Hej hoj!:upside_down:
Nov del in nova pesem je tukaj in upam, da vam bo všeč.
Sending love:two_hearts:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
*b*Fly again*b*
Here I am again
it's three o'clock
I can't get it in my head
I can't believe I will never again hear your sweet talk.
Here in this bed
I am freezing
and thinking
what would it be like to still hear your breathing.
Is it really icy that heart of yours
and do you need to always be this serious?
All I can say is that this
is what makes you so myterious.
I hate to be so
but i wish your heart
could become more elastic.
Thinking of that night
when we said goodbye
thinking of the second later
when I broke down and thought I'd die.
I hope sometime you
will come by and save me from the pain
to be here and stay
cause I don't think I can let you fly away again.
Nov del in nova pesem je tukaj in upam, da vam bo všeč.
Sending love:two_hearts:
Vedno vaša Disney<3
*b*Fly again*b*
Here I am again
it's three o'clock
I can't get it in my head
I can't believe I will never again hear your sweet talk.
Here in this bed
I am freezing
and thinking
what would it be like to still hear your breathing.
Is it really icy that heart of yours
and do you need to always be this serious?
All I can say is that this
is what makes you so myterious.
I hate to be so
but i wish your heart
could become more elastic.
Thinking of that night
when we said goodbye
thinking of the second later
when I broke down and thought I'd die.
I hope sometime you
will come by and save me from the pain
to be here and stay
cause I don't think I can let you fly away again.
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
To je super pesem
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
Visina in menstra 😭
imam vprasanje. Sam fora je, da nanga zelo razlicne odgovore dobivam. Eni pravjo, da ko dobis prvo menstro cis nehas rast, eni pravjo da se zlo mal, eni da e ti upocasni...kaj je kle res zdej? No moja mami in sestra sta obe visoki nas 165 cm, idk kolk sam pac nista mejhni. Obe sta duble menstro v 8.r, js tud. sam js sm tko js sm 153 in mi je ful grozn :sob: pac sestra je mal visja od mami js sm od obeh kr zlo nizja, zdej me zanima zakj je tko?? a bom se zrasla?? :sob:
hvala za odgovore
imam vprasanje. Sam fora je, da nanga zelo razlicne odgovore dobivam. Eni pravjo, da ko dobis prvo menstro cis nehas rast, eni pravjo da se zlo mal, eni da e ti upocasni...kaj je kle res zdej? No moja mami in sestra sta obe visoki nas 165 cm, idk kolk sam pac nista mejhni. Obe sta duble menstro v 8.r, js tud. sam js sm tko js sm 153 in mi je ful grozn :sob: pac sestra je mal visja od mami js sm od obeh kr zlo nizja, zdej me zanima zakj je tko?? a bom se zrasla?? :sob:
hvala za odgovore
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
jaaaaaaaaaaaaa! v nasprotju od Roxi js lovam ...
omgggggggggggg neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...
bravo vikiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles: