Akikos pov:
I hear a knock at the door. I get up and say "Yes, Who is it?" The door open and in my room comes my teacher "Akiko come to brekfast and then you and the others have to train" He said very weirdly. I get up and dress up. I go to the kitchen. Everyone was there all of the teacher of the elements.
Everyones pov:
"Akiko! Did u heard?" says Hinika. "What do you mean?" said Akiko. "There are some new villans. Amethyst and Anguis, very stupid names!" Said Kaiya. Akiko sits down and grabs a bowl of ramen. "Girls u should go train now" said Harumi's teacher. They all agreed. "Harumi you're the most powerfull, well and you trin a lot aswell, so please teach us your methods!" Said Hinika. Harumi was a little bit confused but she said "Alright! But i think we should have some meditation with Akiko first. Shes very calm" Everyone agreed.
*10 Minutes later*
"Breate in and breathe out..." was Akiko saying.
"That doesn't help me" said Kaiya. "Please stop acting like that Kaiya, its very childish" Hinika told Kaiya. "No i don't! Im just telling the truth!" Was keep saying Kaiya. "Stop! Akiko is actualy trying to get calm and your just ruining it Kaiya" Said Harumi. "Okay ill stop..." sadly said Kaiya. The meditation was going good on. "Ok now we can start with the training!" Said Harumi. They walked to the forest. Harumi steped in front of them and started talking. "Okay first we have like a power training! Hinika go on first. Try to beat me!" Hinika looked at her scaredly "What if anyone gets hurt?" she said. Harumi laughed and said "Before you get hurt ill save you! Dont worry" Hinika steped back and got ready for fight. "3..2..1 Fight!" Screamed Kaiya from the back. Harumi started running to Hinika, but Hinika is an smart person she floated herself in the air with an shoot of air. Harumi was pretty impressed about her. But as knew Hinika couldn't hold herself in the air for a long time. She was starting to fall. Harumi catched her. "Told you i will save you" Said Harumi with an smile. Hinika was all scared but at the same time happy.
Evo tukaj je na hitro napisan "scenarij"
4 Elements!
Drugi liki bodo objavljeni kmalu!
Harumi: Moči ognja
Akiko: Moči zemlje
Hinika: Moči zraka
Kaiya: Moči vode
Vesel božič! :heart:
I hear a knock at the door. I get up and say "Yes, Who is it?" The door open and in my room comes my teacher "Akiko come to brekfast and then you and the others have to train" He said very weirdly. I get up and dress up. I go to the kitchen. Everyone was there all of the teacher of the elements.
Everyones pov:
"Akiko! Did u heard?" says Hinika. "What do you mean?" said Akiko. "There are some new villans. Amethyst and Anguis, very stupid names!" Said Kaiya. Akiko sits down and grabs a bowl of ramen. "Girls u should go train now" said Harumi's teacher. They all agreed. "Harumi you're the most powerfull, well and you trin a lot aswell, so please teach us your methods!" Said Hinika. Harumi was a little bit confused but she said "Alright! But i think we should have some meditation with Akiko first. Shes very calm" Everyone agreed.
*10 Minutes later*
"Breate in and breathe out..." was Akiko saying.
"That doesn't help me" said Kaiya. "Please stop acting like that Kaiya, its very childish" Hinika told Kaiya. "No i don't! Im just telling the truth!" Was keep saying Kaiya. "Stop! Akiko is actualy trying to get calm and your just ruining it Kaiya" Said Harumi. "Okay ill stop..." sadly said Kaiya. The meditation was going good on. "Ok now we can start with the training!" Said Harumi. They walked to the forest. Harumi steped in front of them and started talking. "Okay first we have like a power training! Hinika go on first. Try to beat me!" Hinika looked at her scaredly "What if anyone gets hurt?" she said. Harumi laughed and said "Before you get hurt ill save you! Dont worry" Hinika steped back and got ready for fight. "3..2..1 Fight!" Screamed Kaiya from the back. Harumi started running to Hinika, but Hinika is an smart person she floated herself in the air with an shoot of air. Harumi was pretty impressed about her. But as knew Hinika couldn't hold herself in the air for a long time. She was starting to fall. Harumi catched her. "Told you i will save you" Said Harumi with an smile. Hinika was all scared but at the same time happy.
Evo tukaj je na hitro napisan "scenarij"
4 Elements!
Drugi liki bodo objavljeni kmalu!
Harumi: Moči ognja
Akiko: Moči zemlje
Hinika: Moči zraka
Kaiya: Moči vode
Vesel božič! :heart:
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
suuper je:hugging::hugging::hugging:
a bo zgodba v angleščini?
rabla sm pons da sm jo brala lol:joy:
drugač pa super
a bo zgodba v angleščini?
rabla sm pons da sm jo brala lol:joy:
drugač pa super
Sam tole me zanima;
Kk narišete anime? In kk mate skupni profil? Men je pač vse fuuul všeč jz si nikoool nebi česa tok dobrega spomnla...
Animeji so mi fuuul všeč res in res dobre ideje imate jz sm hotla narest podobno sam mi ITAK ni uspel:/
Moja zgodba bi govorila o boju sonca in lune pisala sm jo pred enim letom:/
Res mi je všeč druzga itak ne morm narest k da vam rečem AWESOME!!
Vi k te animeje delate a ste vsi na pilu?
Nuuuujno se morm naročit na vas
Tiktoka nimam in vam ne morm sledit😭😭😭
Ok dost blebetanja lol
Obožuuuujem vas in res nooore zgodbe,
noooori animeji in res vam ne morm povedat
Ta ideja o elementih mi je čissst nora jz sm reees nora na elemente(zrak, voda, ogenj in zemlja)
Jooj ne morm nehat pisat sry😂😂
Kk narišete anime? In kk mate skupni profil? Men je pač vse fuuul všeč jz si nikoool nebi česa tok dobrega spomnla...
Animeji so mi fuuul všeč res in res dobre ideje imate jz sm hotla narest podobno sam mi ITAK ni uspel:/
Moja zgodba bi govorila o boju sonca in lune pisala sm jo pred enim letom:/
Res mi je všeč druzga itak ne morm narest k da vam rečem AWESOME!!
Vi k te animeje delate a ste vsi na pilu?
Nuuuujno se morm naročit na vas
Tiktoka nimam in vam ne morm sledit😭😭😭
Ok dost blebetanja lol
Obožuuuujem vas in res nooore zgodbe,
noooori animeji in res vam ne morm povedat
Ta ideja o elementih mi je čissst nora jz sm reees nora na elemente(zrak, voda, ogenj in zemlja)
Jooj ne morm nehat pisat sry😂😂
Hejjj tuki so odgovori! :
Kk narišete anime? In kk mate skupni profil?
Anime rišemo prek Clip studi-a, Skupni profil.. Naredila sem profil in vsem dala geslo enkao na tik toku
Vi k te animeje delate a ste vsi na pilu?
Nep samoj jaz (Rose) in moja bff Jennie.
Hvala ti za pohvalo resss❤️❤️❤️
Aja pa ideja za tvoj anime zveni super!
Resss hvala❤️💓
Kk narišete anime? In kk mate skupni profil?
Anime rišemo prek Clip studi-a, Skupni profil.. Naredila sem profil in vsem dala geslo enkao na tik toku
Vi k te animeje delate a ste vsi na pilu?
Nep samoj jaz (Rose) in moja bff Jennie.
Hvala ti za pohvalo resss❤️❤️❤️
Aja pa ideja za tvoj anime zveni super!
Resss hvala❤️💓
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Super scenarij, zelo dobro si opisovala in se že veselim prihodnjega dela zgodbe.:heart:
Nimam besed, pripomb in nasvetov, ker je zgodba popolna. <3
Tudi tebi želim čaroben božič in upam, da se kdaj dobiva v klepetalnici, ker se mi zdiš res super oseba. :))
Lp, GinnyCat <3
Nimam besed, pripomb in nasvetov, ker je zgodba popolna. <3
Tudi tebi želim čaroben božič in upam, da se kdaj dobiva v klepetalnici, ker se mi zdiš res super oseba. :))
Lp, GinnyCat <3
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Uaaaau! Zgodba je ful kul, čeprav sem si malo mogla pomagat s prevajalnikom. :)
Res carske ideje in vse! Zgodba bo torej v angleščini... tudi vredu <3
Res carske ideje in vse! Zgodba bo torej v angleščini... tudi vredu <3
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Super je, bom sledila:)
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Js sm ful u enga in ga ful pogrešam in nevem kaj naj da ga nebom tok pogrešala, nimam njegove fonske k me je strah uprašat
Kako vam je všeč zgodba v Pilu?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart_eyes:Super ...
zaka zgleda to tk dobr shineyy:yum: ...