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haha men je spet dc (nč novga) tko da iščm folk na kerga še nism naročena pa nobenga ne najdm več, tko da če nism naročena nate mi lah napišeš v komentarje (btw še tko 40 mi jih manjka do 700 in sm ponosna nase lol).
Po drugi strani pa.... um THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH pač mam že kr 289 naročnikov, pač to pomen še enajst do 300.... pač kva??? :fearful::fearful:
hvala hvala hvala hvala!! <3
aja btw to so te prekrasni ljudje:
Pomaranča1, Book:book:, upaj, harryronhermioneginnylunaneville24, Princess, Book star, Super sister, Queenfan, #lovedogs, Valko gamer, Tajdicas, Lučka 2708, Neaktiven PILovec #1229, Jany, Carica2010, emma watson, balerina, hogwarts, Catbook, I love dance:), Tayači, Bird lover, Ulala, Tačka, LoveHermioneGranger, Hungry book, Spring, Bad family, Bralka 2.0, pilovka 10, Lily44, Punca4, mary, Ginny Weasley 123, TTV_ValekDalek, tutu, Sillo, Chloe, Lodija, I´m I, Prekmurski štirje, ꧁༺𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮༻꧂, Potterhead, dark dragon, Sara, April, Crazyemojigirl, Girls Power!, BFF, katka solatka, MančiAnimalLover;), Coffe, Power Girl, happyGIRL, Fox star, Sk8er girl, Pomagam rada, Mel in River, Night girl, Knjiga rekordov iz PILA, Lexi7, cool boy, HermioneGranger, volleyboard, m, MladoPoroceniPar, zelena, LL iz HP:heart::heart:, Summer girl, LoveGinnyWeasley, Sophie :), Iskra, Wise Girl, Kaki2010, DanceTogether, Annie #1, SuperGirl, vanilija, one direction fan, hermione granger, Bff, Miki mouse :stuck_out_tongue:, Hermione:black_heart:, Ana Rao, # natur, LoverDogs, kamilica, Marela, ...ayda..., Happy Girl, animalllover, Panda sem:panda_face:, bff, Hermiona 17, Svetovalka:revolving_hearts:, wonder girl:cherries:, HP fan, Crafty horse bff, K2010&sleep, LOLA, CoolGirl, :sparkles:🧱cigelčki🧱:sparkles:, Daisy123, Sara Marita, Hermiona 2, Sonček, oseba714, Neva, Dancing queen, Doglover, Super girl, SlanaČokolada, RobausRaws, sunny._.girl, Isabelle Lightwood, volkec, Fluffy cat, lovepil, atletinja19, the girl :sunglasses:, ColourMusic, LION184, Lara29, Bella EVANS11, Hp is my life:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, WikiDuo, Vesoljska mucica, človečkinja, Cat girl, Doggylover, LunaLovegood, Ruby_UwU, HarryPotter, Šolsko dekle, Liči10, sakul, Cool dogy Sky, Anika0712, spletnapunca:heart:, roker, puppy lover, Ribnčanka Urbanka, Hiroshi, GG man, Rainbow_dog, Zoe (comp), Nejka, Ginny Aneja Horses, Neaktiven PILovec #3065, JazSemLily, ginnyweasley11, HP fan :), drawndance, Kally, Lisa, PuppyLoveGirl, Tiger, filmgirl, hermiona granger, love hot wheels, Emeline, Rouse123, two girl, Rueanne, YT gang, Bonny fan, Game&Over, nikapika, Gdč. art lover<3, Jolly, Zoey^_^, Džina, LoveGinnyPotter, Snake girl, gdč. PILovka, Kaya Scodelario, vedno nasmejana, boy/sexy, Lichy, Kika, Someone:sparkling_heart::smirk:, Sophia, Živka, Nice girl, Cherry:cherries:, Hogwarts girl, Love horse 3, @mica635, Tiha pevka, lovedance1, CIK CAK girl, 0MGSIAX, iamboy, Clara, Theweirdofromanotherplanet, Jiyu, :black_heart:𝕒𝕩𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝:black_heart:, GamerBoy, glasbenaviolina1, Gospa, evelynn, Jessica 894, vratarka, Happy life, Celčan, Lily-James-fenica, GinnyWeasley26, smille:grinning:, neustrašna jahačica, najči, LUCIJA22, Flavtistka, Broken bird, Sončnica:sunflower:, Gospodična Brči - brči:blush:, Lemon Leopard, Harry_Styles_BIGGEST_fan, jon1999, Ginny_Weasley_fan, robloxmanca, Clara Mason, Hani90!!, Garfield, Snoopy, Drevesce, Lanči667, Ilovebooks, #sedmošolka, JellyFish, Panda Girl:panda_face:, Loona_Lovegod, Funny Girl, Loti123, The mushroom girl :mushroom:, PILovka na premoru #3684, Iris_Rainbow, PILANA, Maddie, Pilovka 123, Gdč. Granger, Pepca, kravica, #Stefi2, Tulipanki, DogLover11, taennie, Girl:blush::grin::smile::hugging:, Kati123, #Lama456, Valentina, Suna, PILovka na premoru #3912, Eleven, Pia:cherry_blossom::four_leaf_clover:, Anabeth_10, aisha, Prijateljica, Bullet Journal FAN, Neytiri, Happycolla, Jagoda :strawberry:, #love, slaaay, ABAFriends, General Machito, ZZZZZALA, nekdo, don't be created be a creator, @butterfly_moon:butterfly::crescent_moon:, Palčka Zala, P16.07, Suhica, Levček, 12letnica, Panda:panda_face:, Sophie Donna, Potter, lebnel, Evinija, Pač js, sabrina, blue star:shark:, Strelka, kaktus369, Piano Girl, Smart girl, Disneyfan635, KOKAKOLANTO179, niki
ful mi je žal za tiste k so že šli iz pila, ampk ja HVALA USEM!!!
Po drugi strani pa.... um THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH pač mam že kr 289 naročnikov, pač to pomen še enajst do 300.... pač kva??? :fearful::fearful:
hvala hvala hvala hvala!! <3
aja btw to so te prekrasni ljudje:
Pomaranča1, Book:book:, upaj, harryronhermioneginnylunaneville24, Princess, Book star, Super sister, Queenfan, #lovedogs, Valko gamer, Tajdicas, Lučka 2708, Neaktiven PILovec #1229, Jany, Carica2010, emma watson, balerina, hogwarts, Catbook, I love dance:), Tayači, Bird lover, Ulala, Tačka, LoveHermioneGranger, Hungry book, Spring, Bad family, Bralka 2.0, pilovka 10, Lily44, Punca4, mary, Ginny Weasley 123, TTV_ValekDalek, tutu, Sillo, Chloe, Lodija, I´m I, Prekmurski štirje, ꧁༺𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮༻꧂, Potterhead, dark dragon, Sara, April, Crazyemojigirl, Girls Power!, BFF, katka solatka, MančiAnimalLover;), Coffe, Power Girl, happyGIRL, Fox star, Sk8er girl, Pomagam rada, Mel in River, Night girl, Knjiga rekordov iz PILA, Lexi7, cool boy, HermioneGranger, volleyboard, m, MladoPoroceniPar, zelena, LL iz HP:heart::heart:, Summer girl, LoveGinnyWeasley, Sophie :), Iskra, Wise Girl, Kaki2010, DanceTogether, Annie #1, SuperGirl, vanilija, one direction fan, hermione granger, Bff, Miki mouse :stuck_out_tongue:, Hermione:black_heart:, Ana Rao, # natur, LoverDogs, kamilica, Marela, ...ayda..., Happy Girl, animalllover, Panda sem:panda_face:, bff, Hermiona 17, Svetovalka:revolving_hearts:, wonder girl:cherries:, HP fan, Crafty horse bff, K2010&sleep, LOLA, CoolGirl, :sparkles:🧱cigelčki🧱:sparkles:, Daisy123, Sara Marita, Hermiona 2, Sonček, oseba714, Neva, Dancing queen, Doglover, Super girl, SlanaČokolada, RobausRaws, sunny._.girl, Isabelle Lightwood, volkec, Fluffy cat, lovepil, atletinja19, the girl :sunglasses:, ColourMusic, LION184, Lara29, Bella EVANS11, Hp is my life:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, WikiDuo, Vesoljska mucica, človečkinja, Cat girl, Doggylover, LunaLovegood, Ruby_UwU, HarryPotter, Šolsko dekle, Liči10, sakul, Cool dogy Sky, Anika0712, spletnapunca:heart:, roker, puppy lover, Ribnčanka Urbanka, Hiroshi, GG man, Rainbow_dog, Zoe (comp), Nejka, Ginny Aneja Horses, Neaktiven PILovec #3065, JazSemLily, ginnyweasley11, HP fan :), drawndance, Kally, Lisa, PuppyLoveGirl, Tiger, filmgirl, hermiona granger, love hot wheels, Emeline, Rouse123, two girl, Rueanne, YT gang, Bonny fan, Game&Over, nikapika, Gdč. art lover<3, Jolly, Zoey^_^, Džina, LoveGinnyPotter, Snake girl, gdč. PILovka, Kaya Scodelario, vedno nasmejana, boy/sexy, Lichy, Kika, Someone:sparkling_heart::smirk:, Sophia, Živka, Nice girl, Cherry:cherries:, Hogwarts girl, Love horse 3, @mica635, Tiha pevka, lovedance1, CIK CAK girl, 0MGSIAX, iamboy, Clara, Theweirdofromanotherplanet, Jiyu, :black_heart:𝕒𝕩𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝:black_heart:, GamerBoy, glasbenaviolina1, Gospa, evelynn, Jessica 894, vratarka, Happy life, Celčan, Lily-James-fenica, GinnyWeasley26, smille:grinning:, neustrašna jahačica, najči, LUCIJA22, Flavtistka, Broken bird, Sončnica:sunflower:, Gospodična Brči - brči:blush:, Lemon Leopard, Harry_Styles_BIGGEST_fan, jon1999, Ginny_Weasley_fan, robloxmanca, Clara Mason, Hani90!!, Garfield, Snoopy, Drevesce, Lanči667, Ilovebooks, #sedmošolka, JellyFish, Panda Girl:panda_face:, Loona_Lovegod, Funny Girl, Loti123, The mushroom girl :mushroom:, PILovka na premoru #3684, Iris_Rainbow, PILANA, Maddie, Pilovka 123, Gdč. Granger, Pepca, kravica, #Stefi2, Tulipanki, DogLover11, taennie, Girl:blush::grin::smile::hugging:, Kati123, #Lama456, Valentina, Suna, PILovka na premoru #3912, Eleven, Pia:cherry_blossom::four_leaf_clover:, Anabeth_10, aisha, Prijateljica, Bullet Journal FAN, Neytiri, Happycolla, Jagoda :strawberry:, #love, slaaay, ABAFriends, General Machito, ZZZZZALA, nekdo, don't be created be a creator, @butterfly_moon:butterfly::crescent_moon:, Palčka Zala, P16.07, Suhica, Levček, 12letnica, Panda:panda_face:, Sophie Donna, Potter, lebnel, Evinija, Pač js, sabrina, blue star:shark:, Strelka, kaktus369, Piano Girl, Smart girl, Disneyfan635, KOKAKOLANTO179, niki
ful mi je žal za tiste k so že šli iz pila, ampk ja HVALA USEM!!!
Res si naročena na ogromno PILovcev in PILovk, bravo.
Prav tako - wow, koliko naročnikov!
Saj si jih zaslužiš, <3
Res si naročena na ogromno PILovcev in PILovk, bravo.
Prav tako - wow, koliko naročnikov!
Saj si jih zaslužiš, <3
Now it's been long enough to talk about it
I've started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it
I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
Every city's got a graveyard
The service bought and paid for
Now I'm sleeping in the backyard
Passing out as light turns into day
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
Go and stretch out my arms
Long as they need to be
Turn off all alarms and lie to me
Go and stretch out my arms
Long as they need to be
Turn off all alarms and lie to me
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
I know I'll take you with me
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
*b*Cults - Gilded Lily*b*
I've started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it
I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
Every city's got a graveyard
The service bought and paid for
Now I'm sleeping in the backyard
Passing out as light turns into day
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
Go and stretch out my arms
Long as they need to be
Turn off all alarms and lie to me
Go and stretch out my arms
Long as they need to be
Turn off all alarms and lie to me
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
I know I'll take you with me
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
*b*Cults - Gilded Lily*b*
Še kdo prebral trilogijo Jana R. Bilodjeriča ANIMUS?
Hej imam en zabaven posnetek:kissing_heart::
Klikni in ga poglej (če ŽELIŠ).
Lep dan!
Klikni in ga poglej (če ŽELIŠ).
Lep dan!
a tvoji starši vejo, da maš profil na pilu?
:speak_no_evil::speak_no_evil::speak_no_evil:7 tisoč ogledov? wtfff hvalaa
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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
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sporoča pilovcem/kam:
A SE ZAVEDATE, DA JE SKORAJ ŽE ZIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:snowflake:
hej! najlepša hvala za sporočilo v nabiralniku!:heart::kissing_heart::hugging: ...
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Če si, dobrodošel!
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