My sister… she was completely different. She was always happy and smiling. Our father loved her. My brother was loved, but Elizabeth was his favorite. He would do anything for her. Who wouldn’t? She was perfect. Her ginger hair and green eyes… just like her mother.
Ah, my mother. She left when I was only 8. At the time, I didn’t know why. I knew that my father knew something, but he never told me anything. I found out myself.
and it was him this time
There was another animatronic restaurant before Freddy’s. Circus Baby’s Pizza World. It was owned by the same man. In the future, this would mean that it will go to shit within a few years, maybe even months or weeks.
it did and I know why
There were Funtime Freddy and Foxy that entertained kids with magic tricks. There was Ballora, a tall ballerina that kids could dance with. And of course, Circus Baby. A girl with clown make-up, Elizabeth’s favorite. She was never on stage like the other animatronics. She had her own room, separated from anyone else. There were glass walls that you could see, but not get through. I didn’t know why.
now I know we both do
One day, Baby was on the stage. Elizabeth wanted to go there so bad. But our father didn’t let us. Neither of us knew why.
but now we do we all do
There was a gas leak. Or at least I was told so.
The building was evacuated.
And Elizabeth was gone.
Ah, my mother. She left when I was only 8. At the time, I didn’t know why. I knew that my father knew something, but he never told me anything. I found out myself.
and it was him this time
There was another animatronic restaurant before Freddy’s. Circus Baby’s Pizza World. It was owned by the same man. In the future, this would mean that it will go to shit within a few years, maybe even months or weeks.
it did and I know why
There were Funtime Freddy and Foxy that entertained kids with magic tricks. There was Ballora, a tall ballerina that kids could dance with. And of course, Circus Baby. A girl with clown make-up, Elizabeth’s favorite. She was never on stage like the other animatronics. She had her own room, separated from anyone else. There were glass walls that you could see, but not get through. I didn’t know why.
now I know we both do
One day, Baby was on the stage. Elizabeth wanted to go there so bad. But our father didn’t let us. Neither of us knew why.
but now we do we all do
There was a gas leak. Or at least I was told so.
The building was evacuated.
And Elizabeth was gone.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
WOOOW!!! Ne res ničesar druzga ne morm napisat kot: WOW!!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Jaz sem v enega fanta
Jaz sem v enega fanta, ki je eno leto starejši. On me ne pozna. Sicer hodi na našo šolo in se ponavadi vidiva. Danes smo imeli plesni dan in smo plesali. In potem smo morali vsi 7.r pokazat ples in jaz sem ga vedno gledala on pa je mene parkrat pogledal. V bistvu sva izpostavila očesni stik. Nekaj dni nazaj, ko smo šli k drugemu predmetu sem se po pomoti zaletela v njega. Jaz sem se mu opravičevala on pa meni vredu je in se mi je nasmehnil. Prosim pomagajte. Kako naj vzpostavim čim boljši stik z njim. Strah me je tudi kaj bi mi na to rekli starši in sošolke.
Hvala za odgovore:innocent:
Jaz sem v enega fanta, ki je eno leto starejši. On me ne pozna. Sicer hodi na našo šolo in se ponavadi vidiva. Danes smo imeli plesni dan in smo plesali. In potem smo morali vsi 7.r pokazat ples in jaz sem ga vedno gledala on pa je mene parkrat pogledal. V bistvu sva izpostavila očesni stik. Nekaj dni nazaj, ko smo šli k drugemu predmetu sem se po pomoti zaletela v njega. Jaz sem se mu opravičevala on pa meni vredu je in se mi je nasmehnil. Prosim pomagajte. Kako naj vzpostavim čim boljši stik z njim. Strah me je tudi kaj bi mi na to rekli starši in sošolke.
Hvala za odgovore:innocent:
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