toxic sis

i know most of you here are slovenians but i think this is a really good page for other teens too. i come from sweden and i haven't found a page like that in our language so i was hoping that you could hepl me. so the problem is my sister is really really toxic person. she is like a cry baby and she always gets what she wants because she had anorexia and we fought over this of 2 years and its still not over yet. she is blackmailing with that again and again, like if i dont get what i want i wont eat and im gonna throw upeverything i ate. and she sometimes really do that. then our family argues for hours and hours, everyone is angry, sad, in worries and i think she kinda likes all control she have. she is destroying our family, i got lots of anxiety and a bit of depression cause of her so do anyone know what can i do??? please, i really need your help or im going crazy for real!!

Pa no gate, ker je čisto možno da ste od drugod... Lp Loons

Sorry, but why do you understand this text?
I am realy sorry, but I'm not sure, that you are Sweden.
Ali sem prav napisala?

Če si Švedinja, se zelo opravičujem, ampak zadnje čase jih veliko piše tu gor v slovenščini. Tako da mi je žal in vem, da nimaš najbolj prijetne situacije doma.
Lepo se imej,

p.s This website is made for any teenager nomether where they live.It is true that it is slovenian and if u dont speak it u cant read stories people post...But everywon has problems and the first step to solve them is to ask for advice.

try focusing on helping her instead of her nationality.
I reccomend that you talk to your sister or an adult person that you might help a bit

I'm afraid that unfortunately you are a little late with education.
you can probably google something online.
I hope I helped!

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