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značka Pisalnica: This hell 18. del

This hell 18. del

Days, weeks, months, years... I don’t know how much time has passed. Nightmares kept me up every night, always the same. I was passing out more and more often, I don’t know for how long. I don’t know why. Every time, I heard someone calling my name just before I woke up again. William, Evan, Elizabeth... even Henry sometimes. In a way, it felt real, but I knew it wasn’t. It couldn’t be.
I barely ever left the house, though. The Foxy head sat on the counter collecting dust for so long I can’t even remember. Sometimes, I sat in front of my house at night, looking at the stars. Was Evan there?
Make-believe. Sometimes, I couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t. There was fire, screams... and a rabbit.


I woke up from another nightmare and stood up. When did I even fall asleep? It doesn’t matter. I peeked through the window curtains; I never opened them fully since... since it happened. It was a windy day outside. There was a piece of paper on the road, must’ve been a blown-off poster or something. I got curious, but it was too risky to check.
I ran outside and got it anyways.


“Fazbear Frights – the horror attraction.”
I felt like I was about to throw up. Why? Just why? People died there.
Then again, nobody knew after so long. People forget.
Where was it? I chuckled, not sure why. It sure wasn’t funny.
The original Freddy’s location, where William disappeared.


“There’s only one thing left for you to do now, Mikey.”
Over and over again, ringing through my head. His voice repeating the promise I made so long ago. Did he really hear it? He must have. I just knew it.
And I wasn’t going to let him down.


Everything was collapsing. Purple paint was dripping off the ceiling and melting everything it touched. It burned my skin as I made my way to the mirror. The path was clear, just like every time before. I was so used to it being the same. I was so used to everything being the same.
I looked in the mirror, expecting to see William again, but... he wasn’t there. Instead, there was something behind me, a dark shape, a familiar shape...


...A rabbit.
I woke up, panting. What just happened? It felt so real, almost too real... I remembered William’s letter. He couldn’t be dead, right? There’s no way. I don’t know how I felt about him. He wasn’t a good guy, not a good father either, but... he needed help.


“On three! One, two...”
I screamed and woke up. I was sweating, my heart was pounding and I felt like I was about to puke, even though I haven’t eaten in a long time. I hugged my pillow and let the tears run down my face. It’s been four years... I should move on, like everybody else, like my- my friends.
They’ve abandoned me. After that day, only one of them ever spoke to me again, and even he left me in less than a year.
I miss Fritz.
I stopped going to school, but home wasn’t much better. I barely ever spoke to my dad and he didn’t bother either.
I stood up and went to the bathroom. I tried to open the door and I was surprised to find it locked.
“Michael? What the hell are you doing up?”
He sounded angry already.
“Dad, you alright in here?”
“I’m fine, you aren’t. Go back to sleep.”
I sighed and leaned against the wall.
“I can’t sleep, you might’ve noticed after four years if you paid any attention to me.”
He opened the door and I saw him washing his shirt in the sink, the water gaining a reddish color.
“Mike, go and do something else. Puke in the backyard for all I care, I’m dealing with something.”
“I love you too.”
I stormed back to my room and slammed the door behind me. He doesn’t know what I’m going through, he didn’t kill anyone.


Or so I thought.
I had to go back for him. Not just to save him, but to save others. I can’t let him kill anyone else.
I got the Foxy head and got out to the car without hesitation. Who cares if someone sees me? I have to stop him. Shit might go wrong, but at least I’ll try.
I drove as fast as I could. I had to get there, I just had to. I left the radio on to distract myself from all of the bad memories that just kept coming. I looked around a few times just so I didn’t get lost and for the first time since I died, I felt... safe. Was I passing out because of stress? I shook my head and soon enough, I found myself singing along to my childhood favorite song. How long has it been since the last time I’ve heard it? What year was it? It scared me.


The building looked the same from the outside, except for the ugly sign that got replaced. There was another car parked besides mine and I could only hope the owner left the building unlocked. Was that the night guard?
When I saw the poster, I didn’t bother to check the opening date.
“Opens on July 10th, 2023.”
That felt like a punch in the guts. I’ve been hiding for more than two decades. And the date... William’s birthday.
I shook my head. I had to focus. I opened the door and saw the blinking light of the security camera. I put on the Foxy head; not that I had to, it just felt safer.
As I was walking through the halls, I’ve noticed something was off. Did they tear down the walls to change its layout? And if they tore down the walls, they must’ve opened the safe room... bad things happened inside.
There was no sight of him anywhere, but I did find the security office no problem. It had a big window instead of a wall, but I didn’t see anybody inside. I saw someone in the reflection.
This time, it felt very real.

Moj odgovor:

Vsebina odgovora:
Sporočilo pred pošiljanjem še enkrat preberi in premisli, kako bi se ti počutil, če bi ga prejel.



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Ali bi te motilo, če veselošolske priloge ne bilo več v tiskani izdaji, ampak samo na spletu?
Da, zelo bi me motilo.
Ne bi me motilo.
Ne vem. / Nimam mnenja.


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Zadnji odgovori

uuuu, a me lahk narišes?
... Od strahu sem poskočila in se zaletela ...
Voyage pa Severina, predlagam!
js mam tut zlo mejhno sobo (in isto pograd) ...
Nš razred ma vedno kkšn zvočnik sabo u šoli ...
ful kul zgodba:grinning::slight_smile::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:
super zgodba
super zgodba
ful leepaaaa uau zej sm se spomlna na h2o ...
aawwww ful je kjuuuuttt
Zelo lepe poteze, vidim da obvladaš risanje. ...
... postava ustrelila proti kojemu oknu...