Bom pa še jaz dala svoje quote
"Depression isn't sadness on another level. depression is a beast, a black hole that's eating us from the inside. and when it eats us... we just leave the world by ourselves"- me
"they ask me 'why are you so quiet?' 'cause I'm thinking. 'cause I like thinking. 'cause in my mind people actually care about me, I can imagine them doing something in my memory after I die. in real life they don't even notice I exist."- me
"if u ask me 'what is friendship?' i'd answer you 'school.' 'cause every friendship I had was just so I would be checking other people's school work."- me
"you can bully me, you can shout at me, you can call me a nerd. at least you'll let the anger out. my problems had already grown so big, they can't grow bigger, so, why don't use me as a human with no heart and feelings?" - me
"I can be brave. I am brave. I can be angry. I am angry. I can be sad. I am sad. but I can't be happy and I won't be happy, 'cause I can't show my bravery, my anger, my sadness. 'cause if I show it you will find something bad in it, you will tease me for it, you will bully me for it. so I just can't be happy. 'cause happy hurts when it's fake happy and for me- happy is only fake happy."- me

Moj odgovor:

Naročniki revije Pil, pozor!
Na Pilovi spletni strani imate naročniki revije posebne ugodnosti. V klepetalnici lahko z drugimi naročniki klepetate v ločeni sobi klepetalnice, ustvarjate teste v Galaksiji testov ter na vseh forumih objavljate fotografije in risbe.
Vse, kar potrebujete za aktivacijo ugodnosti, je naročniška številka.
Naročniško številko dobiš na e-poštni naslov, ki si ga vpisal/a na naročilnico. Dostop do dodatnih vsebin za naročnike lahko aktiviraš tudi tako, da vpišeš ime in priimek plačnika naročnine (to je najverjetneje eden od staršev oz. skrbnikov). Če številke nikakor ne najdeš, piši na in ti bomo pomagali.
Kam vneseš naročniško številko? Klikni desno zgoraj na svoj vzdevek in izberi “Dostop za naročnike” ali pojdi direktno na povezavo