Ah, Circus Baby’s. The “gas leak” restaurant. It was reopened in 1994, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t even a restaurant anymore. It was an underground facility, Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rental, now only for private parties. Yeah, it was opened in 1994. I just worked there in 2000.
oh boy what a mistake
I was a late-night technician there. I can’t remember why I did it. Since I knew all about animatronics, I thought that it’ll be okay.
it wasn’t
When I came there after all these years, it hit me hard. All the memories… When I applied for the job, I only thought about Elizabeth, never about the other stuff that might happen. I might find nothing at all. I might get injured.
I might die.
I might survive
The elevator ride felt like forever, and the yellow tablet that introduced itself as HandUnit didn’t make it any better. Compared to the facility itself, it looked old as hell. It probably was- its keyboard was glitching badly, and it somehow autocorrected my attempt to write “Mike Schmidt” to “Eggs Benedict”. What a technological wonder.
Why was I here again? Ah, yes, my sister. Supposedly, she was here. At least He said so. Why did o even trust Him? I don’t know. He knows more about this place than anyone. He built it.
The elevator stopped. There was a vent in front of me, and since there was no other way, I crawled in. It was very claustrophobic, but it was all over in a few minutes. I found myself in a small room that HandUnit referred to as the Primary Control Module. It had a vent on every side of it and I had a bad feeling that I’ll have to crawl in there. On the north wall, there was a poster of Circus Baby and a weird clown mask that I’ve never seen before. Overall, it wasn’t that bad.
not yet
My thinking was interrupted by HandUnit’s loud reminder to check on Ballora. Did I not hear it the first time? …How? Was I really that busy thinking about the room I’m in? No, not the room. The facility itself. From the Module, I could see the East and West parts of it. Ballora Gallery and Funtime Auditorium were dark, but you could still see that they were much bigger than they used to be. And that wasn’t even the whole place, the North part…
“Let’s check on Ballora and see if she’s on her stage,” HandUnit literally shouted this time. “Press the button on the elevated keypad…” To turn on the light, yeah, okay. Shut it. I know how to do it. Surprise, surprise, Ballora wasn’t there. I didn’t know how HandUnit’s recommended “controlled shock” was supposed to help. Ballora was just an animatronic… right?
actually no they were more
When I turned the light back on, Ballora was dancing on her stage again. Why? Why did the controlled shock help? The same happened with Funtime Foxy. This place…
HandUnit told me to check on Circus Baby, but I didn’t really listen to it. Since the gas leak, Baby was… different. I didn’t see her in person, but I saw the posters. Her eyes used to be blue, I remember that.
They were green now.
After another HandUnit’s reminder, I got into the North vent. This one wasn’t as long as the other one. In a minute, I was standing in another control module. This one only had one vent and a large keypad on the other side. Didn’t want to touch that, hah. Another small one, just like the ones in the Primary Module, was standing in the right corner. I turned on the light before HandUnit could say anything, but Baby was nowhere to be seen. I hesitated when HandUnit told me to shock her, but I did it anyways.
Nothing changed.
After two more failed attempts, even HandUnit gave up. It told me to go back to the elevator and leave. It didn’t have to say twice.
I had so many questions – why did shocking help? Why was the facility underground? Where was Baby?
what happened to her
oh boy what a mistake
I was a late-night technician there. I can’t remember why I did it. Since I knew all about animatronics, I thought that it’ll be okay.
it wasn’t
When I came there after all these years, it hit me hard. All the memories… When I applied for the job, I only thought about Elizabeth, never about the other stuff that might happen. I might find nothing at all. I might get injured.
I might die.
I might survive
The elevator ride felt like forever, and the yellow tablet that introduced itself as HandUnit didn’t make it any better. Compared to the facility itself, it looked old as hell. It probably was- its keyboard was glitching badly, and it somehow autocorrected my attempt to write “Mike Schmidt” to “Eggs Benedict”. What a technological wonder.
Why was I here again? Ah, yes, my sister. Supposedly, she was here. At least He said so. Why did o even trust Him? I don’t know. He knows more about this place than anyone. He built it.
The elevator stopped. There was a vent in front of me, and since there was no other way, I crawled in. It was very claustrophobic, but it was all over in a few minutes. I found myself in a small room that HandUnit referred to as the Primary Control Module. It had a vent on every side of it and I had a bad feeling that I’ll have to crawl in there. On the north wall, there was a poster of Circus Baby and a weird clown mask that I’ve never seen before. Overall, it wasn’t that bad.
not yet
My thinking was interrupted by HandUnit’s loud reminder to check on Ballora. Did I not hear it the first time? …How? Was I really that busy thinking about the room I’m in? No, not the room. The facility itself. From the Module, I could see the East and West parts of it. Ballora Gallery and Funtime Auditorium were dark, but you could still see that they were much bigger than they used to be. And that wasn’t even the whole place, the North part…
“Let’s check on Ballora and see if she’s on her stage,” HandUnit literally shouted this time. “Press the button on the elevated keypad…” To turn on the light, yeah, okay. Shut it. I know how to do it. Surprise, surprise, Ballora wasn’t there. I didn’t know how HandUnit’s recommended “controlled shock” was supposed to help. Ballora was just an animatronic… right?
actually no they were more
When I turned the light back on, Ballora was dancing on her stage again. Why? Why did the controlled shock help? The same happened with Funtime Foxy. This place…
HandUnit told me to check on Circus Baby, but I didn’t really listen to it. Since the gas leak, Baby was… different. I didn’t see her in person, but I saw the posters. Her eyes used to be blue, I remember that.
They were green now.
After another HandUnit’s reminder, I got into the North vent. This one wasn’t as long as the other one. In a minute, I was standing in another control module. This one only had one vent and a large keypad on the other side. Didn’t want to touch that, hah. Another small one, just like the ones in the Primary Module, was standing in the right corner. I turned on the light before HandUnit could say anything, but Baby was nowhere to be seen. I hesitated when HandUnit told me to shock her, but I did it anyways.
Nothing changed.
After two more failed attempts, even HandUnit gave up. It told me to go back to the elevator and leave. It didn’t have to say twice.
I had so many questions – why did shocking help? Why was the facility underground? Where was Baby?
what happened to her
Zabaven odgovor
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Nerazumljiv odgovor
WOOOWW!!!! KOMAJ ČAKAM NA NOV DELLLLLLLLL!!!!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Tak ko to berem mi nea more bit dc! Kuj iz postelje sem se vrgla in brala XD
SUPER JEEE!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Tak ko to berem mi nea more bit dc! Kuj iz postelje sem se vrgla in brala XD
SUPER JEEE!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Moj odgovor:
potrebuje pomoč ali nasvet v
čisto sem obupana, preveč si jemljem stvari k sebi
Imam 2 težavi in bi si res želela, če mi kdo pomaga vem, da je ena bolj zakomplicirana kot druga ampak postala bom anksiozna.
1. V šoli se dobro razumem z sošolkami, sošolci. Ker sem prvi letnik sem dobila nove in novo sošolko, z katero sem se povezala na začetku. Bilo je vse okej nekaj časa razumele sva se super sej se še zdaj... ampak mi je rekla, da sem tečna. Tudi spoznala sem sošolca in sma bila skupaj ampak se razhajava, ker mi je povedal danes v obraz, da sem dosadna. Baje preveč govorim in čisto sem obupana. Ne vem kaj naj, osamljena sem že nekaj tednov in preprosto nekaj mi manjka pa ne vem kaj:cry:. Kaj naj, da ne bom naporna in tečna. Nikoli ne bom nikogar primernega našla zase, če bom tečna, občutek imam, da sem že staršem in vsem po vrsti:sob:.
2. Grozno se počutim, ker imam probleme z dioptrijo in očmi, morala bi iti na pregled že v začetku novembra poslali so mi, da pridem komaj maja na vrsto, vsega sem kriva, ker se mi dioptrija prehitro slabša in se potem vsi name bunijo. Čisto sem obupana, ker imam tako rada tega okulista, ki ga imam ker je tako fajn, preprosto ima nek poseben odnos do mene in izžareva tako prijetnost in prijaznost... ne predstavljam si kako bo, ko več ne bom šla k njemu ali pa ko več ne bo delal tu kjer je zdaj... kako se naj sprijaznim z tem, da ne bo vedno moj okulist? Preprosto ga imam preveč rada in je najboljši zdravnik, ki sem ga spoznala v življenju:sob:. Vsak dan mislim samo na pregled za oči.
Prvi problem je najhujši, kaj če padem v depresijo??
Imam 2 težavi in bi si res želela, če mi kdo pomaga vem, da je ena bolj zakomplicirana kot druga ampak postala bom anksiozna.
1. V šoli se dobro razumem z sošolkami, sošolci. Ker sem prvi letnik sem dobila nove in novo sošolko, z katero sem se povezala na začetku. Bilo je vse okej nekaj časa razumele sva se super sej se še zdaj... ampak mi je rekla, da sem tečna. Tudi spoznala sem sošolca in sma bila skupaj ampak se razhajava, ker mi je povedal danes v obraz, da sem dosadna. Baje preveč govorim in čisto sem obupana. Ne vem kaj naj, osamljena sem že nekaj tednov in preprosto nekaj mi manjka pa ne vem kaj:cry:. Kaj naj, da ne bom naporna in tečna. Nikoli ne bom nikogar primernega našla zase, če bom tečna, občutek imam, da sem že staršem in vsem po vrsti:sob:.
2. Grozno se počutim, ker imam probleme z dioptrijo in očmi, morala bi iti na pregled že v začetku novembra poslali so mi, da pridem komaj maja na vrsto, vsega sem kriva, ker se mi dioptrija prehitro slabša in se potem vsi name bunijo. Čisto sem obupana, ker imam tako rada tega okulista, ki ga imam ker je tako fajn, preprosto ima nek poseben odnos do mene in izžareva tako prijetnost in prijaznost... ne predstavljam si kako bo, ko več ne bom šla k njemu ali pa ko več ne bo delal tu kjer je zdaj... kako se naj sprijaznim z tem, da ne bo vedno moj okulist? Preprosto ga imam preveč rada in je najboljši zdravnik, ki sem ga spoznala v življenju:sob:. Vsak dan mislim samo na pregled za oči.
Prvi problem je najhujši, kaj če padem v depresijo??
Veliki literarni natečaj "NAJST"
Sodelujte na natečaju "NAJST," ki ga najdete v rubriki FESTIVAL!
Dogodek je del programa bralne kulture, ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.
Pogosta vprašanja
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Zadnji odgovori
nemorm nc druzgq rec:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::tired_face::tired_face::tired