Cook girl1
Naročnina na objave je mogoča samo registriranim Pilovcem.
Sporočila lahko v "Moj kotiček" pošiljajo le registrirani in aktivni uporabniki.
*1 hour on pil*
*b* Hej kaj je ta website na kateri si?*b*
Ouu reče se ji pil.Je za branje in objavljanje zgodb, fotografij Itd. Potem pa imamo še svetovalnico da pomagamo najstnikom v stiski. Zdele sm napisala ze 3 zgodbe in objavila 7 slik yayy.
*1 leto in vec on pil*
*b*Hej kako kej pil. A majo ljudje zanimive objave?*b*
emm idk ne spremlam, mamo pa debato o barvi mate
*b*emm k kaj pa kej svetovalnica. A so vsi kul?*b*
Last time i checked je bla polovica folka nosečega.
*b* A zgodbo se objavljas?*b*
We dont talk abt that.
*b* gud to know:no_mouth:*b*
*b* Hej kaj je ta website na kateri si?*b*
Ouu reče se ji pil.Je za branje in objavljanje zgodb, fotografij Itd. Potem pa imamo še svetovalnico da pomagamo najstnikom v stiski. Zdele sm napisala ze 3 zgodbe in objavila 7 slik yayy.
*1 leto in vec on pil*
*b*Hej kako kej pil. A majo ljudje zanimive objave?*b*
emm idk ne spremlam, mamo pa debato o barvi mate
*b*emm k kaj pa kej svetovalnica. A so vsi kul?*b*
Last time i checked je bla polovica folka nosečega.
*b* A zgodbo se objavljas?*b*
We dont talk abt that.
*b* gud to know:no_mouth:*b*
lol mal berem skrita sporočila these are the best ones.
*b*Pride mož k zdravniku in pravi: "Doktor, imam res hudo težavo. Vsakič, ko se pogledam v ogledalo, mi postane slabo. Mislim, da sem grd kot noč!"*b*
*b*Zdravnik ga pogleda in reče: "Vidim, kaj mislite. Na srečo vam lahko pomagam. Začnimo s tem, da bom jaz sedaj vedno hodil pred vami in vam zakrival ogledalo.*b*
I see some sparkles, idk abt you ampak nisem se vidla nikogar k bi bil tolk commited da z enim hodi *b*all*b* the
time.( a to vključuje tud tko tuširanje and stuff- ce si mi to poslal feel free to explain)
*b*Ti si čist bedna*b*
Gajz dons je 69 dnevna obletnica odkar je dedku od mojega mrzlega bratranca strica umrla njegova imaginery riba. One day he had a dream in wich his imaginery fish drowned so emm prosim rispekt that and dont be mean🥺.
*b*Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes. I was walking through the streets of life, navigating my way through countless paths, but when I saw you, it was like finding a hidden treasure that I didn't even know I was looking for. Your smile is like the North Star, guiding me through the darkest nights, and your laugh is the melody that makes my heart dance. Every moment without you feels like a puzzle with a missing piece, but now that I've found you, everything just fits perfectly. So, how about we embark on this journey together and see where it takes us?*b*
Ik im not funny ampak jbg.
*b*Pride mož k zdravniku in pravi: "Doktor, imam res hudo težavo. Vsakič, ko se pogledam v ogledalo, mi postane slabo. Mislim, da sem grd kot noč!"*b*
*b*Zdravnik ga pogleda in reče: "Vidim, kaj mislite. Na srečo vam lahko pomagam. Začnimo s tem, da bom jaz sedaj vedno hodil pred vami in vam zakrival ogledalo.*b*
I see some sparkles, idk abt you ampak nisem se vidla nikogar k bi bil tolk commited da z enim hodi *b*all*b* the
time.( a to vključuje tud tko tuširanje and stuff- ce si mi to poslal feel free to explain)
*b*Ti si čist bedna*b*
Gajz dons je 69 dnevna obletnica odkar je dedku od mojega mrzlega bratranca strica umrla njegova imaginery riba. One day he had a dream in wich his imaginery fish drowned so emm prosim rispekt that and dont be mean🥺.
*b*Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes. I was walking through the streets of life, navigating my way through countless paths, but when I saw you, it was like finding a hidden treasure that I didn't even know I was looking for. Your smile is like the North Star, guiding me through the darkest nights, and your laugh is the melody that makes my heart dance. Every moment without you feels like a puzzle with a missing piece, but now that I've found you, everything just fits perfectly. So, how about we embark on this journey together and see where it takes us?*b*
Ik im not funny ampak jbg.
Not sure if aj passed everything but do sobote sem a free woman
omgg ja jss tuttt :) pacc agh js sm tok hepi k mi je sloo par teh ocenjevanjj skozz haahah
Ce ma kdo idejo kako lahko za 8 mesecev zaspim message me abt it
Lajf updejt zdele obolovam nad bajlo, ampak sita
Brt jst obolevam nad bajlo, grem mal jest mogoče bi bolš:sob:
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Hermione 2013
sporoča pilovcem/kam:
dobro jutro mi dons pišemo slovoo wewewewewewwewewewe:cry::cry::cry::sweat::sweat::sob::so
sporoča pilovcem/kam:
dubil sem 4 pri slo:grinning::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: