Get crushed by a crusher...
...destroy a vital apparatus.
Find a way into Android Hell...
... run too fast on a pool of Propulsion
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Play Hide'n'Seek with a turret...
...stand in front of an Energy Pellet.
Push your friend into toxic waste...
...shoot a portal straight into outer-
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Rub your face on a Hard-Light Bridge...
...forget your boots and fall off the
Suffocate in toxic gas...
...look at the operational end of the
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Fall out of a test-chamber...
...get thrown down an incinerator.
Consume a lot of bouncy-goo...
...I wonder, what's this red button do?
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die!
Donate one or more of your vital organs.
...fall into a pool of deadly toxins.
Go into cyrosleep when there's no more
...get put into a potato and get eaten
by a crow.
Stand around a platform heading towards
Wait around for Half-Life 3!
They're the dumbest ways to die!
The dumbest ways to die!
The dumbest ways to die!
So many dumb... many dumb ways to die!
...destroy a vital apparatus.
Find a way into Android Hell...
... run too fast on a pool of Propulsion
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Play Hide'n'Seek with a turret...
...stand in front of an Energy Pellet.
Push your friend into toxic waste...
...shoot a portal straight into outer-
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Rub your face on a Hard-Light Bridge...
...forget your boots and fall off the
Suffocate in toxic gas...
...look at the operational end of the
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Fall out of a test-chamber...
...get thrown down an incinerator.
Consume a lot of bouncy-goo...
...I wonder, what's this red button do?
Dumb ways to die!
So many dumb ways to die!
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die!
Donate one or more of your vital organs.
...fall into a pool of deadly toxins.
Go into cyrosleep when there's no more
...get put into a potato and get eaten
by a crow.
Stand around a platform heading towards
Wait around for Half-Life 3!
They're the dumbest ways to die!
The dumbest ways to die!
The dumbest ways to die!
So many dumb... many dumb ways to die!
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Kaj pomeni?
spet sem jaz. Danes me oa zaniam, kaj pomeni rizler. Nevem ce ima to kakšno vezo z rizzanjem, ker govorijo "*ime* ker rizler si" tudi tistim, ki nikoli ne govorijo rizzov, prav tako pa tistim, ki neprestanjo rizzajo. Zato me zanima kej poemni ce si rizler, kdaj se to uporablja?
Hvala za odgovore
spet sem jaz. Danes me oa zaniam, kaj pomeni rizler. Nevem ce ima to kakšno vezo z rizzanjem, ker govorijo "*ime* ker rizler si" tudi tistim, ki nikoli ne govorijo rizzov, prav tako pa tistim, ki neprestanjo rizzajo. Zato me zanima kej poemni ce si rizler, kdaj se to uporablja?
Hvala za odgovore
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
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Zadnji odgovori
hahaaha, thats sooooooooo real!!!:slight_frown::slight_frown::grin::grin::joy::joy::sweat_