Stay too long in the sun
Hold a sharp-ended stick on the run
Don't watch out when crossing streets
Turn higher 'n higher the earphone beats
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Steer an oil tanker to the north pole
Light a bonfire with lots of petrol
Drive blindly a car and feel cool
Go as non-swimmer in a deep end pool
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Lift much too heavy weight
Sometimes death comes fast and straight
Fall into unknown water is no bliss
Replace lightbulbs when hearin' gas hiss
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Miscalculate rocket setups are hazardous
Chokin' on oversized gum bubbles
Quite horrendous
Slashed your head?
A crazy hairdresser might give a clue
I wonder what this red cable will do?
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Stay outta the water during
jellyfish season
Melting icecaps cause by wasting
energy may be the reason
Be stupid, uncool, and smoke cigarettes
Eat too much junk food that makes you
sick and fat
Drinking alcohol, that poisonous stuff
will shrink your brain
They may not rhyme, but they kill most
of the creatures
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb ways
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Hold a sharp-ended stick on the run
Don't watch out when crossing streets
Turn higher 'n higher the earphone beats
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Steer an oil tanker to the north pole
Light a bonfire with lots of petrol
Drive blindly a car and feel cool
Go as non-swimmer in a deep end pool
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Lift much too heavy weight
Sometimes death comes fast and straight
Fall into unknown water is no bliss
Replace lightbulbs when hearin' gas hiss
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Miscalculate rocket setups are hazardous
Chokin' on oversized gum bubbles
Quite horrendous
Slashed your head?
A crazy hairdresser might give a clue
I wonder what this red cable will do?
Dumb Ways to Die
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die-ie-ie-ie
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Stay outta the water during
jellyfish season
Melting icecaps cause by wasting
energy may be the reason
Be stupid, uncool, and smoke cigarettes
Eat too much junk food that makes you
sick and fat
Drinking alcohol, that poisonous stuff
will shrink your brain
They may not rhyme, but they kill most
of the creatures
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb ways
So many Dumb Ways to Die
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
OOOO! Lepo!
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
preidimo kar k stvari: zadnje čase (nekaj mesecev) sem zelo premalo jedla (posledično tudi shujšala). Nimam menstruacije in sem ugotovila, da verjetno od tega. Rada bi jedla normalne količine hrane, tukaj pa je nekaj zapletov:
1. Ne vem, koliko naj pojem, koliko je tista zdrava mera.
2. Nimam pojma, kaj naj jem. Nočem si hrano kuhat 100 let, zanima me, če ma kdo kakšne ideje kaj jest.
3. Zadnjih nekaj dni fullll (pre)velik pojem, pač kr začnem in ne morem nehat in to me zelo skrbi. Kako naj neham s tem (pač rada bi mela neko zdravo mero in normalen odnos do hrane)?
4. Strah me je, da bi se zredila.
5. Rada bi dobila več mišic, ker sem jih (posledično) zgubila. Rada bi kakšne predloge za workoute/pridobivanje mišic.
Hvala za vso pomoč<33
preidimo kar k stvari: zadnje čase (nekaj mesecev) sem zelo premalo jedla (posledično tudi shujšala). Nimam menstruacije in sem ugotovila, da verjetno od tega. Rada bi jedla normalne količine hrane, tukaj pa je nekaj zapletov:
1. Ne vem, koliko naj pojem, koliko je tista zdrava mera.
2. Nimam pojma, kaj naj jem. Nočem si hrano kuhat 100 let, zanima me, če ma kdo kakšne ideje kaj jest.
3. Zadnjih nekaj dni fullll (pre)velik pojem, pač kr začnem in ne morem nehat in to me zelo skrbi. Kako naj neham s tem (pač rada bi mela neko zdravo mero in normalen odnos do hrane)?
4. Strah me je, da bi se zredila.
5. Rada bi dobila več mišic, ker sem jih (posledično) zgubila. Rada bi kakšne predloge za workoute/pridobivanje mišic.
Hvala za vso pomoč<33
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Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
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hahaaha, thats sooooooooo real!!!:slight_frown::slight_frown::grin::grin::joy::joy::sweat_