Vsi lepo pozdravlenji v novem, delu moje zgodbe in lepa hvala za vse lepe besede pohvale in na splošno like in komentarje, ki mi jih namenite saj me zelo osreči, da vidim, da so vam moja dela oziroma zgodbe všeč. Najbolje, da kar zaplavamo v nov del.
Uživajtre v branju in upam, da vam bo všeč:)
Sending love:heart:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
P.S.spodaj prilagam sliko Noaha;)
Astoria’s POV:
After a solid 6 hours, I have only managed to scribble down 50 utter nonsense words that do not even fit the genre of me book. I am really trying to write this book and fulfil my dream that has been here since the day I read The fault in our stars by John Green.
I have dreamed of being that good of a writer to make the readers cry, smile and cry again by just my words. They would get to know a part of me through my writing and through the characters, I made in my head. That has always been my way of communicating even when I was a little child. I was mad at my parents so I written them a fricking letter to tell them I deserve an apology and the reason I was angry with them. They of course laughed but they never pushed my dream down and told me to do something realistic. I think I have the best parents ever and I cannot thank them enough for even giving me that much of a freedom to let me write my own book.
Obviously, the school is on top of my list of important stuff but the book is exactly after it. I really like Britney and Katie and hanging out with them is always fun but sometimes I need time for myself. I need to get my mind together right now and focus on the book or I will not have enough material for the first half of the book. I know I have my whole life to write a book but I think that this helps me relax and just get my feeling out when I cannot talk about them, which is most of the time.
I still have the picture of his look engraved in my mind. It is all I can think about and it is giving me a headache. I have never lost my mind and I am not planning to. Especially not on some boy who is totally out of my range of possible future boyfriends.
Noah’s POV:
I wish I could say that I have my mind in place but that would be a ginormous lie. I did not do my homework but I did write an email to my English teacher about my essay that I had written today. It’s about some of my family members back in Edinburgh. I love my cousins from my dad’s side but I have not seen them about 6 years. Since the first year after my parents’ divorce to be exact. I went on a plane with my mom and stayed there the whole Christmas holidays.
It was the first time I was actually happy after a year. I could say that that the divorce kind of ruined me but my life is not even that fucked up. I have good grades and many options for college. I really like Boston University in Massachusetts. Maybe if I would send the application form in early I would have more chances to get in. I will definitely try and when I get the results, I will know. It will be a big step to go across the whole world to go to college but I have been thinking about it a lot. My mom could come visit me every holidays or I could come here. Maybe I could even contact my dad for the first time in forever. They have a good sport team and I could easily get in with all the medals from the nine sports I have played until today. Applications start on November the 10th so I have exactly 40 days to wait. That will come fast.
Vsi lepo pozdravlenji v novem, delu moje zgodbe in lepa hvala za vse lepe besede pohvale in na splošno like in komentarje, ki mi jih namenite saj me zelo osreči, da vidim, da so vam moja dela oziroma zgodbe všeč. Najbolje, da kar zaplavamo v nov del.
Uživajtre v branju in upam, da vam bo všeč:)
Sending love:heart:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
P.S.spodaj prilagam sliko Noaha;)
Astoria’s POV:
After a solid 6 hours, I have only managed to scribble down 50 utter nonsense words that do not even fit the genre of me book. I am really trying to write this book and fulfil my dream that has been here since the day I read The fault in our stars by John Green.
I have dreamed of being that good of a writer to make the readers cry, smile and cry again by just my words. They would get to know a part of me through my writing and through the characters, I made in my head. That has always been my way of communicating even when I was a little child. I was mad at my parents so I written them a fricking letter to tell them I deserve an apology and the reason I was angry with them. They of course laughed but they never pushed my dream down and told me to do something realistic. I think I have the best parents ever and I cannot thank them enough for even giving me that much of a freedom to let me write my own book.
Obviously, the school is on top of my list of important stuff but the book is exactly after it. I really like Britney and Katie and hanging out with them is always fun but sometimes I need time for myself. I need to get my mind together right now and focus on the book or I will not have enough material for the first half of the book. I know I have my whole life to write a book but I think that this helps me relax and just get my feeling out when I cannot talk about them, which is most of the time.
I still have the picture of his look engraved in my mind. It is all I can think about and it is giving me a headache. I have never lost my mind and I am not planning to. Especially not on some boy who is totally out of my range of possible future boyfriends.
Noah’s POV:
I wish I could say that I have my mind in place but that would be a ginormous lie. I did not do my homework but I did write an email to my English teacher about my essay that I had written today. It’s about some of my family members back in Edinburgh. I love my cousins from my dad’s side but I have not seen them about 6 years. Since the first year after my parents’ divorce to be exact. I went on a plane with my mom and stayed there the whole Christmas holidays.
It was the first time I was actually happy after a year. I could say that that the divorce kind of ruined me but my life is not even that fucked up. I have good grades and many options for college. I really like Boston University in Massachusetts. Maybe if I would send the application form in early I would have more chances to get in. I will definitely try and when I get the results, I will know. It will be a big step to go across the whole world to go to college but I have been thinking about it a lot. My mom could come visit me every holidays or I could come here. Maybe I could even contact my dad for the first time in forever. They have a good sport team and I could easily get in with all the medals from the nine sports I have played until today. Applications start on November the 10th so I have exactly 40 days to wait. That will come fast.
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Zelo mi je všeč.
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Super odgovor
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Ex PILovec #4202
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Ideja za film o socialnih omrežjih
*modra*nujno potrebujem vašo pomoč in ideje*modra*. torej:
mi snemamo nek krajši film (pac en krožek ko sodelujemo šole pa to) in se gre o socialnih omrežjih. zgodba se gre o dveh ko se preko teh omrežij spoznata zaradi skupnih interesov. s tem pokažemo dobro strah socialnih omrežij. pol pa da pokažemo tut negativno stran ima eden izmed teh dveh prijatelja ko je heker in je skos na telefonu pa ma fake profile pa to. in point je da nakoncu se ta dva spoznata na koncertu in postaneta prijatelja in nauk usega je da so omrežja lah tut dobra za spoznavanje ljudi.
*b*okej moje uprašanje pa je, kako bi lahko v to zgodbo vključili še enega (lahko tut dva) karakterja, pa da ima smisel?*b* torej dva si chatata kr sta zainteresirana za glasbo pol pa se nakoncu spoznata, umesne zgodbe še nimamo čist sam pač neki tut glede tega da lahko hekerji objavijo slike ko si juh nebi želeli da so na spletu pa da se lahko delajo kot da so ena druga oseba.
a ma kdo kakšno idejo??
hvala usem, ker to nujno potrebujem do jutri<33
lp ♡
*modra*nujno potrebujem vašo pomoč in ideje*modra*. torej:
mi snemamo nek krajši film (pac en krožek ko sodelujemo šole pa to) in se gre o socialnih omrežjih. zgodba se gre o dveh ko se preko teh omrežij spoznata zaradi skupnih interesov. s tem pokažemo dobro strah socialnih omrežij. pol pa da pokažemo tut negativno stran ima eden izmed teh dveh prijatelja ko je heker in je skos na telefonu pa ma fake profile pa to. in point je da nakoncu se ta dva spoznata na koncertu in postaneta prijatelja in nauk usega je da so omrežja lah tut dobra za spoznavanje ljudi.
*b*okej moje uprašanje pa je, kako bi lahko v to zgodbo vključili še enega (lahko tut dva) karakterja, pa da ima smisel?*b* torej dva si chatata kr sta zainteresirana za glasbo pol pa se nakoncu spoznata, umesne zgodbe še nimamo čist sam pač neki tut glede tega da lahko hekerji objavijo slike ko si juh nebi želeli da so na spletu pa da se lahko delajo kot da so ena druga oseba.
a ma kdo kakšno idejo??
hvala usem, ker to nujno potrebujem do jutri<33
lp ♡
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i love itttttttt:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart::purple_heart:sama ...
mac tko kt vedno dbest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!