalo ko bom mela krče, pač termofor pa da dosti pijem pa še kaj? Hvala za vse odgovore🤍🧸

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Moj koment: lovam! Maš moj :heart: Drgač ...
Wow!! Ful dober blog!! Fuul mi je všeč!!! Naredi ...
omgggg, ful kjut blog :) je ful motivacijski
o kok hudoo, ej lovam 🫶🫶 🫶🫶... too ti maš ...
I love dance💖 (trenutno neprijavljena)
omgggg, sej se hecass? ta pulover je tok ...
OMGGG TO SI BLAA TIII?? HVALAA TII PUKIII:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::fire::kissing_heart::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: ...
iiii tok the best:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: ...
kull! sm ga že mau pogrešala, haha. pač itak ...
uau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maš moj :heart:
Hvala res je lepo.Zelo lepo si naredila.Tudi ...
Kok lepo:sparkles::heart_eyes: