Hej hoj to je prvi del moje nove zgodbe v angleščini. Ne bo veliko delov. Potrudila se pa bom da vse objavim danes saj je zgodba že napisana samo še izpopolniti jo moram. Uživajte v branju.
Love yall<3
Vaša Disneyfan635
Juliet's POV:
"Just leave me alone Charlie, please! I am trying to study." I shouted to my older brother when he stepped into my room for the fift time asking for money, so he could spend it in arcade whit his friends. "I don't want to end up in some gross post office and have to work with old peoplle all day. Besides you have your own money. You worked all summer in father's restaurant as a waiter. You should have at least a 100 dollars till now."
I was about to put my headphones on when the bell rang. I told Charlie I would get it because he wad being all grumpy and I didn't want him yelling at the poor postman probably just leaving some packages for my father. I walked down the stairs when the bell rang ones again "Coming!" I shoted and opened the door. I opened the door and there he was. A guy probably my age staring into my soul with that deep hazel eyes and cute freckles on his cheeks. "Hello darling." he said and grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. I snatched my hand away and said "Hey, are you new in town? I don't know you and I know almost everyone from here. My name is Juliet but everyone calles me Jules. They think it's cute."I say and he laughs. He has that cute litlle giggle that sends butterflies in my stomach. Well no. Not Butterflylies. All fucking zoo. It was just 2 minutes and this guy has alredy made me blush." I am Eric Nicholas Jones, but you can call me Eric. Nice to meet you princess."
Love yall<3
Vaša Disneyfan635
Juliet's POV:
"Just leave me alone Charlie, please! I am trying to study." I shouted to my older brother when he stepped into my room for the fift time asking for money, so he could spend it in arcade whit his friends. "I don't want to end up in some gross post office and have to work with old peoplle all day. Besides you have your own money. You worked all summer in father's restaurant as a waiter. You should have at least a 100 dollars till now."
I was about to put my headphones on when the bell rang. I told Charlie I would get it because he wad being all grumpy and I didn't want him yelling at the poor postman probably just leaving some packages for my father. I walked down the stairs when the bell rang ones again "Coming!" I shoted and opened the door. I opened the door and there he was. A guy probably my age staring into my soul with that deep hazel eyes and cute freckles on his cheeks. "Hello darling." he said and grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. I snatched my hand away and said "Hey, are you new in town? I don't know you and I know almost everyone from here. My name is Juliet but everyone calles me Jules. They think it's cute."I say and he laughs. He has that cute litlle giggle that sends butterflies in my stomach. Well no. Not Butterflylies. All fucking zoo. It was just 2 minutes and this guy has alredy made me blush." I am Eric Nicholas Jones, but you can call me Eric. Nice to meet you princess."
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Uuuu, fensi! Pa še v angleščini! Grem brat naprej! :kissing_heart:
Moj odgovor:
? ??
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
a mam adhd
no kot ste že vidl jst se mam mal na sumu da mam adhd. nism šla k dohtarju al pa kej tazga ampak tole so te 'znaki' ki jim ustrezam (to so vsi neuradni znaki iz yt)
dost težko se skonecntriram (sam ne fuuul pretežko) (npr dons smo pisal in sm vs čs slišala uno tiktakanje od ure)
res se mi je težko zorganizirat
včasih se mi zgodi un hyperfocus (tok sm koncentrirana na neki da ne slišm pa ne vidm nč okol sebe)
včasih si zapomnm kr ene random podrobnosti
ful procrastinatam (zabijam čs)
dost velikrat sm preveč impulzivna
ful hitr se razjezim še posebi v družini
mam ful mood swingov (ful hitr se mi spreminjajo čustva)
ful velikrat mam pomankanje motivacije
stvari velikrat pustim nedokončane
včasih nardim neki brez razimšljanja pa nevem zakva sm to nardila
lahko sm ful glasna pa mam ful za povedat
iste ankedote ponovim več desetkrat
mam tako ful kaotično energijo
no to je pomojem bol kt ne use. al pa vsaj te zbaki k sm jih najdla. prosm povejte mi če to je adhd al jst sam mal sama sebe prehitevam brez kakršnega koli mnenja
ps sm stara 13 let (8 klas) in mam 5 pa kkšno 4 v šoli
ful hvala vsm k boste pomagal :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
no kot ste že vidl jst se mam mal na sumu da mam adhd. nism šla k dohtarju al pa kej tazga ampak tole so te 'znaki' ki jim ustrezam (to so vsi neuradni znaki iz yt)
dost težko se skonecntriram (sam ne fuuul pretežko) (npr dons smo pisal in sm vs čs slišala uno tiktakanje od ure)
res se mi je težko zorganizirat
včasih se mi zgodi un hyperfocus (tok sm koncentrirana na neki da ne slišm pa ne vidm nč okol sebe)
včasih si zapomnm kr ene random podrobnosti
ful procrastinatam (zabijam čs)
dost velikrat sm preveč impulzivna
ful hitr se razjezim še posebi v družini
mam ful mood swingov (ful hitr se mi spreminjajo čustva)
ful velikrat mam pomankanje motivacije
stvari velikrat pustim nedokončane
včasih nardim neki brez razimšljanja pa nevem zakva sm to nardila
lahko sm ful glasna pa mam ful za povedat
iste ankedote ponovim več desetkrat
mam tako ful kaotično energijo
no to je pomojem bol kt ne use. al pa vsaj te zbaki k sm jih najdla. prosm povejte mi če to je adhd al jst sam mal sama sebe prehitevam brez kakršnega koli mnenja
ps sm stara 13 let (8 klas) in mam 5 pa kkšno 4 v šoli
ful hvala vsm k boste pomagal :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
Priljubljene objave
Zadnji odgovori
jaaaaaaaaaaaaa! v nasprotju od Roxi js lovam ...
omgggggggggggg neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...