Just a random post u don't need to care about
sooo... I'm going to have a conversation with myself now. you don't need to read it. you don't need to comment it. but you can if you want to.
u know what I noticed?
well, I was reading comments on my posts.
cool. what were they like?
they made me happier, what I needed a lot right now.
well, that's good, isn't it?
yeah... but then I noticed something.
what did u notice?
three people, I thought would NEVER be able to write mean comments... wrote quite a lot of ones that hurt me quite badly in my posts.
which people?
I don't want to say their nicknames, all I can say is... they haven't fully read my posts and then just wrote my hate, without actually understanding what they were about...
u know what I noticed?
well, I was reading comments on my posts.
cool. what were they like?
they made me happier, what I needed a lot right now.
well, that's good, isn't it?
yeah... but then I noticed something.
what did u notice?
three people, I thought would NEVER be able to write mean comments... wrote quite a lot of ones that hurt me quite badly in my posts.
which people?
I don't want to say their nicknames, all I can say is... they haven't fully read my posts and then just wrote my hate, without actually understanding what they were about...
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Težave s prijateljicama
Jaz imam težavo. Imam 2 prijateljici. Klicala ju bom L in E.
L je moja bff, E pa je moja prijateljica. In L je včasih nesramna do drugih. In fora je v tem, da mene L preprečuje, da bi bila prijateljica od E. In enkrat sva šle z L drsat ona pa je prejšnji dan izgubila nike pro hlače. In je trdila, da jih je vzela E. In zdaj sem se z E pobotala, ampak L ni za. Aja prijateljica A pa mi je rekla, da me hoče E dati narazen z L.
Kaj naj naredim?
Lp Lanchy
Jaz imam težavo. Imam 2 prijateljici. Klicala ju bom L in E.
L je moja bff, E pa je moja prijateljica. In L je včasih nesramna do drugih. In fora je v tem, da mene L preprečuje, da bi bila prijateljica od E. In enkrat sva šle z L drsat ona pa je prejšnji dan izgubila nike pro hlače. In je trdila, da jih je vzela E. In zdaj sem se z E pobotala, ampak L ni za. Aja prijateljica A pa mi je rekla, da me hoče E dati narazen z L.
Kaj naj naredim?
Lp Lanchy
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
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Zadnji odgovori
nemorm nc druzgq rec:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::tired_face::tired_face::tired