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značka Pisalnica: A Christmas story- kratka zgodba v angleščini

A Christmas story- kratka zgodba v angleščini

Torej, vem da je božič že mimo a sem to zgodbo še vseeno želela deliti z vami, hvala vsem ki jo boste prebrali :)
P.S fir je jelka, to sem mogla it, ne glede na moje precej solidno znanje angleščine, googlat tudi jaz haha

I was always longing for love and attention. I was tired of being unseen among all those big, beautiful firs. People were admiring the beauty and mightiness of other firs however, nobody noticed me, the small yet bushy fir. But one day some people came with big, scary objects. They were loudly searching for “nice bushy firs”, as they said. We all knew what was going on, they were searching for the most beautiful ones, to take them to the market. Some firs were scared, some were in anticipation. I was so excited, maybe someone will finally notice me, the smallest, yet the prettiest among all. My excitement was fading little by little, as they were walking around cutting down other trees. “Look here! There is a perfect one!” said a man, pointing at me. If I could, I would scream. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of pure joy and happiness. I was finally noticed, and not only that I was even called perfect!
Then they cut me down and placed me on a giant truck. I was on the very top, so I could feel the cold winter breeze blowing through my needles. The moment I was waiting for forever finally came.
When the truck stopped, they harshly pulled me down and placed me in a trough full of water. When they put all the firs down they went away with the truck whiteout looking at us ever again. It was already dark, there was nobody around and everything was silent. Here it came, the endless waiting once again.
Two days passed however, nobody picked me yet. But at least they saw me. The sun was setting, its golden light shining on me. While standing there in all my glory a little boy ran into my direction. “Mum, can we take this one, please? It’s small enough and look how beautiful it is,” the brunette said. His mum gave him a tired smile and nodded. The boy’s face lit up with joy. He ran to his mother, embraced her and thanked her at least a million times. The women took me and carefully placed me in the car. She was treating me a lot better than those men before.
The car stopped soon. The women brought me into a small house and placed me into the living room. They put me near a big window, a big window! It meant that I’ll be able to see everything! The brunette came in the living room with a big box, in his hands. His mother was walking behind him caring two smaller boxes. Finally, I’m going to be decorated, they will put on the colourful Christmas ornaments and the shiny lights. Oh finally I’ll be loved and seen. I felt the excitement in every single needle. However, when the boy opened the big box it slightly faded. The box was filled with old red and white Christmas ornaments, full of dust. “It’s only tradition,” I tried to convince myself. His mum opened the other two boxes and in one, there was a red garland and in the other one, there was a big gold star. So no lights for me? All the excitement form before was slowly fading away. The women put the red garland on me and then asked his son if he likes it. The little boy nodded. He carefully took an ornament from the box and gently put it on me with a big smile lighting up his face. Despite the disappointment I felt before, I was filled with warmth. He was decorating me so carefully, thinking where to put every single ornament, placing them so gently, so he doesn’t break any. He cherished the moment so much.
When I was decorated, the women put the shiny star on the top of me and stepped back. She embraced her son with one hand and said: “Do you like it?” “Yes, it’s beautiful,” the brunette said, looking at me in awe. It felt so good. I finally had a home, I was finally seen.
It was night time. The little boy and his mum were sleeping. I was looking out of the big window. There was a street right in front of it and on the other side, there was a big house with a big window and a big Christmas tree inside. Oh, it was beautiful, it had so many lights and colourful ornaments. It looked so much better than I did. They always said to be grateful for what you have and get, but how could I be, when I was once again the second best? How could I never be just the best?
A few days passed, it was the day before Christmas. I was once again staring out of the window, as I always did. I was enviously observing the big, shiny Christmas tree in the house on the other side of the street. Kids were playing around in the living room, their parents looking at them with smiles on their face. That house was always overwhelmed with joy yet the little house right opposite of it was so dark and lonely. I heard footsteps coming from afar. The little boy came into the living room and went in my direction. He sat down and looked at me with big eyes. In those deep brown eyes, there was so much light and so much…sadness? It was Christmas Eve, why would a kid be sad? “Hey, Christmas tree, do you think that Santa will bring me a present this year? I wrote him a letter, I wished for a new jacket. I really hope he received my letter and would bring it to me, since it’s very cold outside these days. You know, last year he forgot about me. But it’s alright, I don’t blame him, he has a lot of work. It must be tiring for him, to travel the whole world in only one night. But I’m sure this year he will come.” The little boy’s words broke me. He was so full of pure, naive child hope. He never stopped hoping.
The little boy ran into the living room the next morning. As soon as he entered, he closed his eyes and pulled his hands into fists. There was a big smile on his face, filled with hope and excitement. He slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw the empty space under the Christmas tree, his smile completely faded. His big dark eyes were reflecting pain and sadness, feeling that no child should experience on the Christmas morning. It hurt so much watching him, so I looked away. However, it was only worse. I saw the big, shiny Christmas tree and lots of nicely wrapped presents lying under it. I was even more envious of that tree. I looked at the sad little boy, that was once again sitting in front of me. I tried to stretch my branches as much as I could, so he wouldn’t see into the other house. It would only make him feel worse. “I see, Santa forgot about me again. But I really wanted that jacket. Mummy is working today too, you know. She said that if she works today, I might get some cookies for dinner. And that’s good, because I really love cookies and I haven’t had theme in a while. Even if Santa didn’t bring me the jacket, I will still have cookies with my mommy. They always say not to wish for too much,” the brunette said in a quiet voice. He sighed and laid down by my side. Tears filled his big eyes, still filled with hope. The hope in his eyes seemed to be endless, no matter how sad he was, he still hoped for the best. He hoped that maybe Santa is just a little bit late and he would need to wait just a little bit more. I couldn’t do anything. But I wanted to do so much. I wanted to tell him that he doesn’t wish for too much, that the world might be cruel, that not everything is fair, but he needs to try his best. However, what I could do was to just stand there. He was lying like this for a while. “Hey, Christmas tree, thank you for listening to my stupid wishes and concerns. I just wasn’t good enough this year too. I knew it yet I still hoped that this year I was behaving well enough. I will try even harder next year,” the little boy whispered softly. I just wanted to embrace him hard and tell him that he was good enough, more than enough however I couldn’t. The most I could do was to stand there and listen to him. Even if it was just naive childish “talking with objects out of loneliness” thing, as they always calmed it for, I was actually listening to every single word he had to say.
Who knew that a season, they always claimed as the most beautiful one, filled with so much warmth and love could be so lonely, sad and desperate. Many people passed by, admiring the big, shiny Christmas fir, yet nobody noticed a small Christmas tree on the other side of the street, without any lights, and a little boy, full of hope and despair, laying underneath it.
hvala vsem za branje, upam da ste uživali :)
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Helpppp meee

hi... mene je stara bom 13 let in se nimam menze:unamused: imam 40kg velika pa sem 145 no ja belega toka imam čisto malo imam pa ga že zelo dolgo... ali je to morda kakšen znak da jo dobim... Fulkrat me je trebuh ful bolel...pls pomagajte

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Da, zelo bi me motilo.
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Ne vem. / Nimam mnenja.


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Iščeš odgovore na vprašanja, kot so "Kako se naročim na revijo Pil?", "Kako se registrirati?", Kakšna so pravila obnašanja na Pilovi spletni strani?" in "Kam vnesem naročniško številko?" Klikni na spodnji gumb in najdi odgovore!


Zadnji odgovori

Babe wake up, Lynn just dropped more poezija. Jokes ...
uuuu, a me lahk narišes?
... Od strahu sem poskočila in se zaletela ...
Voyage pa Severina, predlagam!
js mam tut zlo mejhno sobo (in isto pograd) ...
Nš razred ma vedno kkšn zvočnik sabo u šoli ...
ful kul zgodba:grinning::slight_smile::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:
super zgodba
super zgodba
ful leepaaaa uau zej sm se spomlna na h2o ...
aawwww ful je kjuuuuttt
Zelo lepe poteze, vidim da obvladaš risanje. ...