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značka Pisalnica: Unfolded - part 1

Unfolded - part 1

someone random
Hi I'm Juliana. I figured out my WHOLE FAMILY SECRET and this is how I did it. This story takes place last year when I was 16 years old. So let's start...

My family always seemed very suspicious to me but I never knew why. It just always seemed like they were hiding something from me which I didn't like at all. When I would ask my mother Monica about my grandma Esther who just randomly disappeared from our family she would just stay quiet which seemed odd to me. Nobody ever told me who she was, how she looked like, if she's still alive, if I ever met her... Everything was just super suspicious but I didn't think much of it. At the end of the day she could've just died very tragically and no one wanted to think about it again. I wasn't too annoying and curious about it but it was always in the back of my mind. But one day, something was a bit different when I came home from school. After I showered, I heard a bell ring and went to the front door to check who it was. It was this man I never met before.. he was tall and he looked a bit scary not gonna lie. But I still got the courage to open the door and ask who he is and what he wanted. With his deep, he said that his name was Christopher and that he was looking for my grandma. I was shook when he said that because I thought my grandma died! I told him to sit on the couch and we'll talk about that. I gave him some tea and he started talking about how great of a person my grandma was before she tragically died. I asked him if he knew how she died and he said yes, but that he can't tell me just jet because I'm too young to understand. In my head I was like: "excuse me, who are you calling young". But I didn't say that. we talked a little longer and he told me that if I really wanted to know everything about my grandma he'd help me find out but not just jet. I was annoyed at this point and just asked him who he even was and how did he know my grandma. He said that him and my grandma were dating back in 1960 when she was still alive. I was shook because from what I got told, my grandma married my grandpa in 1958, so it would mean that my grandma was cheating on my grandpa with Christopher! I asked him more about that and he said that my grandma didn't tell him about my grandpa and he broke up with her right when he found out. That was too much to hear and I was so overwhelmed, that I almost passed out. Christopher saw that and he said that he understands my confusion since that was a lot of information at once. He gave me a card with his number on it to call him when I wanna know more. I thanked him and walked him through the door. After that I laid on the couch and started thinking about everything I just heard! For a moment I questioned it all and wondered if I should even believe Christopher for what he said since I don't even know him and everything seemed a little bit unreal. I mean why would somebody tell me so much stuff right away? Why now? How is he associated with my family? What secret was he trying to tell me?

The end of part one.


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Cool! I like it 'cause is in english. It is awesome, keep going...:clap:
Sorry: 'cause it is in english
thank you so much!! the next part is comming out madbe tommorow, or sometime next week
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OH MY GOD i love it! your english is very good, keep going!!
- Charlie :)
thank you!!
Really, miraculous hah

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Preden na spletu karkoli objaviš, se vprašaj: ali objava vsebuje karkoli, česar ne bi želel deliti s popolnim neznancem na cesti?



Študentka detektivka, 22. del

Ogledov: 25 Odgovorov: 1

Prijateljstvo 7. del

Ogledov: 43 Odgovorov: 3

Dnevnik: Jaz in moje zivljenje

Ogledov: 42 Odgovorov: 2

Na drugi strani iluzije 2. del

Ogledov: 50 Odgovorov: 1


Ogledov: 34 Odgovorov: 0

Pogovor v mačjem jeziku 16. del

Ogledov: 41 Odgovorov: 1

SAMO PLEŠI🌸 38. del

Ogledov: 65 Odgovorov: 5
Fun-girl potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v

Jaz sem v enega fanta

Jaz sem v enega fanta, ki je eno leto starejši. On me ne pozna. Sicer hodi na našo šolo in se ponavadi vidiva. Danes smo imeli plesni dan in smo plesali. In potem smo morali vsi 7.r pokazat ples in jaz sem ga vedno gledala on pa je mene parkrat pogledal. V bistvu sva izpostavila očesni stik. Nekaj dni nazaj, ko smo šli k drugemu predmetu sem se po pomoti zaletela v njega. Jaz sem se mu opravičevala on pa meni vredu je in se mi je nasmehnil. Prosim pomagajte. Kako naj vzpostavim čim boljši stik z njim. Strah me je tudi kaj bi mi na to rekli starši in sošolke.
Hvala za odgovore:innocent:

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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!

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Iščeš odgovore na vprašanja, kot so "Kako se naročim na revijo Pil?", "Kako se registrirati?", Kakšna so pravila obnašanja na Pilovi spletni strani?" in "Kam vnesem naročniško številko?" Klikni na spodnji gumb in najdi odgovore!


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o moj god! pač resnično imaš talent! res, ...
ahhh, to je tok lepo:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:. ...
Ja fuuuuuuuul dobrrrrrr
zlo lepooo:heart:pač res si nadarjenaa
če želite recept je tukaj pac ...
wow browniji iz sladkega krompirja? nisem ...
Zakaj se mi zdi, da je morilec Charlotte?
Ja končno konec tedna in nov del.