House 250 on Delby lane
Živjo, tukaj je moja prva zgodba, nekaj stvari sem dodala tako da je drugače od originala, ki je napisan na papirju. Zgodba je v celoti v angleščini, upam da vas ne moti.
Rachel, her sister Annie, and their friend Mick were sitting in Annie's room, playing truth or dare while simultaneously eating all of the Halloween candy they collected that night.
"Alright", Mick said and spun the bottle. It pointed towards Rachel. "So truth or dare?"
"I choose dare."
"Okay, I dare you to go to house 250 on Delby lane tonight."
"What, no way! That house is haunted, you told me so!" Rachel protested.
"Really? Why?" Her sister asked enthusiasticly. At 11 she already loved everything to do with mysteries and horror, especially if there was
ghosts involved.
Mick straightened his glasses and began speaking in a spooky voice.
"It was 1982 and a family with a young daughter by the name of Joanne moved into the house. One day Joanne found an old porcelain doll. Soon after, paranormal events began happening. Joanne's parents thought the doll was to blame and told her to put it back. But after she did, she fell ill. She had a fever, was constantly hallucinating and vomiting black slime. After a few days she died, and some say her spirit remains in the house."
"Yeah, no, I'm not going. I don't want to get possessed by whatever's in the house." Rachel objected.
"C'mon, Annie and I will come with you and we'll all have our phones with us."
"Fine, let's go," she said, rolling her eyes.
About twenty minutes later, they stood in front of the abandoned house. The old house looked creepy in the day with it's black roof, broken boarded up windows and paint peeling off the ivy covered walls, but on Halloween night, the surroundings and atmosphere made it perfect for a horror movie setting.
Rachel, her sister Annie, and their friend Mick were sitting in Annie's room, playing truth or dare while simultaneously eating all of the Halloween candy they collected that night.
"Alright", Mick said and spun the bottle. It pointed towards Rachel. "So truth or dare?"
"I choose dare."
"Okay, I dare you to go to house 250 on Delby lane tonight."
"What, no way! That house is haunted, you told me so!" Rachel protested.
"Really? Why?" Her sister asked enthusiasticly. At 11 she already loved everything to do with mysteries and horror, especially if there was
ghosts involved.
Mick straightened his glasses and began speaking in a spooky voice.
"It was 1982 and a family with a young daughter by the name of Joanne moved into the house. One day Joanne found an old porcelain doll. Soon after, paranormal events began happening. Joanne's parents thought the doll was to blame and told her to put it back. But after she did, she fell ill. She had a fever, was constantly hallucinating and vomiting black slime. After a few days she died, and some say her spirit remains in the house."
"Yeah, no, I'm not going. I don't want to get possessed by whatever's in the house." Rachel objected.
"C'mon, Annie and I will come with you and we'll all have our phones with us."
"Fine, let's go," she said, rolling her eyes.
About twenty minutes later, they stood in front of the abandoned house. The old house looked creepy in the day with it's black roof, broken boarded up windows and paint peeling off the ivy covered walls, but on Halloween night, the surroundings and atmosphere made it perfect for a horror movie setting.
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človk js ne stekam zaka mas tok mal kometarjev pa likov kr prisezm ta zgodba je LEGENDARNA, ful mi je usec besedisce pa slovnica pa kk je use pregledno pa tud vsebina na splosno je FUL dobra tk da PLIIIIS nadaljuj🤯:green_heart::fire:🥰:thumbsup::ok_hand:
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hejjj uglaunm mene je ful strah da se lejzbika oziroma bisexual iskreno nevem zakaj ampak vedno dvomim vase in res nocem biti lejzbika ali bisexual ker se mi zdi to cudno. ali mi lahko pomagate ugotoviti ce sem ali nisem. ubistvu je najbrz vzrok te dileme to da je tega ogromno na internetu in se nikoli nisem bila zaljubkjena v nobenega fanta pa sem stara skoraj 17. prosim pomagajteee
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