I... I remember my brother. His smile, which he showed so rarely. His eyes, they were pure black, like... Like...
I can't do it I can't make it stop
He always looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. He had nightmares, I think.
of course he had them it was me it was my fault I'm sorry
There was a pizza place called Freddy Fazbear's. My brother... He was terrified of the mascots. I don’t blame him. The four animatronics weren’t really the nicest thing. I remember them all… Freddy the Bear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Fox. He also had their plush toys, but he liked those. They were his friends.
I was 14 at the time. I didn’t really like my brother. Our father always liked me the least. Of all of us, I was the least favorite child. My siblings always got the attention. I got jealous.
So I scared him. I made his life the hell it was. I had a Foxy mask. I never gave it a rest. No one cared about me anyways.
My brother was called the Crying Child. Nobody knew his name. He was always crying.
it was my fault it was me
He had a yellow bear plush toy. He loved it. He never went anywhere without it. It was his best friend.
And I wanted to ruin it for him.
There was another pizzeria, Fredbear’s Family Diner. Yeah, Fredbear. Like his plush toy. It was made by the same guy as Freddy’s. It didn’t last long.
There were only two animatronics. A yellow bear and a rabbit. Fredbear and Bonnie. Something about them was wrong… I can’t remember what.
of course I can I just don’t want to
September 1983. It was his birthday. Me and my friends… decided to pull a prank on him. I was Foxy. They had the other masks.
I picked him up. We carried him to the show stage, where Fredbear and Bonnie were singing. He was trying so hard to get away.
I should’ve stopped
but I didn’t
I lifted him up.
He screamed.
His head was in Fredbear’s mouth.
He cried.
We laughed.
There was a loud, cracking noise.
Then it all went quiet.
I knew it wasn’t a joke. He couldn’t have done that.
There was screaming. I don’t remember the details. I didn’t know what happened. It wasn’t real, right? It was just a bad dream, a nightmare. He wasn’t moving. I couldn’t look away from him. Someone was shouting my name. I didn’t turn around. I couldn’t.
he died I did it I KILLED HIM
That was when… He… My father. He came there. He slapped me. Shouted at me. What was I thinking? Why did I do it?
for fun IT WAS A JOKE
I started crying. I couldn’t stop. My brother was dead. He couldn’t be alive. Fredbear’s fur was soaked with his blood.
I killed my brother.
make it stop
I can't do it I can't make it stop
He always looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. He had nightmares, I think.
of course he had them it was me it was my fault I'm sorry
There was a pizza place called Freddy Fazbear's. My brother... He was terrified of the mascots. I don’t blame him. The four animatronics weren’t really the nicest thing. I remember them all… Freddy the Bear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Fox. He also had their plush toys, but he liked those. They were his friends.
I was 14 at the time. I didn’t really like my brother. Our father always liked me the least. Of all of us, I was the least favorite child. My siblings always got the attention. I got jealous.
So I scared him. I made his life the hell it was. I had a Foxy mask. I never gave it a rest. No one cared about me anyways.
My brother was called the Crying Child. Nobody knew his name. He was always crying.
it was my fault it was me
He had a yellow bear plush toy. He loved it. He never went anywhere without it. It was his best friend.
And I wanted to ruin it for him.
There was another pizzeria, Fredbear’s Family Diner. Yeah, Fredbear. Like his plush toy. It was made by the same guy as Freddy’s. It didn’t last long.
There were only two animatronics. A yellow bear and a rabbit. Fredbear and Bonnie. Something about them was wrong… I can’t remember what.
of course I can I just don’t want to
September 1983. It was his birthday. Me and my friends… decided to pull a prank on him. I was Foxy. They had the other masks.
I picked him up. We carried him to the show stage, where Fredbear and Bonnie were singing. He was trying so hard to get away.
I should’ve stopped
but I didn’t
I lifted him up.
He screamed.
His head was in Fredbear’s mouth.
He cried.
We laughed.
There was a loud, cracking noise.
Then it all went quiet.
I knew it wasn’t a joke. He couldn’t have done that.
There was screaming. I don’t remember the details. I didn’t know what happened. It wasn’t real, right? It was just a bad dream, a nightmare. He wasn’t moving. I couldn’t look away from him. Someone was shouting my name. I didn’t turn around. I couldn’t.
he died I did it I KILLED HIM
That was when… He… My father. He came there. He slapped me. Shouted at me. What was I thinking? Why did I do it?
for fun IT WAS A JOKE
I started crying. I couldn’t stop. My brother was dead. He couldn’t be alive. Fredbear’s fur was soaked with his blood.
I killed my brother.
make it stop
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Hey! I'm scared now. How scary! Why did he kill him? Why was he joking? Please new part! I won't be able to sleep! Why do you write in English? Yours, JustLilly
O! v angleščini mi je lažje pisat, nobenega posebnega razloga. Ni sklanjanja in tega :)
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Živjo, vidim da obvladaš angleščino! Superca. :grin::wink: Zgodba je zlo zlo napeto-zanimiva. Moj lajk je tvoj :blush:
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Moram ti poivedati, da je tvoja zgodba ZAKON! Pa še malo angleščino utrdiš! Berem!:heartpulse::heartpulse:
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Hvala vam vsem za pozitivne komentarje! Zgodba se definitivno nadaljuje :)
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AMEN! POKLON! ZAKOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
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im really proud on myself coz i started to reading this even i still cant speak english very well but really i llove this story its like AMAZING mind-blowing really. i want tl write story like this but i wont coz it would be repeated.... i like how do you make that tension really im excited its......omgs i cant describe it u know too good to describe.....continue plz
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Jaz imam težavo. Imam 2 prijateljici. Klicala ju bom L in E.
L je moja bff, E pa je moja prijateljica. In L je včasih nesramna do drugih. In fora je v tem, da mene L preprečuje, da bi bila prijateljica od E. In enkrat sva šle z L drsat ona pa je prejšnji dan izgubila nike pro hlače. In je trdila, da jih je vzela E. In zdaj sem se z E pobotala, ampak L ni za. Aja prijateljica A pa mi je rekla, da me hoče E dati narazen z L.
Kaj naj naredim?
Lp Lanchy
Jaz imam težavo. Imam 2 prijateljici. Klicala ju bom L in E.
L je moja bff, E pa je moja prijateljica. In L je včasih nesramna do drugih. In fora je v tem, da mene L preprečuje, da bi bila prijateljica od E. In enkrat sva šle z L drsat ona pa je prejšnji dan izgubila nike pro hlače. In je trdila, da jih je vzela E. In zdaj sem se z E pobotala, ampak L ni za. Aja prijateljica A pa mi je rekla, da me hoče E dati narazen z L.
Kaj naj naredim?
Lp Lanchy
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nemorm nc druzgq rec:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::tired_face::tired_face::tired