A little blog about everything
Majhna blogerca
Odločila sem se, da bom pisala blog.
Blog bo v angleščini, saj ga objavljam tudi na drugi spletni strani:slight_smile:
Upam, da vam bo všeč:wink:
I'm glad you are reading my (first) blog!
l hope yall will like it!*i*
Today theme is..:drum:
*b*How to learn*b*
*i*I did a little research for my little blog, and
that's the "propper" way to learn*i*
*b*School:*b* :school:
Take notes:pencil2:
Listen! :ear_tone1:
*i*Turn off, or move all electornics, toys etc.
so anything that could distract you!*i*:mobile_phone_off:
Read your notes:book:
Rewrite your notes(with hand):writing_hand:
*i*studies have shown, that rewriting helps you
Do your homework:pencil2:
*b*take a 10min break*b* Drink water:sweat_drops:!
Make a little exam/test, or just copy the
questions from books, workbooks or notes:books::ledger:
Solve it:pen_fountain:
Check if you answered everything right:ballot_box_with_check:
*roza* Take a 15min break. Drink water, do something relaxing*roza*:relieved:
*modra*If you did:*modra*
*modra*Highlight important things in your notes*modra*:pen_ballpoint:
*modra* Now read the notes 3times*modra*:book:
*modra*read your notes a few times before bed*modra*:book::new_moon_with_face:
*zelena* If you didn't solve everything right:*zelena*
*b* rewrite ALL*b* *zelena* the questions(by
hand ofc)*zelena*
*zelena* Now solve them again. If you didn't solve eveything right, repeat*zelena*:arrow_up:
*zelena*When you solve everything right, highlight important thing in your notes*zelena*:pen_ballpoint:
*zelena* read the notes 3times*zelena*:book:
*zelena* Read your notes a few times before bed*zelena*:book::new_moon_with_face:
*roza* Repeat that everyday, even if there isn't an upcoming test/exam.*roza*
That's all for today, let me know what do you want to know about in the next part:)
Odločila sem se, da bom pisala blog.
Blog bo v angleščini, saj ga objavljam tudi na drugi spletni strani:slight_smile:
Upam, da vam bo všeč:wink:
I'm glad you are reading my (first) blog!
l hope yall will like it!*i*
Today theme is..:drum:
*b*How to learn*b*
*i*I did a little research for my little blog, and
that's the "propper" way to learn*i*
*b*School:*b* :school:
Take notes:pencil2:
Listen! :ear_tone1:
*i*Turn off, or move all electornics, toys etc.
so anything that could distract you!*i*:mobile_phone_off:
Read your notes:book:
Rewrite your notes(with hand):writing_hand:
*i*studies have shown, that rewriting helps you
Do your homework:pencil2:
*b*take a 10min break*b* Drink water:sweat_drops:!
Make a little exam/test, or just copy the
questions from books, workbooks or notes:books::ledger:
Solve it:pen_fountain:
Check if you answered everything right:ballot_box_with_check:
*roza* Take a 15min break. Drink water, do something relaxing*roza*:relieved:
*modra*If you did:*modra*
*modra*Highlight important things in your notes*modra*:pen_ballpoint:
*modra* Now read the notes 3times*modra*:book:
*modra*read your notes a few times before bed*modra*:book::new_moon_with_face:
*zelena* If you didn't solve everything right:*zelena*
*b* rewrite ALL*b* *zelena* the questions(by
hand ofc)*zelena*
*zelena* Now solve them again. If you didn't solve eveything right, repeat*zelena*:arrow_up:
*zelena*When you solve everything right, highlight important thing in your notes*zelena*:pen_ballpoint:
*zelena* read the notes 3times*zelena*:book:
*zelena* Read your notes a few times before bed*zelena*:book::new_moon_with_face:
*roza* Repeat that everyday, even if there isn't an upcoming test/exam.*roza*
That's all for today, let me know what do you want to know about in the next part:)
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
omajgad tole je carsko :)) <3
Majhna blogerca
Thank you <3
Majhna blogerca
Thank you <3
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
v glavnem, jaz mam en problem...
Prvo mentro sm dobila 10. avgusta to leto in deloval je vse ok... Ampak neki časa nazaj sem dobila zelo močen izcedek in bil je zelo rjav in kdaj bolj sluzast (sem povedala mami). Trajal je nekaj dni in potem je bilo bolj rdeče, potem spet rjavo in potem vse bolj svetlo rjavkast izcedek. Vedela sem, da je to menstra, sam mi je čudno, ker sem jo imela 12 dni zaporedoma še kar normalno, včeraj je nisem imela, danes pa sem jo spet dobila in spet je rjava.
Zanima me, če se je še keri punci kaj takega zgodilo ali kaj podobnega. Vem, da se mi še uravnava cikel, samo zakaj jo imam tako dolgo?
Prosim, odgovore!
v glavnem, jaz mam en problem...
Prvo mentro sm dobila 10. avgusta to leto in deloval je vse ok... Ampak neki časa nazaj sem dobila zelo močen izcedek in bil je zelo rjav in kdaj bolj sluzast (sem povedala mami). Trajal je nekaj dni in potem je bilo bolj rdeče, potem spet rjavo in potem vse bolj svetlo rjavkast izcedek. Vedela sem, da je to menstra, sam mi je čudno, ker sem jo imela 12 dni zaporedoma še kar normalno, včeraj je nisem imela, danes pa sem jo spet dobila in spet je rjava.
Zanima me, če se je še keri punci kaj takega zgodilo ali kaj podobnega. Vem, da se mi še uravnava cikel, samo zakaj jo imam tako dolgo?
Prosim, odgovore!
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
ahhh, to je tok lepo:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...
če želite recept je tukaj
pac ...