vmesni rezultat:
Šolsko dekle ima 5 točk
LunaLovegood ima tudi 5 točk
Cookieash pa vodi z 10 točkami!!!
Sigurno bo vsaj 1 dodaten del, zato vas sprašujem....
Da vidimo.
Dodajam še eno možnost za točke, poleg avtorja in naslova lahko točke dobite tudi tako, da nadaljujete besedilo z VSAJ 20 besedami.
Današnje besedilo:
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when i cry
I can't find an open door
When I try, it breaks me more
Should I quit and should I go
Should I leave this all behind?
Same things happen all the time
Can't get out off my mind...
vmesni rezultat:
Šolsko dekle ima 5 točk
LunaLovegood ima tudi 5 točk
Cookieash pa vodi z 10 točkami!!!
Sigurno bo vsaj 1 dodaten del, zato vas sprašujem....
Da vidimo.
Dodajam še eno možnost za točke, poleg avtorja in naslova lahko točke dobite tudi tako, da nadaljujete besedilo z VSAJ 20 besedami.
Današnje besedilo:
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when i cry
I can't find an open door
When I try, it breaks me more
Should I quit and should I go
Should I leave this all behind?
Same things happen all the time
Can't get out off my mind...
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
hoj. js se ne spomnem nobene, ceprev se mi zdi ko bojo zacel nadaljevat pa pisat se bom spomnla.
6 me spominja na Ready for love od Blackpink, sm da je namest mind, head
lp taennie
P.S. tisti k boste resval probite bit boljsi od mene, haha
6 me spominja na Ready for love od Blackpink, sm da je namest mind, head
lp taennie
P.S. tisti k boste resval probite bit boljsi od mene, haha
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Ojla, upam, da bo taprava.
Prebrala sem besedilo pa sem vedela, da je ta, ker jo velikokrat poslušam, sicer je nimam na playlistu ampak mi je pesem zelo všeč. Besedilo znam sicer na pamet govoriti/peti, ampak ne znam vseh besed pravilno zapisati, zato sem besedilo snela iz wordove datotke, ki jo imam za besedila vseh pesmi.
Pesem: Closed door
Avtor: Ismail
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when I cry
I can't find an open door
When I try, it breaks me more
Should I quit and should I go
Should I leave this all behind?
Same things happen all the time
Can't get out off my mind
Doing things I shouldn't do
If you ask me, I have no clue
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when I cry
'Cause I'm a master, master of pretending
Lately never-ending
When does this all make any sense to mе?
God, I know you can set me free
And pleasе open a door and again restore
This broken piece of me
A better treasure chest that was made for more
And there is purpose behind closed doors
A better treasure chest that was made for more
And there is purpose behind closed doors
Am I the one who is insane
For not feeling like the same?
All I want is to be heard
In a world that's full of hurt
Waking up, searchin' for a sign
Yes, I fall, but I still climb
No, you don't need me to teach
Just 'cause the dream is far to reach
Take this fear and take that doubt
Throw 'em away before I drown
Before I drown
Prebrala sem besedilo pa sem vedela, da je ta, ker jo velikokrat poslušam, sicer je nimam na playlistu ampak mi je pesem zelo všeč. Besedilo znam sicer na pamet govoriti/peti, ampak ne znam vseh besed pravilno zapisati, zato sem besedilo snela iz wordove datotke, ki jo imam za besedila vseh pesmi.
Pesem: Closed door
Avtor: Ismail
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when I cry
I can't find an open door
When I try, it breaks me more
Should I quit and should I go
Should I leave this all behind?
Same things happen all the time
Can't get out off my mind
Doing things I shouldn't do
If you ask me, I have no clue
Yes, I look happy, happy all the time
But you don't see me, see me when I cry
'Cause I'm a master, master of pretending
Lately never-ending
When does this all make any sense to mе?
God, I know you can set me free
And pleasе open a door and again restore
This broken piece of me
A better treasure chest that was made for more
And there is purpose behind closed doors
A better treasure chest that was made for more
And there is purpose behind closed doors
Am I the one who is insane
For not feeling like the same?
All I want is to be heard
In a world that's full of hurt
Waking up, searchin' for a sign
Yes, I fall, but I still climb
No, you don't need me to teach
Just 'cause the dream is far to reach
Take this fear and take that doubt
Throw 'em away before I drown
Before I drown
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Torej js bom star 12 januarja in imam punco, Niko (fake name), ki je stara 13. Moja punca je sošolka z mojim najboljšim prijateljem, recimo mu Oskar (fake name). Z Oskarjem sva prijatelja že dolgo časa in zadnje čase se mi zdi, da se obnaša zelo gejevsko do mene. Precej sem prepričan, da nisem gej, ampak me ne bi motilo, če bi bil z njim.
A čm mu povedat, kako se počutim, ali naj pozabim na celo situacijo?
A čm mu povedat, kako se počutim, ali naj pozabim na celo situacijo?
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
Pred Parizom so OI potekale v TOKIU-2020/2021!!!
Upam, ...
Kok kjutttt:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: