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značka Pilov blog: Day in the life 1. del

Day in the life 1. del


How are we today? :blush:

I'm doing "day in the life" vlogs now. Whoooooo! :movie_camera:

Well, I woke up early again at 5:30 AM because I have a horse that needs to eat. :horse: I got up, changed, ate my brekkie (waffles, cuz why not? 🧇), brushed my teeth, and biked over to my horsey. :bike:

He was snoozing in his stall as usual, waiting for his food. :sleeping: I made him food—oats, hay, and a carrot, of course :carrot:—and changed his water. When he finished eating, I let him out to his pasture to run around and eat some grass. :herb: While he was grazing, I cleaned his stall because it was dirty, and prepared the brushes to groom him and his tack. 🧼

Since he’s grey (or white, for non-equestrians), he gets pretty dirty if he rolls. After brushing him, I checked my phone and it was already 9 AM, so I started tacking up in slow-mo. :clock3: It took me about 20 minutes, and then I put on my helmet, safety jacket (if that’s what it’s called in English), boots, and grabbed my whip because he’s a bit tough to get into a canter. :horse_racing:

We went to the arena for a warm-up, which means getting the horse ready by walking, trotting, and cantering to make sure he’s not stiff or sleepy. :star2: After warming up, I did some small jumps for about 20 minutes. Then I cooled him off by walking him around the arena so he could rest and breathe normally. :wind_blowing_face: You can NEVER get off the horse before cooling him down. More on this in the next "day in the life" vlog. :wink:

I untacked him, dried him off because he was sweaty, and put him back in his pasture. It’s usually around 11 AM, so I hang out there with my phone until my mom calls for lunch. My mom called around 12:30 PM, so I said bye to Rocky and biked home. :bicyclist:‍♀️

For lunch, I had spaghetti, which was really good. :spaghetti: After lunch, I rested in my room watching YouTube videos. :tv: I got bored, so I asked my friend if she wanted to come with me so I could give her a lesson on Rocky. She said yes. :raised_hands: I told her to meet me at the stables around 7 PM because it was really hot earlier. :sunny:

When we got to the stables, I went to get Rocky while my friend relaxed and got used to the place. He was all covered in grass! :ear_of_rice: I hoped the girth would fit. I did some lunging and asked my friend to get the tack—it’s all color-coded with his name, so she didn’t need to worry about picking the wrong things. We brushed him and tacked him up together. Since he’s an old dude, he’s pretty relaxed. :racehorse:

While she got ready, I walked Rocky around the arena, then helped her mount. She’s a beginner, so we only walked and didn’t trot to avoid stressing her out. Afterward, I got on him again, warmed him up, and did some dressage. I let him out to the pasture for his outdoor lunch. :ear_of_rice: My friend and I chatted, and then we headed home. :house_with_garden:

I walked my dog when I got home and returned to the stables around 8:30 PM to give Rocky his dinner and put him in his stall. I said my goodbyes to him and cleaned the arena. :crescent_moon:

For dinner, I had noodles—yum! :ramen: I brushed my teeth and went to sleep. :sleeping:

Ok, to je b današnji blog/vlog, ki *b*NI*b* resničen no nekateri deli so. To je samo za *roza*"Entertainment purposes"*roza*, ampak če želite dejanski day in the life lahko :)


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Po kul! Jaz sem Tut ta vlog imela v mislih in bo te motilo če bi ga pisala? I mean nebi kopirala ker sem v kotiček napisala da bom pisala pred to objavo. Bi te motilo?
Ne, sploh me ne bi
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hehe ful dobr :) i thought it was real hehe ja itakkk day in the life sounds great :)
Ty pa lahk ti lj povm kje pa?

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Preden na spletu karkoli objaviš, se vprašaj: ali objava vsebuje karkoli, česar ne bi želel deliti s popolnim neznancem na cesti?

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jokasta potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v

kako mu naj pokažem?

zdravo, sem drugače prijavljena pilovka, ampak bom raje ostala skrita. stara sem 18 let in sem nekaj časa nazaj končala z mojo prvo vezo, ki je trajala leto in pol. pred nekaj tedni sem se prvič spet zaljubila v fanta, ki ga poznam že kakšno leto in hodi v gledališče z mano. se mi zdi, da bi mi lahko bila simpatična, ampak nič ni zagotovo. se mi pa zdi, da tudi če bi mu bila všeč, ne bi sam nič storil, ker sem od njega dve leti starejša. kako mu naj pokažem, da sem mu všeč, brez da ga direktno ne povabim ven? strah me je, da bi bilo v gledališču nerodno, če reče ne, ker sem režiserka.

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ooo ful je cute tak coquette style pac lovammmm
lovammmm 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶... aja, ...
kaj je to izgleda lepo:thumbsup::purple_heart:
emm 3 od 10 ni dovolj pisan zame:neutral_face::thinking::confused: ...
Girl 12341223
vse najbolse:heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart:!
fulll cutte:heart:
i love itttttttt:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart::purple_heart:sama ...
Happy girll
le kdo bo jutr izpado upam da nejc al pa ...
Recmooo 2 haha js tud hip hop pleseem :))
Mmm težka odločotev, oboje mi je ušeč izberem ...
Hej se lahko prijavim?:smiling_imp:
mac tko kt vedno dbest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Ne skrbi,to ...
Hej prijavila bi se. Chawe.