Naslednji Pil izide 8. novembra
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značka Pisalnica: Secrets Of Skylands 3. del

Secrets Of Skylands 3. del

Živijo, v prejšnjem delu ste spoznali novo prijateljico Lily in goblina po imenu Sparky tokrat pa bota Will in Ava spoznala... Boš moral prebrat sam. Ta del je malo krajši ampak se mi zdi da bo zanimiv. Zelo zelo zelo bom vesel vsrh komentarjev. Kritik, nasvetov in tudi pohval zdaj pa uživaj v branju.

Ep. 3 Creature Companions

Next morning when Will woke up his bed was shaking. "What's happening, an earthquake?" No, it wasn't an earthquake. Ava was jumping on his bed to wake him up. "Sorry, but it was late, it's already 6 am." Thay argued a bit and then ate the breakfast. They heard Will's grandpa from the bathroom. "What, did someone shaved my head, and where are all the ice cubes I froze yesterday, did you two do this. They simply said no and went back in the room. Mikey was still angry because he couldn't go with. He started to think that they were making things up. But he still didn't know what was that green spike they brought and said that it was in a tall goblin's back. What nonesense. "Hey Mikey." Will wanted to speak to him. "I'm not speaking to you." He answered.
"Want to go on an adventure?" He got his attention. He told them his idea to go look around the cave that they found that bear. They werte all okay with the idea and they were ready. When they got to the cave they jumped down. Then it was Mikey's turn. He was scared. He jumped and Will caught him. He was amazed by what he was seeing. They went deeper in the cave. They heard some strange noises. Then Will sliped on something pink. Their torch broke. Luckly they had a backup flashlight. They came to the end of the cave and they were all suprised to see three wierd but cute funny creatures wandering around. One was pink big as a cat. It had big eyes and a round mouth. On it's back there were pink bubbles making and poping when they were to big. It had four legs and an oval body. "That one's mouth looks like the one prom the peashooter from Plants vs zombies!" Mikey shouted. "You play that game too much." Will complained. Then a strange figure appeared on his head. It was round flying around even though it didn't have wings. It had cute round eyes and small mouth. It's skin was soft and it had whiskers. It had short, white hair. It was saying "Whisk" with a catlike voice. It had big cat ears. The third one was running around the room. It looked like a dog. It had a lot of hair everywhere. You couldn't see it's eyes. And it had a small tail. At a moment it vanished and appeared on the roof. It climed back down. "This one's mine. Ava pointed on the pink one." What do you mean?" Will asked." They all look cute let's keep them." The one flying realy looked cute to Will and it was sitting on his head and Mikey was petting the hairy one."Okay let's name them."
This one is gonna be... Bubbles" Ava said. "I like the one that's saying whisk, i'm gonna name him Whisk." "Your name will be fuzz." Lovro said to the one that looked like a dog. So the trio had now three more friends. They wanted to see more of their powers so they went outside of the cave. It seemed like they could understood them. They found out that Bubbles could make a bubble on it's back that would make him fly. He could also shoot fast bubbles from his mouth that could get bigger. They could bounce. One of them nocked down Ben. "Wha.. what, I told you to stay away from the strange things. One day ypu might regret it, you better stop now." They ignored his advice and realised that Whisk didn't just fly around and say Whisk it also shoots white lasers from it's mouth. For fuzz they also saw most of his powers in the cave
( climbing walls and on the roof and disappearing) they also noticed that it had realy sharp and big claws as it left a big scratch on Ben's old car. They were amazed by their powers. The powers would probably be useful on their future adventures. Especially in the battle with Rexim.

Upam da vam je bil del všeč, kaj pa pomeni tista poved na koncu? Boš moral brat naprej.


Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Oj, super zgodba, jo že prevajam, samo rekla bi rada da si se malo zmotil ko si napisal: "What, *b*did*b* someone *b*shaved*b* my head, ..." ker skupaj v stavek ne moraš napisati *b*did*b* + preteklik. Zato bi bilo bolj pravilno: What, did someone *b*shave*b* my head, ..."

Nic ni narobe, samo povem za naslednjic.

Liennie 🪴

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Prepričaj se, da na spletu ne objavljaš svojih osebnih podatkov in ne žališ drugih uporabnikov.



Objem zvezd 11. del

Ogledov: 16 Odgovorov: 0

IGRA 28. del

Ogledov: 22 Odgovorov: 2

MALI MUFI 6. del

Ogledov: 13 Odgovorov: 1

Prijateljstvo 2. del

Ogledov: 19 Odgovorov: 1

Božično leto 3. del

Ogledov: 26 Odgovorov: 1

SAMO PLEŠI🌸 36. del

Ogledov: 62 Odgovorov: 6

Božično leto 2. del

Ogledov: 30 Odgovorov: 1
hashtage potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v


mi mamo v šoli eno predstavo in js se moram naučit 6 strani. a ma gdo nasvet,kako se najhitrej to naučit, ker mam sam 5 dni

Vpiši se

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Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"

Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!

Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.


Kako vam je všeč septembrski Pil?
Zelo mi je všeč.
Ni mi všeč, premalo je zanimivih vsebin.


Pogosta vprašanja

Iščeš odgovore na vprašanja, kot so "Kako se naročim na revijo Pil?", "Kako se registrirati?", Kakšna so pravila obnašanja na Pilovi spletni strani?" in "Kam vnesem naročniško številko?" Klikni na spodnji gumb in najdi odgovore!


Zadnji odgovori

Ojla, pozabila sem napisati avtorico avtorica ...
Sam tak likam!!!!:kissing_heart::heart_eyes::blush::wink::innocent::grin::relaxed: Lp, ...
A to knjigo sem pa prebrala. Čisto vse dele, ...
Jaz ful rada pišem in mi je predvsem všeč ...
lovammmm🥹🥹🥹... in ura je zakon :grin::grin::grin:
btw zrezala sm uro pa to vn ne se cudt lol
hahahahahahahaha nvm lih kaksna je bla pikapolonca ...