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She noted, more than once, that the meteor shower was happening, beyond the overcast sky, even if we could not see it. Who cares if she can kiss? She can see through the clouds.
- John Green, Turtles All The Way Down
(sori k nism tok cajta nc objavlala sam sm mela oratorij in smo bli animatorji itk na pouno zaposleni pac zbudla sm se ob sestih pa sla tja pa sla ob osmih domu pa sla ob pol desetih spat se za ogne sm komi poslala k tm ni blo signala pa niti nismo smel bit ful na telefonih k so nas voditli nakurli)
- John Green, Turtles All The Way Down
(sori k nism tok cajta nc objavlala sam sm mela oratorij in smo bli animatorji itk na pouno zaposleni pac zbudla sm se ob sestih pa sla tja pa sla ob osmih domu pa sla ob pol desetih spat se za ogne sm komi poslala k tm ni blo signala pa niti nismo smel bit ful na telefonih k so nas voditli nakurli)
Maybe you're been in love. I mean real love, the kind love my grandmother used to describe by quoting the apostole Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, the love that is kind and patient, that doesn't envy or boast, that beareth all things and believeth all things and endureth all things. I don't like to thrown the L-word around; it's too good and rare a feeling to cheapen with overuse. You can live a good life without ever knowing real love, of the Corinthians variety, but I was fortunate to have found it with Harold.
- John Green, Turtles All The Way Down
- John Green, Turtles All The Way Down
Bodi hvaležna tistim, ki so ti pomagali, ko si bila na tleh, in bodi hvaležna tudi tistim, ki ti niso. Prve je vredno obdržati, drugi pa so ti pomagali, da si jih spoznala v pravi luči.
- L. J. Shen, Lepi grobovi
- L. J. Shen, Lepi grobovi
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She smiles at me, making my heart beat faster.
I turn up the music. The album has started again at the first song, and maybe, on some level, her brain understands that I'm playing this song for her.
- Laura Nowlin, If Only I Had Told Her
I turn up the music. The album has started again at the first song, and maybe, on some level, her brain understands that I'm playing this song for her.
- Laura Nowlin, If Only I Had Told Her
"Feel better?" he asked.
"No," Isaac mumbled, his chest heaving.
"That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. "It demands to be felt."
- John Green, The Fault In Our Stars
"No," Isaac mumbled, his chest heaving.
"That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. "It demands to be felt."
- John Green, The Fault In Our Stars
Sometimes love is heavy, but tonight it is making me light and free. I'm grateful to have this time with her. It's almost enough.
- Laura Nowlin, If Only I Had Told Her
- Laura Nowlin, If Only I Had Told Her
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hejjj twy pa kje si ti noo:expressionless::unamused::joy:. ...