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značka Pisalnica: This hell 12. del

This hell 12. del

When I woke up, I couldn’t see anything. What happened? I tried to move, but I was trapped in something. Where even was I? My eyes started to adjust to the darkness and I saw a blinking red light in the corner. A camera?
How long was I unconscious? It was quite a while, probably.

“Psh, be still and quiet. You’ve been sleeping for quite a while. I think they noticed that you never left the building last night. The cameras were searching for you, but they couldn’t find you. I have you hidden too well.
I kidnapped you.
Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m only going to keep you for a little while. Try not to wiggle, though. You’re inside something that came from my old pizzeria. I don’t think it was ever used, at least not the way it was meant to be used. Too dangerous. It’s just big enough for one person to fit inside, but just barely.
You’re in the Scooping Room. Do you know why they call it the Scooping Room? It’s because, dummy, this is the room where they use the Scooper. I thought that would be obvious. Isn’t that a fun name for something? The Scooper. It sounds like something you would use for ice cream or custard or sprinkles. It sounds like something you would want at your birthday party to ensure, that you get a heaping portion of every good thing. I wonder, though, if you were a freshly opened pint of ice cream how you would feel about something with that name. Thankfully, don’t think a freshly opened pint of ice cream feels anything at all.
Oh-oh. It sounds like someone else is in the building. Psh.”

I heard two other technicians walk in. I wanted to shout, but I they wouldn’t be able to help me anyways. I had no choice to sit there and watch them drag Ballora to the wall on the opposite side of the room of the Scooper. Its force threw Ballora backwards. She looked in pain. What did that thing even do to her? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know.
I didn’t realize when the technicians left.

“There is something very important that I’ve learned to do over the time, do you know what this is? How to pretend. Do you ever play make believe? Pretend to be one way when you are really the other? It’s very important. Ballora never learns, but I do. They think there is something wrong on the inside. The only thing that matters is knowing.
I’ll open the faceplates for you. That way they can find you on the cameras. Now all you have to do is wait. I’d recommend that you keep the springlocks wound up. Your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose. You don’t want them to get too loose, trust me.”

That confirmed my suspicions; this really was a springlock suit. I can be happy that my father was who he was. He showed us how springlock suits work and told us never to touch one.
If breathing and my heartbeat make the springlocks come loose, this thing must’ve been old. I wasn’t sure if it worked any different, but there must’ve been something to wind the springlocks. I slowed down my breathing and began looking for the mechanism.
Sure enough, I found it. It was very similar to the other ones. I wound it and thought: I had to get out. Like all suits, this one also opened on its back. That was good, but it will take a while to carefully open it and keep the springlocks wound at all times.
As I sat there, I noticed something moving in the dark. I panicked, but I had to keep my breathing normal. It was a Minireena, but not just one – there were at least five of them, all ready to kill me.
I reached for the first one and threw it across the room. Sure enough, it stood up and started coming toward me again. Oh, shit, the springlocks. I wound them just in time to throw off another Minireena. I don’t know how long it took me to get out of there, and honestly, I don’t want to. How could William stay in a springlock suit for hours without triggering it? I couldn’t do it. It’s way too stressing.

I got out of the Scooping Room and remembered that Foxy was probably still out there. I couldn’t hear him, but I knew that he was there. I proceeded to walk through the room as carefully as the first time, and luckily, I was alright.

what did I know

I was back in the Module. HandUnit wasn’t there and I didn’t want to look for it. The technicians must’ve found it and left it in the elevator. Since I couldn’t do anything, I decided that it was time to go. I’ve had enough for one day.



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RAZTURAŠ! Roko na srce full si me presenetila in OBOŽUJEM TEBE IN TO ZGODBO!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
KOMAJ ČAKAM NA NOV DELLLLL!!!!!!!!!! KDAJ PRIDEEEE?!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:Đ
Lp, Bad girl:snowflake::yin_yang::heart:

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Preden na spletu karkoli objaviš, se vprašaj: ali objava vsebuje karkoli, česar ne bi želel deliti s popolnim neznancem na cesti?



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gimnastic girl


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Ko sem bila tam…

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Zamenjala me je

js se grozn počutm. Moja zlo dobra frendica (A) se je začela ful velik družt z najino sošolko (B). Pač prej sva se midve z A velik družle pa to sam zdej pa se skos onidve družta, mene ma pa bl za zravn. Ne morm se z njima pogovarjat, ker mata svoje fore in svoje teme o kerih se pogovarjata js pa nevem za kaj se gre. Pa ful velikrat se dobita po šoli mene pa nikol ne povabta zravn. Dobivata se dokaj blizu mene, pač je neki hoje ampak moj dom je prbl. na pol poti iz šole do tam in onidve to vesta (sam js grem loh peš do doma, do tja pa je treba z busom). Večkrat sm probala namignt, da sm js tm blizu ko sta/smo se pogovarjale o tem pa me nikol ne povabta zravn. A živi na drugem koncu mesta, B pa je iz druzga kraja, torej sm js najbližje izmed ns. Zdej sta začele še s skupnim projektom h keremu me (itak) tud nista povable in tko se bosta zdej še bl zbližale. Ko je enkrat ena druga frendica mela zabavo, sta se skupi prpeljale in sta skupi šle nazaj (starši od B so peljal še A do doma), men nista to niti omenle. Res sta si zmeri bližje, A pa je bla moja edina frendica, s kero sm se loh bl deep pogovarjala, z drugimi se ne morm (sm probala, pa ne gre). Res nevem, kaj naredit.

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