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značka Pisalnica: ⁌THE PERFECT SYMPHONY ↣ (mlad) Remus J. Lupin fanfiction⁍ 2. del

⁌THE PERFECT SYMPHONY ↣ (mlad) Remus J. Lupin fanfiction⁍ 2. del

Two small heads were sleeping on the pillows. When you looked at them they were different, but by their nature they were identical even if there were few big differences. The silence was landing on the room like an old friend watching them sleep.

Suddenly their alarm turned on and started bipping as loud as it could to wake girls up as silence left in promise to come back.

The one on the left jumped up and turned it off, as she saw the other one still peacefully sleeping like nothing happened.

The one awake had short blond wavy hear which ended a little bit lower than her shoulders, with blue eyes which looked like you were lost in ocean. She was thin, short and always positive person.

She looked around and when she saw her cousin still sleeping she bitterly thought: "I know shouting won't help... So what should I do instead?" Her little, smart brains started working and came up with her very own prank.

She smirked and ran in the bathroom which was attached to their bedroom. She came back with bucket full of ice and freezing cold water. It was heavy but girl was strong enough to carry it herself because of her lycanthropy.

She put it next to her cousin's bed and took her arm. She slowly, second by second lower, started pulling it into bucket. When blondie got to her elbow, the other one shot up and pulled her own arm out.

This one had perfectly straight brown hear which were ending right below her elbows and dark warm brown eyes with olive green spots in them. She was thin and tall for her age which was the same age as her cousin's (even though she liked to tell to whoever was willing to listen, that she was four months older than the ocean-eyed girl).

She was firstly in shock but when she saw girl next to her bed with slight smirk she instantly knew what this was all about: it was a revenge from yesterday when she put water bucket on their door and when her innocent cousin opened the door, it fell on her.

She frowned: "Congrats Harmony, you woke me up. Again. Why can't you just let me sleep?!"

"What, no 'thanks Harmony, for waking me up'?" said Harmony with smile, pleased that she'd done it.

Harmony pulled out some leggings and loose shirt with a red heart with devil's horns and tail printed on it.

Melody then pulled out of her drawer black jeans and light pink hoodie. She threw the hoodie over her head and pulled the jeans up.

By accident her eyes flickered past the clock and when she looked twice and noticed the time, her eyes widened.

"We are going to miss breakfast!" she gasped while Harmony's eyes grew huge as well.

"Oh shit!" they said in sync and ran out of room right after Harmony stopped at the door to check that there wasn't any bucket of water hanging on the door.

They hurried downstairs from first floor to the kitchen were their parents and both sisters were already eating.

"We are soooo sorry, we hadn't payed any attention to the time," said Melody gasping for air because of running as they both sited down on their chairs from them unknown type of wood. Table was also from the same type.

Their amused mother looked at Harmony: "Melody slept in, didn't she?"

Hello my sweetes!
Pa počasi gremo v zgodbo, ne? Prosim napišite svoja mnenja v komentarje, ker mi srce ogrejete z njimi!
Povezava do zgodbe na Wattpadu:

Do naslednjič!
~Love, Soamij


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Hvala =) Lahko še enkrat pogledaš je malce popravljeno

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Preden na spletu karkoli objaviš, se vprašaj: ali objava vsebuje karkoli, česar ne bi želel deliti s popolnim neznancem na cesti?



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težavna izbira ptice

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hogwarts mission 1. del

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ŽEJEN KRVI 16. del

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I’m just Ken potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v



nujno vas rabimmmm!!!
pac jaz sem bila pri sosedih in pac sem sla domou samo po nekaj za ustvarjanje in potem pac grem gor v pac nekaj tak slisim in mi ni blo jasno kaj je to in sem videla...............................................................................................…….……………………………………………...................................................._________________________________________\_________________________________________________\\_\_____________mojo sestro in njenega fanta imeti spolni odnos in pac glih ko sem sla v sobo ker sem mislila da pac se kej dogaja pac da nevem se je onesvestila in sem prisla notri da sem vrata odklenila in sem videla kako moja sestra lezi na njemu in mu lize organ.

meni je slo osebno na bruhanje
tega fanta je omenila parkrat in se mi zdi da sta skupaj 2leti
jaz sem bila v soku
oblekla sta se in sta mi hotela razloziti da pac to ni nic kaj takega in sta mi zacela govorit da pac je to ko se imata 2rada in da pac bi bilo fajn da stasi ne vejo takoj
rekla sta mi da pac naj naslednic ne odklepam sobe
rekla sta da je to normalno ampk meni se ne zdi ker vem kako zgleda sex to pa je bilo drugace:
on je lezal ona je pa se obrnila z ritjo proti obrazu in mu ga lizala on ga je pa mel fullll gor pac fujjjjjjjjjj

ali naj povem starsem
ali je to ok
kaj najjjj

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Na Pil sem naročen/a izključno zaradi Vesele šole.
Pil bi naročil/a tudi, če ne bi tekmoval/a v Veseli šoli.
Pila nimam naročenega, saj pri mentorici Vesele šole dobimo vse vsebine za tekmovanje.


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Zadnji odgovori

MišMaš12 12 let Ja Mogoče bi bilo ...
ok, hvalaa, ful je lepaaa, kolk pa stane?
okj hvala Twiggy!! Ko odda še ta druga bom ...
Jaz pa sem hvaležna tebi, ker že toliko časa ...
omg to je zelo dobro napisano ! :heart_eyes::grin: ...
Jaz 5 let že hodim v glasbeno. Ej, a ti ...
Ime, pod katerin boste zbirali točke (Lahko ...
zadnji verzi so dbestt
Wow, nice:heart::rose:
Eva.. WOW! Vedno, ko v hvalilnici opazim ...
Wowwww res maš talent!!
waw hearts, a to doddam?