Hii !
Jst sm se odločla da bom začela pisat zgodbo. Pač ta zgodba je delno resnična in delno ne resnična. Upam da vam bo všeč. Mogoče bom abjavila tudi Slovenski prevod te zgodbe.
I was barely 9 years old when all of a sudden everyone started hating me, they started avoiding me, they were lying about me. They told me that I was a cow, that I was fat, that I was ugly, that I was stupid, that I didn't have a brain, that I was a calf ... When they kept telling me that, I told them to stop. But of course unfortunately they didn’t stop they kept insulting and teasing me. I started to get depressed over time I tried to pick myself up but it didn’t work. I was falling deeper and deeper. I just couldn't get out of depression if I wanted to. When my 10th birthday came, everything was even worse. When I was 10 years old, my parents started telling me about my mother (the real mother who gave birth to me). I became even sadder because after seven years I really wanted to see my real parents. My grandparents also started telling me the truth about my mom and what all happened to her and why I don’t live with her. All day then I started thinking only about my real family. I was very, very sad. I was right on the floor. And every day I fell deeper and deeper into my already severe depression. I cried for at least 3 hours every day. To my great sorrow, I could no longer concentrate on the teacher's explanation and therefore received much worse grades. This made my parents very angry. They yelled at me every day and told me I was a calf. No one understood me. My parents told me I was a liar ... they didn't want to hear about my depression at all. The teacher noticed my behavior quickly and wanted to help me. One day she called me from the classroom and asked me what was bothering me. I told her absolutely everything. She understood me. She told me to go to a psychologist for an interview. I went to a psychologist and told her everything from start to finish. She understood me. Then she called me several more times to talk but she saw that she could only help me really very very very little. One day, when I left school and came home, my parents told me that I could no longer go to the psychologist for an interview. I took them into account I didn't go there anymore.
upam da vam je zgodba ušeč
ly Aneja
Jst sm se odločla da bom začela pisat zgodbo. Pač ta zgodba je delno resnična in delno ne resnična. Upam da vam bo všeč. Mogoče bom abjavila tudi Slovenski prevod te zgodbe.
I was barely 9 years old when all of a sudden everyone started hating me, they started avoiding me, they were lying about me. They told me that I was a cow, that I was fat, that I was ugly, that I was stupid, that I didn't have a brain, that I was a calf ... When they kept telling me that, I told them to stop. But of course unfortunately they didn’t stop they kept insulting and teasing me. I started to get depressed over time I tried to pick myself up but it didn’t work. I was falling deeper and deeper. I just couldn't get out of depression if I wanted to. When my 10th birthday came, everything was even worse. When I was 10 years old, my parents started telling me about my mother (the real mother who gave birth to me). I became even sadder because after seven years I really wanted to see my real parents. My grandparents also started telling me the truth about my mom and what all happened to her and why I don’t live with her. All day then I started thinking only about my real family. I was very, very sad. I was right on the floor. And every day I fell deeper and deeper into my already severe depression. I cried for at least 3 hours every day. To my great sorrow, I could no longer concentrate on the teacher's explanation and therefore received much worse grades. This made my parents very angry. They yelled at me every day and told me I was a calf. No one understood me. My parents told me I was a liar ... they didn't want to hear about my depression at all. The teacher noticed my behavior quickly and wanted to help me. One day she called me from the classroom and asked me what was bothering me. I told her absolutely everything. She understood me. She told me to go to a psychologist for an interview. I went to a psychologist and told her everything from start to finish. She understood me. Then she called me several more times to talk but she saw that she could only help me really very very very little. One day, when I left school and came home, my parents told me that I could no longer go to the psychologist for an interview. I took them into account I didn't go there anymore.
upam da vam je zgodba ušeč
ly Aneja
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Hoj !
Men je ta zgodba zlo zlo všeč. Zasluži si moj :heart:. Pač ta zgodba me je res mal pretresla pa mal je žalostna ampak je vseeno zlo odlična. Js sm stara 14 pa take zgodbe nikol nebi znala napisat. Morem te pohvalit.
Men je ta zgodba zlo zlo všeč. Zasluži si moj :heart:. Pač ta zgodba me je res mal pretresla pa mal je žalostna ampak je vseeno zlo odlična. Js sm stara 14 pa take zgodbe nikol nebi znala napisat. Morem te pohvalit.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
ful dobra zgodba:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Wow!:heart_eyes:Ful dobro! Js sm tud stara skoraj 14 in ne bi znala napisat tako dobre zgodbe v angleščini. Upam, da boš nadaljevala. Spremljam, ker je res dobro.:wink:
Lp, Ilovemusic:musical_note:
Lp, Ilovemusic:musical_note:
Moj odgovor:
Šu šu
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Res bi prosila za odgovor, ker travmiram.
Okej, pač js sm zdej deveti razred in se moram odločit, kam bi šla na srednjo. Js si ful želim iti na KGBL in na Vič vzporedno. Vem, da je to zlo težko oboje delat in tuki pride do problema. Vič je zagotov ena izmed težjih gimnazij in vem, da je skor nemogoče delat oboje skupi, ampak me zanima, če ma kdo s tem kakšne izkušnje.
Okej, pač js sm zdej deveti razred in se moram odločit, kam bi šla na srednjo. Js si ful želim iti na KGBL in na Vič vzporedno. Vem, da je to zlo težko oboje delat in tuki pride do problema. Vič je zagotov ena izmed težjih gimnazij in vem, da je skor nemogoče delat oboje skupi, ampak me zanima, če ma kdo s tem kakšne izkušnje.
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
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sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute:hugging::hugging::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart_