House 250 on Delby lane 2. del
Živjo, tukaj je drugi del moje zgodbe. Pa nadaljujemo...
"Okay sis, you can open the door," Annie said.
Rachel stepped up onto the porch and pulled the handle. Nothing happened. She tried again, and this time the door opened, its slow creak sending a shiver down her spine. As she entered, she happened to glance at Mick, whose eyes glinted red. She jumped, then looked back at him. Nothing abnormal with his eyes this time.
"I'm just paranoid, nothing will happen", she assured herself, before stepping inside.
The house was dark with cobwebs in every visible corner. A flight of stairs lay at the end of a hallway, the front of which extended left and right to other parts of the house forming an upside-down T.
"So, where to now?" She asked.
"Upstairs, obviously," Mick answered
The three of them walked up the creaky old stairs in silence. Once they reached the top, Annie suggested they go into the room on the right, as the doll is most likely there. She didn't know why she wanted to find it, she just felt the inexplicable urge to do so.
Rachel turned her gaze to the right, and noticed a door. The faded pink lettering on it spelling 'Joanne'.
"Okay sis, you can open the door," Annie said.
Rachel stepped up onto the porch and pulled the handle. Nothing happened. She tried again, and this time the door opened, its slow creak sending a shiver down her spine. As she entered, she happened to glance at Mick, whose eyes glinted red. She jumped, then looked back at him. Nothing abnormal with his eyes this time.
"I'm just paranoid, nothing will happen", she assured herself, before stepping inside.
The house was dark with cobwebs in every visible corner. A flight of stairs lay at the end of a hallway, the front of which extended left and right to other parts of the house forming an upside-down T.
"So, where to now?" She asked.
"Upstairs, obviously," Mick answered
The three of them walked up the creaky old stairs in silence. Once they reached the top, Annie suggested they go into the room on the right, as the doll is most likely there. She didn't know why she wanted to find it, she just felt the inexplicable urge to do so.
Rachel turned her gaze to the right, and noticed a door. The faded pink lettering on it spelling 'Joanne'.
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fuuuuuuuul dobr del!
Hvala 😊
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
hej, pred dobrim mesecem sem na pohodu z vsemi trebi oddelki a,b,c btw sem 8.razred, slišala, da je sosošolec vame. tudi jaz sem se zaljubila vanj, na snepu zbirava ognje. imava ogeomno podobnosti: ime in priimek se začneta na isto črko, sva iz istega naselja-skoraj soseda, oba igrava isti inštrument...... kako naj mu pokažem da mi je všeč??
hvala :;))))
hvala :;))))
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