hej sm nazaj:blue_heart::grin: okej danes bo igra potekala mal drugace:smiley: jaz vam napišem ime pesmi vi pa zapojete en del (najboljše da kar refren)ampak lahko kateri koli del:blue_heart:
1.good 4 u:blue_heart:
3.get him back:blue_heart:
danes bom nardila se dva dela
lp *modra*Charlie*modra*
1.good 4 u:blue_heart:
3.get him back:blue_heart:
danes bom nardila se dva dela
lp *modra*Charlie*modra*
Zabaven odgovor
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1. well good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me if you ever cared to ask. good for you you're doing great out there without me baby, god i wish that i could do that. i've lost my mind now ive spent the night crying on the floor in my bathroom, youre so uneffected i really dont get it, but i guess good for you...
2. you betrayed me, and i know thet you'll never feel sorry for the way i hurt yeaaa you talk to her... when we were together, you gave me your word, bot that didn't matter it took you two weeks, to go off and date her, guess you didnt cheat, but youre still a traitorrrr...
3. i met a guy in the summer and i left him in the spring, he argued with me about everything he had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye (?) he said he's 6'2 and im like dude nice tryyy, but he was so much fun and he had such weird friends and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end, another song, another bar another dance and when he said something wrong he just flied me to france so i miss him some nights when im feeling depressed...
haha lah bi cele pesmi iz glave napisala ampk se mi ne da pisat hahahah
2. you betrayed me, and i know thet you'll never feel sorry for the way i hurt yeaaa you talk to her... when we were together, you gave me your word, bot that didn't matter it took you two weeks, to go off and date her, guess you didnt cheat, but youre still a traitorrrr...
3. i met a guy in the summer and i left him in the spring, he argued with me about everything he had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye (?) he said he's 6'2 and im like dude nice tryyy, but he was so much fun and he had such weird friends and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end, another song, another bar another dance and when he said something wrong he just flied me to france so i miss him some nights when im feeling depressed...
haha lah bi cele pesmi iz glave napisala ampk se mi ne da pisat hahahah
Moj odgovor:
A je vame?
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
O Ljubezni
Zdravo, jst pac ne vem ali sem zaljubljena v enega mojega sošolca ali ne. Včasih med poukom če ga gledam, ali pa da on ravno mene, pol pac ne pogleda stran takoj, ampak se še malo gledava pol pa pač ne več. Enkrat ko smo šli na nek športni dan, smo jst pa moja prjatlca pa on pa njegov prjatu sedel tako:
JAZ Prijateljica Prijatelj ON
In sva se tako včasih spogledovala....
In pač res nevem, ali sm zaljubljnena, ali je on vame....
Prosim odgovorite, pa najlepša hvala :heart:
JAZ Prijateljica Prijatelj ON
In sva se tako včasih spogledovala....
In pač res nevem, ali sm zaljubljnena, ali je on vame....
Prosim odgovorite, pa najlepša hvala :heart:
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
Ful dober blog!!
Fuul mi je všeč!!!
Naredi ...
omgggg, sej se hecass? ta pulover je tok ...
OMGGG TO SI BLAA TIII?? HVALAA TII PUKIII:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::fire::kissing_heart::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: ...
iiii tok the best:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: ...