Naslednji Pil izide 5. julija
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značka Pisalnica: PRINCESA NEXT DOOR 2. del


Hej hoj:hugging:
To je drugi in najverjetneje zadnji del moje Angleške zgodbe in upam da vam je všeč. Mogoče jo celo nadaljujem. Uživajte, v branju tale del bo malo daljši.
Love yall<3
Vaša Disneyfan635

Eric's POV:

Nope. No, no, no and no. I just got here, I cannot alredy get in trouble. Me, my mother and my litlle sister moved into this town for a fresh new start. Since my dad died half year ago my mother wanted to start new chapter in our lives somewhere else than that old crappy town we lived in. I like our new house. It's really big and has an outdoors pool that's really cool. I can alredy see summer parties happening here. I wanted to unpack my stuff but my mom told me I should go meet my new neighbores and make some friends before I go to school in on Monday.
I slided down the stairs and walked to the house that was right next to ours. I rang the bell and it sounded really weird. Not bad weird but weird. Just not used to this sound of doorbell. It sounds rich kind of. I waited for a long minute and I rang again. "Coming!" I heard a girls voice shout right before the door in front of me opened. A girl not taller than 5'7 opened the door and glanced at me with those gorgeus blue eyes and kind smile on her atractive lips."Hello, darling." I said and grabbed her hand so I can kiss it. My lips just gently touched her hand and she snatched it away. She was shy I could tell by the way her cheeks blushed at my action.
"Hey, are you new in town? I don't know you and I know almost everyone from here. My name is Juliet but everyone calles me Jules. They think it's cute."she said and I listened to her talking without saying a word. I giggled and my cheeks were getting hot, hope she didn't saw me blushing. I am usualy really good and confident with girls but her. No. I feel all stressed out and nervous about what am I going to say and how am I going to say it. It is defenetly a new feeling for me. I kinda like it though. I have a strong feeling about this so I say "I am Eric Nicholas Jones, but you can call me Eric. Nice to meet you princess." I can feel the tension in her body when i ended my sentence."I am 18 so on Monday I am my starting senior year. What about you?"
"My birthday is in three weeks and I will be turning 17 so I will be a junior."she says, her cheeks becoming more and more red each second. I am sure twenty second we just stand starring into each others eyes when guessing her older brother hugs her shoulders and starts. "Hey! You new here? I am Charlie. Are you our new neighbour? Is my Jules giving you a hard time? She can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Well i need to hurry to my girlfrind so I will leave you two alone. See you around mate." he said while getting into his matt black mercedes."Oh, yeah i didn't get your name... "he shouts throught the window halfway down. "It's Eric. Nice to meet you." I say. "Great. Okay now bye"he drove off with radio playing Paradise city by Guns and Roses on full blast.
"Can I have your number?"I blurt out before I could think.
She looked at me confused about what I just said.
"Sure." she runned into her home and came out with a pencil and a post-it note in her hands. She writted her number on the note end gave it to me.
"Thank you." I said while straching my neck because I was getting hot just by the way she stood in her doorway.
"See you around, Princess" I shouted while walking into my house with a big smile on my face. All I could think about that evening was that shiny blond hair, those gorgeous blue eyes and cute freckles on her cheeks. After I ate dinner with my mom and sister I went straight to shower and right before I went to sleep I saved her contact into "PRINCES NEXT DOOR" and texted her:
"Good night princess"


Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Kak cute! Všeč mi je, čeprav je kratko!
Hvala res 🩷
Zabaven odgovor
Najboljši odgovor
Super odgovor
Dober odgovor
Neprimeren odgovor
Nerazumljiv odgovor
Veš moja naj pisateljica je J. K. Rowling ampak zdaj..... Ne vem koga bi izbrala. Ker je po mojem mnenju na skoraj takem nivoju kot ona. Ali mogoče na istem. Ne vem, ne spoznam se na to. Obupna pisateljica sem. Obožujem pa branje in dobre zgodbe! In tvoje so več kot dobre.
Aja in sry za kak naval likov na zgodbe ki si jih objavila pred kakim letom:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Sporočilo pred pošiljanjem še enkrat preberi in premisli, kako bi se ti počutil, če bi ga prejel.



Ljubezen na prvi pogled 5. del

Ogledov: 5 Odgovorov: 0

polnočna poezija

Ogledov: 29 Odgovorov: 2

Kraljeva morilka 4. del

Ogledov: 30 Odgovorov: 3

Dnevnik Aishe 4. del

Ogledov: 26 Odgovorov: 2

Gimnazijka detektivka, 25. del

Ogledov: 17 Odgovorov: 0
primark potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v


a je ksna moznost naravne depilacije, pac da bi doma kej naredu, ker men ful hitr rastejo dlake kr po enm dnevu mi zrastejo nazaj pa me zanima tut ce je ksna moznost zmansanja hitrosti rast dlak.hvalaaa

Vpiši se

Nov uporabnik | Pozabljeno geslo


Ali bi te motilo, če veselošolske priloge ne bilo več v tiskani izdaji, ampak samo na spletu?
Da, zelo bi me motilo.
Ne bi me motilo.
Ne vem. / Nimam mnenja.


Pogosta vprašanja

Iščeš odgovore na vprašanja, kot so "Kako se naročim na revijo Pil?", "Kako se registrirati?", Kakšna so pravila obnašanja na Pilovi spletni strani?" in "Kam vnesem naročniško številko?" Klikni na spodnji gumb in najdi odgovore!


Zadnji odgovori

zjutraj sem bila se utrujena ko sem slisala ...
Izberem številko 3, pa upam da bom imela ...
številka 1, če lahko še enkrat sodelujem?
aaaawwwww dejanskooo:sob::sob::kissing_heart::heart_eyes:
13 spet Pač moja naj številka:grin:
Ti si se mela took dobr🥺 srečka
took dobr zgledaaa:blue_heart:
took dobr zgledaaa:blue_heart:
Kot vedno, odličen, super napisan in zelo ...
Wow, Lepi so
..., ki je splašil vse vrane iz gozda, bilo ...
Ker mam takrat r.d ........................ ...