Another Love Song - My Heart
Me, Myself and I
My heart stood still
when you came.
Making me fall in love
But you fell for a girl with no shame.
Now I'm alone.
And it doesn't feel right,
But I'm losing all hope
For you to change your mind.
Now I'm tired.
Tired of trying to be noticed,
Tired of trying to be heard.
I'm tired of being alone.
I miss someone to hold me,
When I'm down,
When I'm lost.
I want someone to be lost with me.
Now I gave up hope,
I gave up love.
And when you come into the room,
My heart beats still.
when you came.
Making me fall in love
But you fell for a girl with no shame.
Now I'm alone.
And it doesn't feel right,
But I'm losing all hope
For you to change your mind.
Now I'm tired.
Tired of trying to be noticed,
Tired of trying to be heard.
I'm tired of being alone.
I miss someone to hold me,
When I'm down,
When I'm lost.
I want someone to be lost with me.
Now I gave up hope,
I gave up love.
And when you come into the room,
My heart beats still.
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AMAZING! You got talent!
Me, Myself and I
Thanks. I'm glad you think so. I actually wrote this quite some time ago, but now I found it and thought: 'hell, what's the worst that could happen?' so I posted it.
I'm not going to tell you who I really am because I don't want pity answers and likes. Still, I thank YOU very much.
P.S. I know that capitals are screwed up - I wrote it in Word and didn't have the patience to fix every single one of them. Again, thank you for an uplifting comment.
I'm not going to tell you who I really am because I don't want pity answers and likes. Still, I thank YOU very much.
P.S. I know that capitals are screwed up - I wrote it in Word and didn't have the patience to fix every single one of them. Again, thank you for an uplifting comment.
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V pondelk sm si umivala glavo in ki je šla voda v uho. Zdaj mi že 5 dni sumi v usesu in na pop gluha sem na ta uho. Predvidevam da je voda se noter. Kaj naj?
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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
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ahhh, to je tok lepo:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...
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