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jutr je petek 13.!!!!!!
a je že koga kej strah?!?!?!?!? lol
jutr je petek 13.!!!!!!
a je že koga kej strah?!?!?!?!? lol
pa še tole: a vrjamete da petek 13. prinaša nesrečo??????
men se sam zdi zabavn pol pa mal "paničarm"
men se sam zdi zabavn pol pa mal "paničarm"
Haha jaaa. Čeprovv js ne vrjamem v to vraževerje haha😅 Kj nj bi se sploh zgodill? Nesrečaa. Bomo vidl... Js sm itk skoss doma tkoda se mi ne more kej dost zgodit ;)
Moja prijateljica mi je povedala par hudih nesreč ji jih je njen tata doživel na 13. petek... nevem pa če verjamem ali ne. Ampak ga komaj čakam😄😄 (nevem ZKJ verjetno da vidm kaj se bo kej dogajalo)
Hahhahhaha jz sm si roko zlomla na ta zadnjm petku 13….
Btw a ste vedl da bodo u letošnm letu trije petki 13. Pa jz sm se skor rodila na petk 13…/ Hahaha I broke my arm last Friday the 13th...
Btw did you know that there will be three Fridays the 13th this year? And I was almost born on a Friday the 13th..."
Btw a ste vedl da bodo u letošnm letu trije petki 13. Pa jz sm se skor rodila na petk 13…/ Hahaha I broke my arm last Friday the 13th...
Btw did you know that there will be three Fridays the 13th this year? And I was almost born on a Friday the 13th..."
*i*Thought of the day*i*
*b*Why you gotta lead me on?
Your love is like a rose's thorn
I wish I never met you in the first place
My life would be much easier today*b*
*b*Why you gotta lead me on?
Your love is like a rose's thorn
I wish I never met you in the first place
My life would be much easier today*b*
*b*Thought of the day*b*
*i*I'm back, I feel like myself
I was gone for a minute 'cause I went to get help
It's not like I wanna die
At least not now, I love being alive*i*
*i*I'm back, I feel like myself
I was gone for a minute 'cause I went to get help
It's not like I wanna die
At least not now, I love being alive*i*
*i*Thought of the day*i*
*b*Don't wanna make it worse I'm gonna make it work*b*
*b*Don't wanna make it worse I'm gonna make it work*b*
*b*Thought of the day*b*
*i*I don't have a lot to give
but I would give you everything. *i*
*i*I don't have a lot to give
but I would give you everything. *i*
*i*Thought of the day*i*
*b*A well-read woman is a dangerous creature. *b*
*b*A well-read woman is a dangerous creature. *b*
Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have it
Haha nsn to nima smisla sam u glavo ki je sloo
Haha nsn to nima smisla sam u glavo ki je sloo
*b*Thought of the day*b*
*i*I've always done whatever i want and always been exactly who i am*i*
*i*I've always done whatever i want and always been exactly who i am*i*
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
imaš kdaj čas za klepet? Recimo zdaj?
vračam naročnino!
Tajči ...
hvala za omebo v profilčku:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:
lp ...