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Naročnina na objave je mogoča samo registriranim Pilovcem.
Sporočila lahko v "Moj kotiček" pošiljajo le registrirani in aktivni uporabniki.
hearts4_l i'm working on your request! Meanwhile, When the glass' empty (chapter 2) will release soon<3 Also huge thank you to anyone who read or commented- it means the world!
hearts4_l i'm working on your request! Meanwhile, When the glass' empty (chapter 2) will release soon<3 Also huge thank you to anyone who read or commented- it means the world!
Hey če želi kdo prebrati moja zgodba je tukaj link<3
"I DO speak slovene, but I'm from hungary (I'm doing high school in Slovenia) and I feel realy insecure with my knowledge, so I prefer to use english. I have no problem with reading or understanding, it's the speaking that I'm not sure about. I hope you understand!" tole piše v njenem profilu
hii you seem so sweet<33 i can't wait for your stories:)
Aw thank you<3 I'm excited too haha!
When the glass' empty is officialy scheduled for TOMORROW at 13.00! I am genuinely SO HAPPY. It's quite short, but I love the progression of this story. Can't wait to share my first ever chapter with you!
Aw thank you<3 I'm excited too haha!
When the glass' empty is officialy scheduled for TOMORROW at 13.00! I am genuinely SO HAPPY. It's quite short, but I love the progression of this story. Can't wait to share my first ever chapter with you!
Hey guys! I got this message:
Here we go again :unamused: At least it's a bit more unique than before
Does anyone know what they mean by that? Thank you:yellow_heart:
Here we go again :unamused: At least it's a bit more unique than before
Does anyone know what they mean by that? Thank you:yellow_heart:
Probably they dont like that you dont speak slovene, but they like the fact that your profile is uniqe
Hello! Welcome to our website! Although I see, that you don't speak Slovenian, I hope that you will get along well with us. If you need any help, you can easily write to me in the so-called Moj kotiček.
Enjoy! <3
Enjoy! <3
Omg tvoja angleščina je tok dobra😭
Moja se je ful lomt začela ker je med počitncami skor nisem uporabljala heh🤪
Omg your english is so good😭
Mine started to really break cuz i didn't use it alot during summer break heh🤪
Moja se je ful lomt začela ker je med počitncami skor nisem uporabljala heh🤪
Omg your english is so good😭
Mine started to really break cuz i didn't use it alot during summer break heh🤪
Hah, hvala. Z očijem doma govoriva angleško, in se pol zelo veliko naučimo :)
Hah, thanks. My father and I speak English at home and then I learn a lot :)
Hah, thanks. My father and I speak English at home and then I learn a lot :)
hearts google prevajalnik lahko pomaga tudi pri takšnih slovnično pravilnih stavkov, jaz iskreno rajši napišem bolj pogovorno, ki je vseeno pravilno, kot pa pač tista čist prava angleščina.
zakaj pa doma govorite angleško? je tvoj oči anglež al pač tko za foro hah
zakaj pa doma govorite angleško? je tvoj oči anglež al pač tko za foro hah
Hiii! I think you are not from Sloenia soo i am Subcriber like you said but in slovenian is Naročen<3
i sended u a story requeste into the secret message box<3
i sended u a story requeste into the secret message box<3
Cook girl1
sporoča pilovcem/kam: ...
sporoča pilovcem/kam:
js morm zbrat outfit :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: ...
vseeeeeee najboljšeeeeeeeee supr siiiiiiii:kiss::kissing_heart::tada::gift::ribbon: ...
Nixi moja, 4. del zgodbe je zuni :hugging::hugging::hugging: ...