Evo nov tu je (končno) nov del moje zgodbe. In sam povem ta zgodba je resnična.
I endured such horror for another year. But when I was 11, my life got a lot better. A little while ago, I started thinking about my real family and I got out of depression. Since I didn't have these problems anymore, I started to study better and I always got very good grades. My parents were very happy about that. But unfortunately I didn't have any friends. One day, however, I made a firm decision to finally find real and not fake friends. During breaks, I walked out of class and sat in the school lobby. Some three girls from the eighth grade came to me and asked me if I needed anything. I told them I needed friends. When they heard this, they sat down next to me and told me that they would be my friends with great pleasure (fortunately they were not much bigger than me as I am very tall). My new friends and I got along great. We got together every break in the lobby and talked. One day (March 15, 2022), when we were sitting and talking like that, a friendly eighth-grader came to us. He sat down next to us and started talking to us. Those three girls introduced me to this guy. When we talked a little more, that guy asked one of the girls to go with him a little away from us. When I watched them when they went somewhere I saw that they were talking about something. When that girl came back she told me to go to that guy because someone might ask me. I went to him and asked him what he had to ask me. He asked me if I would be together and I said yes because I liked him very much for some time. He told me that he had been watching me for a long time and that he had liked me for a long time. After we wanted to start talking again, the bell rang for the start of the new school hour. We all rushed to class.
Upam da vam je zgodba všeč.
ful bolša zgodba od moje!
ful sm vesela zate da maš prjatle pa fanta
komi čakam nov del

Hvala ker si me obvestila o novem delu. Komaj čakam na nov del.
Lp, Ilovemusic

Moj odgovor:

Nujno hitro!!
Meni niso lih najlepse, so pajkice, ki jih nikoli ne nosim, ker nemaram pajkic (me naredijo ful cudno) potem majca ma mi ne zgleda zanimiva, mi ni lih najbolj vsec in hoodie. Hodie je recmo da ok, ma je tak cuden model (je sekr ozek in ma kapuco, katere nemaram) pa se crne barve je, in mi ne pase ta barva.
Kaj naj naredim ker nocem biti edina brez teh oblek, mi pa niso neki ful lepe.
Lahko kupis tudi posamezno (samo majco, itd.)
Naročniki revije Pil, pozor!
Na Pilovi spletni strani imate naročniki revije posebne ugodnosti. V klepetalnici lahko z drugimi naročniki klepetate v ločeni sobi klepetalnice, ustvarjate teste v Galaksiji testov ter na vseh forumih objavljate fotografije in risbe.
Vse, kar potrebujete za aktivacijo ugodnosti, je naročniška številka.
Naročniško številko dobiš na e-poštni naslov, ki si ga vpisal/a na naročilnico. Dostop do dodatnih vsebin za naročnike lahko aktiviraš tudi tako, da vpišeš ime in priimek plačnika naročnine (to je najverjetneje eden od staršev oz. skrbnikov). Če številke nikakor ne najdeš, piši na revije@mladinska-knjiga.si in ti bomo pomagali.
Kam vneseš naročniško številko? Klikni desno zgoraj na svoj vzdevek in izberi “Dostop za naročnike” ali pojdi direktno na povezavo https://www.pil.si/mojprofil/aktivacija.